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! " ! # $ ! % ITALY. RESTORATION OF SERIAL BUILDINGS: THE BARRACKS F. Turri(1), V. Cappelletti(2), E. Zamperini(3) Dipartimento di Ingegneria Edile e del Territorio. Università degli Studi di Pavia Facoltà di Ingegneria, Via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italia francesca.turri@unipv.it (1) viola.cappelletti@yahoo.it (2) emanzamp@yahoo.com (3) AREA TEMÀTICA 4: OTROS PATRIMONIOS. VALORACIÓN, PROTECCIÓN E INTERVENCIÓN EN EL PATRIMONIO CULTURAL RECIENTE Y EN LA OBRA CIVIL HISTÓRICA. Abstract Due to the progressive abandonment of Italian military buildings, a heterogeneous whole distributed all over the national territory, it makes deep sense to study this considerable heritage, in order to re-function them and re-adjust the principal local and territorial realities. Object of study are the barracks built from the unity of Italy (1861) until the Second World War (1945), those show high quality in construction and serial characteristics in morphology, layout, structural planning and constructional techniques. These aspects make the barracks an interesting subject of study to define a rational process of reconversion, through a methodological meta-project approach, capable of transcending the specificity of each individual barracks’ structure. Key-words: military heritage, barracks, serial buildings, historical construction techniques, preservation, restoration, recovery, meta-project approach, Italy. Barracks’ abandonment in Italy In Italy, following the process of the transformation of the Western defensive model, in the last decade the progressive abandonment of numerous military buildings that are no longer of use to the Ministry of Defence has been in course, with the objective of a more productive management of public heritage, development and re-functioning of the buildings. It is a considerable heritage, including the properties destined to national defence and properties linked to logistic and support needs: a heterogeneous whole, distributed all over the national territory, of great extension and importance, that has until now not been much studied for security reasons. Among these properties, of particular interest are the barracks, many abandoned (or in the course of abandonment) also following the suspension of national service; they constitute an important factor of development and re-adjustment for the principal local and territorial realities. The abandonment procedures already started concern so far 300 military properties, to which more will be added in the course of 2008; among these buildings converted for military use after the unity of Italy (1861), such as ex-convents turned into barracks, and also quarterings built between 1863 and 1945 according to a series of prototypes, and spread across the territory of the state, no longer suitable to fulfil the current needs due to technological evolution and the updating of the defence model. The quality of the constructions and the serial characteristics of these barracking sites, makes them an interesting subject of study with the aim of rationalising the process of reconversion of property and areas, to re-introduce them into a new functional context. The complexes are generally very large and the individual buildings are of considerable proportions, on the scale of hectares for the areas and hundreds of meters for the buildings. Furthermore, the suitable position in the urban fabric, often on the perimeters of the historical centres and along the principal ring roads, the size of the free areas, the formal dignity and the state of conservation of the buildings, the internal distribution rationality, the large dimensions of the environments and the regularity and modularity of the spaces and structures constitute important values to be developed in the environment of urban contexts in which the barracks are present. & ! Morphology of the structure As mentioned above, the planning and construction of the barracks followed regulatory schemes, adapted on the basis of rational criteria and consolidated experiences, in line with the most up-to-date technical and scientific knowledge of the age. The organization of the buildings on the inside of the plot respects the modalities codified in the military manuals following a precise hierarchy, without neglecting the functional and hygienic and sanitary needs. As such, the barracks are substantially referable to few structure typologies in slow but continual evolution, even though the division between the types is not always distinct. The functions of the command and the soldiers’ housing are aggregated around a central open space, constituted of: • a closed court, defined by a single building developed along the perimeter of the area, according to a solution used after the country’s unity in continuation with the constructions already tried out in the previous decades; • a principal building of linear development, finished with two wings, that overlooks a square, as well as other minor buildings; • a large quadrilateral square, next to which buildings are grouped according to recurrent schemes, variations on the various typological pavilion models. In this configuration the buildings, in the first decades after the unity of the country, were laid out in parallel rows, at right angles to the two sides of the square; subsequently the buildings were laid along the sides of the square (the two types co-exist in the decades preceding 1900); finally, the model of the functional soldiers’ pavillion was adopted, constructions with a U-shaped plan laid out along the two major sides of the square (from 1936 onwards). These solutions, even though they were flexible and adaptable to various contexts and conformations of the plot, allowed for a limited variability in the definition of the morphology of the structure, which as such assumed easily recognisable organised configurations. In any case, the buildings always assume a specialised function, along with the headquarters and barracks housing, common to all the corps, are always present, in relation to the entity and the type of military body adquartered (cavalry, artillery, infantry, special corps), other buildings designed for finishing and services, such as stables, laboratories, kitchens, riding schools, warehouses