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      Built Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Urban Art, Urban Design, Urban Regeneration Through Art, Urban Light, Urban Development, Rehabilitation, Reuse of Industrial Buildings.Heritage PlanningSustainability in construction industryMilitary Heritage Building
XVIII. yüzyıldan önce, Osmanlı imparatorluğunda, ordunun savaşlarda elde ettiği zaferler nedeniyle Batı medeniyetlerine ilgi duyulmadığı gözlemlenmektedir. Balkanlarda yaşanan gelişmeler ile birlikte, Karlofça antlaşmasına sebep olan... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of Art18th CenturyMilitary Buildings
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHeritage StudiesAdaptive Reuse
In the last three decades of the 19th century, in Italy the cement production started and grew. In these years cement was widely used in civil and military employment. The officers of the Engineers Corps were active in the experimentation... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ArchitectureHistory of ConstructionReinforced Concrete Structures
Askeri alandaki teknolojik yenilikler hem mevcut savunma sistemini yenileme hem de özellikle 17.yy da istihkâm mühendislerinin geliştirmiş olduğu yeni sistemlerle birlikte kentlerde kalelerin dışında savunma yapıları yapma ihtiyacını... more
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      FortificationsKültür Varlıklarını Koruma ve OnarımMilitary Heritage BuildingErzurum Vilayet
Osmanlı Devletinde, modernleşme sürecinde, toprakları genişletme amaçlı taarruz yerine, toprakların korunması amaçlı savunma ilkesi öne çıkmıştır. Bu amaçla oluşturulan redif teşkilat, var olduğu süre içinde, ordu sisteminde görevini... more
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      Art HistoryOttoman HistoryArchitectureHistory of Art
The modernization process in the Ottoman Empire, started in the 18th century with “Lale Devri” (Tulip Era), and reached its peak in the 19th century. The first changes were initiated in the military field and the remodeling of the... more
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      Cultural HeritageConservation19th Century (History)Military Heritage Building
This article examines the controversial demolition of Antwerp’s celebrated 16th-century fortifications in the 19th century as well as the hotly debated fate of their remains today. The ensemble of Antwerp’s fortifications was unparalleled... more
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      Military HistoryCultural HeritageUrban HistoryHeritage Conservation
Due to the progressive abandonment of Italian military buildings, a heterogeneous whole distributed all over the national territory, it makes deep sense to study this considerable heritage, in order to re-function them and re-adjust the... more
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      Military HistoryArchitectureCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
There are many problems of fortification military heritage in Albania related to spatial and landscape impacts. These areas of formerly military functioning character after 1992 remained non-active and lost their attention and the routine... more
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      Urban RegenerationCultural TourismAdaptive ReuseBrownfields Redevelopment
Las casas de Reyna y de Sacramento: los primeros establecimientos de la Real Compañía de Guardias Marinas en la Real Isla de León. En Revista de historia naval, ISSN 0212-467X, Año nº 5, Nº 18, 1987, págs. 57-72 Estudio del primer... more
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      Cultural HeritageMilitary Heritage Building
The material remains of the First World War field-battles are gradually disappearing, especially in marginal mountain areas, due to negligence and changes in land coverage. The paper presents the first stage of an ongoing project, devoted... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical GeographyFirst World WarTrench Warfare (First World War)
Petit resum del que fou el re-descobriment i les primeres tasques de conservació de l'ara conegut Camp atrinxerat de La Fatarella.
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      Military Heritage BuildingFatarella
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCold War and Culture
De monasterio a cuartel: La fortificación de la Cartuja de Sevilla durante la Guerra de la Independencia. En Archivo hispalense: Revista histórica, literaria y artística, ISSN 0210-4067, Tomo 78, Nº 238, 1995, págs. 137-148 La evolución... more
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      Cultural HeritageMilitary Heritage Building
La Circolare MiBAC n.18/2011 descrive in modo dettagliato la procedura del DLgs.85/2010 art.5 comma 5 per il trasferimento dei beni immobili pubblici del federalismo demaniale culturale. Tuttavia, nel definire i contenuti dell’accordo e... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationDevolution, politics and social poilicyFiscal federalism and decentralizationCultural Heritage Management
De monasterio a cuartel: La fortificación de la Cartuja de Sevilla durante la Guerra de la Independencia. En Archivo hispalense: Revista histórica, literaria y artística, ISSN 0210-4067, Tomo 78, Nº 238, 1995, págs. 137-148 La evolución... more
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      HistoryHumanitiesArtCultural Heritage