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La storia di Ghino di Tacco (XIII sec.), bandito-gentiluomo, signore della fortezza di Radicofani, misteriosamente scomparso.
The story of Ghino di Tacco (XIII sec.), nobleman-bandit, Lord of Radicofani fortress, mysteriously vanished.
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCriminal Justice History
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      PhilosophyDance StudiesPerformance StudiesAlchemy
Se con il termine “teologia monastica” indichiamo quel vario e complesso insieme di produzione teologica, che ha avuto origine nell’ambito dei monasteri dei secoli X, XI e XII, Ruperto è uno dei rappresentanti più originali, significativi... more
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      Medieval TheologyRupert of DeutzMiddleages
The purpose of this article is to show that Friesland from Roman times up to Karel de Grote can be found mainly in the Scheldt basin and even further south. Friesland may have been in northwestern Europe in the distant past, but from the... more
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      Medieval FlandersOld FrisianMiddleages
L’articolo intende presentare le linee salienti della cristologia di Ruperto di Deutz, monaco benedettino del XII secolo, a partire da una sua opera significativa. Dopo una breve presentazione della sua figura e della sua produzione... more
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      Monastic StudiesChristologyMonasticismRupert of Deutz
The article discusses the customs of killing female new- born babies in early medieval Pomerania against the background of sim- ilar examples from ancient times (Greek and Roman customs), from the Middle Ages (Law of Frieses, examples... more
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      Pagan/Christian Relations in the Early Middle AgesSlavs pagan studiesFemale foeticide and Infanticide issuesFemale infanticide
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      Mythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesArthurian StudiesFolk legends
La storia di Edoardo II di Inghilterra (1284-1327), re poco politico e molto gaudente, morto in prigionia per probabile comando della sua regina. The story of Edward II of England (1284-1327), more reveller than political king, probably... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCriminal Justice History
The author presents a general review of the cycles of mural paintings at Castel Roncolo, just north of Bolzano. Bearing in mind new biographical studies on the Vintler family (to whom the commission of these paintings is usually... more
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      ProfaneMural paintingMiddleagesTyrolean History
La storia del conte Ugolino della Gherardesca (1210-1289), di cui parla anche Dante Alighieri nella Divina Commedia (Inferno, canto XXXIII), imprigionato e fatto morire di stenti. The story of Count Ugolino della Gherardesca (1210-1285),... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCriminal Justice History
Die Kirche als Baustelle war im Mittelalter der Normalfall, der vollendete Großbau die Ausnahme. Zahlreiche zeitgenössische Illustrationen geben eine Vorstellung vom mittelalterlichen Baubetrieb – oder auch nicht. Denn die... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Art HistoryBook Illustration
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      Medieval PolandMiddleages
Approntare l’edizione critica, tradurre ed esporre i principali temi teologici di un’opera ancora non adeguatamente conosciuta: questo è l’obiettivo prioritario che ci siamo posti con il presente lavoro di tesi. L’opera in questione –... more
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      Medieval TheologyMonastic StudiesChristian HebraismEbraismo
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      Galician StudiesOnomasticsMiddleages
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      Medieval ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)Archeologia medievaleAlto Medioevo
A historical and numismatic study of the coins of Louis of Nevers, Count of Flanders (1322-1346).
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesNumismaticsMedieval Europe
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      Urban DevelopmentRoman ArchitectureCroatiaDalmatia
"Review to Sarah Lambert/Helen Nicholson (ed.): Languages of love and hate. Conflict, communication, and identity in the Medieval Mediterranean (International Medieval Research 15), Turnhout: Brepols, 2012, XXIX + 284 pp., 9 figures, 2... more
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      Cultural HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval ItalyHoly Roman Empire
In the series Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis, two volumes appeared in 2013, edited by Paul Tombeur, which collect the books I-XIII of the Gesta abbatum Trudonensium, written by Rodulphus (books IVII) and Gislebertus (books... more
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      PhilologyMonastic StudiesRupert of DeutzMiddleages
Il breve articolo intende offrire una più completa descrizione del manoscritto cod. LXXVII della biblioteca dell’abbazia di Vyšší Brod (Rep. Ceca), la cui unica descrizione esistente salvo meliori iudicio risale al 1891. Dopo aver... more
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      Monastic StudiesManuscript StudiesMiddleages
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      Italian (European History)DiplomacyLettersHistory of Venice
Giovedì 28 Gennaio 2021, a partire dalle ore 18:30, sulla pagina Facebook e sul canale YouTube di ClassiCult e sul canale Twitch della Wunderkammer (, ospiteremo una diretta con presentazione della... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryMedieval HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine History
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesHistory of Science
Neben Personen sind die am häufigsten im Repertorium Germanicum vorkommenden Entitäten geographischer Art. Dörfer, Städte und Orte, an denen Klöster oder Stiftskirchen liegen, werden genannt, da ein Großteil der Regesten die Bewerbungen... more
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      GeographyDigital HumanitiesMittelalterMiddleages
Il testo di Elisabetta Gnignera verte sulla resa dell'abbigliamento popolare in alcuni tra i più importanti cicli dei Mesi del XII e XIII secolo. Elisabetta Gnignera's text focus on the popular clothing as shown in some among the best... more
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      Dress StudiesHistory of DressMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Gold florins, silver "grossi" and gold ducats, from Florence, France and Venice to Valencia: the Valencian adaptations of the most widely used European coins in the Late Middle Ages.
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      Economic HistoryLate Middle AgesInternational TradeIdentity (Culture)