for carts and large armaments, canopies, gymnasia. Modular structure of the buildings Each type of building was planned according to typological and dimensional criteria, based on hygienic and functional studies, represented in prototypes in line with structural models characteristic to the constructional techniques of the age. In general the pavilions of the headquarters are constituted by a body of buildings of rectangular layout with supporting transversal walls and internal load-bearing walls to define a central distribution centre for rooms of medium size facing the longitudinal façades; the need for a large showroom and a space for meetings imposed partial modifications on the planimetric scheme. Barracks housing and stables, intended for the lodging of troops or horses, are defined by large volumes, articulated in various modular, environmental units, replicated numerous times. The dimensions of the modules were determined by reasons of the following kind: • hygienic and functional - with the depth of the body of the building dimensioned in relation to the illumination and ventilation of the rooms and to the maximum number of people or animals for the place; the height in consideration of the minimum volume of air for each soldier or quadruped; • constructive - depending on adequate space for intermediate ceilings and roofing. In the preferred solution the soldiers’ housing are made of many large dormitories of a rectangular layout, arranged at a right angle to the body of the building, each one constituting a module; in them, the beds are arranged in two rows, at right angles to the longer sides of the space; the length of the room, about 6 m, is the sum of the dimensions of the two beds and the intermediary passage (fig. 1). Fig. 1.- Prototype project (1863) for soldiers’ housing and stables (section and plans of first floor and ground floor) [1]. Fig. 2.- Soldiers’ housing of Valfré di Bonzo Barrack in Alessandria (1885-1891) (section and plan of ground floor) (drawing by P. E. Serra). ! The wall structure of the barracks housing is thus constituted of longitudinal, perimeter walls and transversal walls arranged at regular interaxis. The dormitories, repeated and aggregated together with accessorial modules - vertical adjoinments, orderly rooms, hygienic services - form a large body structure: from two to four floors above ground level, total length often superior to 100m, depth of 16-20 m, ceiling height of 4.5-5 m. The dimensions of the stables are defined according to a scheme analogous to that of the dormitories: two rows of horses with an intermediary passage (fig. 1), are laid out parallel to the transversal walls of the structure, determining an environment depth always superior to 9 m. Until about 1890, the stables were often placed on the ground floor of the dormitories; in this case the difference in the depth of the environments required specific constructional solutions, in order not to modify the dimensions considered ideal for the dormitories and stables. A solution proposed in 1863 [1], and used at length, consisted of the offsetting of the modules, placing a row of columns in the stable on the separation line between posts and the aisle, to support the dividing walls of the floor above (fig. 1). Subsequently the lodging of men and quadrupeds in the same structure was abandoned for hygiene reasons and the stables were constructed on one floor only; the soldiers’ quarters were then endowed with spaces for storage and gathering on the ground floor, reserving the upper floors for the dormitories (fig. 2) [3]. The constructional modular structure and typification also concern the complementary buildings, particularly the riding schools and the warehouses. The riding schools require united environments of large dimensions (until 1916, from 18 m x 38 m to 21 m x 52.5 m; subsequently 25 m x 60 m); the warehouses for war materials are organised according to a basilican scheme on one or three naves, with a body structure depth of about 18-20m and length superior to 100m. The buildings are always constituted of the iteration of standardised modules of 18-22 m (depth of the body structure) by 3-5 m; these dimensions represent the structural distance between each masonry pillar, laid out in correspondence to the covering structures, between which walls with large openings for ventilation and lighting are placed. The modular structure of the planimetric distribution clearly outlines the design of the façades, the formal aspect of which, linked to functions of recognisability and image, was never neglected. The articulation of the arches of the arcades towards the internal square and the rhythm of the windows on the superior floors, repeated to define long, ordered, simple, austere façades match perfectly the modular structure of the constructions and the internal environments. The language adopted and the choice of materials correspond to the necessity to make characteristics of military discipline and sobriety explicit, stressing the need for durability of the constructive elements in the time, and favouring the technical and economic issues against purely aesthetic research. Seriality of the constructional techniques The standardisation of the projects is clear also on the constructional level, on the basis of planning examples already developed, also in the constructive detail and in the examinations of statistics or tables and graphs for the structural calculations, published in the military press and in manuals for the Artillery and Engineer Schools. In the analysed period, in line with civil construction, there was therefore a progressive passage from traditional constructional techniques (elevation masonry structures, vault or wooden ceilings, wooden coverings) and modern ones (use of steel and reinforced concrete, initially only for ceilings and covers, then for frame elevation structures); to this transition the passage from planning according to empirical criteria to dimensions based on the theory of the resistance of material occurred. Particularly precocious, relative to the Italian constructional world, was the use of reinforced concrete, thanks to the study of certain officials (in particular Crescentino Caveglia and Emilio Marrullier) who elaborated patents and calculations, and promoted the use of this constructive technique with certain widespread publications [4], also in civilian circles. For each type of building, in relation to the spaces and loads, more suitable technical solutions were proposed and the admissible variations when the local conditions (the type of land, cost of materials, suitability of the workforce) rendered the standard solution unsuitable or impossible. The foundation structures were generally built as solid ones, that is building elevation walls directly on the ground, appropriately increasing in thickness to reduce the single load on the foundation floor; only in the first decades of the 1900s did reinforced concrete begin to be used. In the warehouses and riding schools, in which the elevation structures consisted of pillars and interposed walls, pillar foundations with arches supporting the walls were often used, a solution also suitable for the other buildings, when the resistant terrain was at a depth of 5-7 m; the use of posts was very rare. The wall structures, made from bricks or irregular stones and courses of bricks (muratura listata) accompanied by squared stone elements at points of major stress (bases and capitals of pillars, columns, lintels of windows), were often left visible to obtain the double objective of a craftsmanlike masonry and high aesthetic quality. The dimensions of the walling were defined using Rondelet’s theory, or analogous proportion rules, at times along with some simple checks on the stress at the base of the walls and pillars in the situations considered most critical. At first, the ceilings were made predominantly with vaults on the lower floors, and with wooden floors on the attic, to avoid thrusts on the masonry (1860-75); subsequently the use of steel I beams was introduced, coupled with small brick vaults, initially only in the attic (1875-90), then also on intermediate floors (1890-1900); finally, reinforced concrete floors were progressively used (from 1900 onwards). Fig. 3.- Historical construction techniques. Various type of trusses used in military buildings (approximate scale ratio 1:200): (a) wooden trusses used for various span until the second half of 1800 [2]; (b) trusses made of wood and cast or wrought iron in the last decades of XIX century [2]; wooden (c1) and steel (c2 and c3) trusses used in the first half of 1900 [4]. ! The covering structures are the environment in which the most variety of solutions exist, due to the great variability of the span: • in the soldiers’ quarters and the stables the supports consist of transversal walls with a gable form; the frame is almost always wooden, predominantly with beams (purlines) parallel to the ridge line (“alla lombarda” roof); in the stables the major spaces always require the use of wooden beams reinforced with series of corbels or, more often, struts. Already at the end of the 1800s, the use of steel purlines is common (with I or reticular beams) and from the early 1900s, reinforced concrete purlines were also used. • in the warehouses and riding schools the lack of in-between walls required the use of trusses: until around 1890, spaces inferior to 18-20 m were constructed entirely from wood (fig. 3.a), and for those of greater dimensions a mixed structure was used, like the Polonceau truss (Fink) that used wood for the principal rafter, wrought iron or steel for the tie-beams and cast iron for the struts (fig. 3.b3); subsequently, mixed wooden-steel structures were widely used, also for smaller spaces (fig. 3.b1 and 3.b2), and for larger spaces, steel (fig. 3.c2 and 3.c3) or reinforced concrete reticular structures (1930s). Critique and possible solutions The military complexes, that reach us relatively unchanged with respect to the original concept, constitute an important historic, technological and cultural testimony, but also a property heritage of high planning, economic and strategic potential to be developed. Some criticisms of the reconversion process need to be addressed, linked to the need to adapt to modern security and accessibility regulations, to the assessment of technological compatibility due to the performance of the technical and structural elements analysed, to the conditions of environmental wellbeing and the control of energy consumption, to the sustainability of the new functions in relation to the constraints of the buildings and their context. The seriality of the barracks, meant as a standardisation of the structure, the buildings, the constructional techniques and the methods of structural planning, make it possible to approach the theme of re-use through a methodological, meta-project approach, capable of transcending the specificity of each individual barracks structure (without neglecting the particular characteristics of each), extending the significance of the analysis and the planning proposals across a vast territorial system. Guidelines or abaci of compatible solutions can in fact be defined for the re-functioning and the technological and structural recovery of these complexes; it is particularly useful if the operations on the military structures are not treated on the individual scale, but rather through an extended project system consisting of numerous quarters spread over the territory. On the other hand, the distributive rationality, the regularity and modular structure of the spaces and the structures on supporting walls, the inherent flexibility in the buildings offer solid opportunities for new eventual uses for private and public use, respecting the original characteristics of the buildings and their architectural and constructional value: residence, accommodation construction, school and university construction and offices are just some of the functions that are testament to the feasibility of the project. Bibliography [1] G. Castellazzi, “Relazione a corredo di alcuni progetti di massima per caserme isolate di una batteria d’Artiglieria di campagna e di uno squadrone di Cavalleria”, Giornale del Genio Militare, Torino, 1863, pp. 13-27. [2] C. Caveglia, “Corso di costruzioni civili e militari. Volume 3”, Torino, 1878. [3] G. Marieni, “Progetti per l'acquartieramento di truppe di fanteria”, Rivista di Artiglieria e Genio, 1902, pp. 390-409. [4] E. Marrullier, “Guida pratica per la costruzione degli edifizi con speciale riguardo al cemento armato”, Torino, 1911.