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Starting in the 1930s, but especially during the Second World War, the intelligence agencies of Britain and the Jewish Agency for Palestine had a complicated relationship. They often worked together to fight common threats, such as Arab... more
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      Israel StudiesStrategy and Policy (History)Israel/PalestinePalestine
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      Israel StudiesCollective MemoryModern Jewish HistoryIsrael and Zionism
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsAnthropologyInternational Relations
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsEthnic StudiesGender Studies This article examines the interaction between official memory and popular memory through the case study of Olei Hagardom – Jewish underground fighters executed by the British in... more
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      Israel StudiesHistory and MemoryMemory StudiesCollective Memory
Meine Sicht als unabhängiger Christ. Inhaltsverzeichnis: 1. Zionismus und Antizionismus. a) Politischer Zionismus. b) Neo-Zionismus. c) Religiöser Zionismus kabbalistischer Tradition: Osteuropäischer Chabad-Chassidismus schlägt... more
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      KabbalahVladimir JabotinskyHalachaMenachem Begin
Als der Bundessicherheitsrat unter Kanzler Helmut Schmidt im Frühjahr 1982 neue Politische Grundsätze für den Rüstungsexport verabschiedete, wurde eine geheime Protokollnote angenommen, die als Israel-Klausel firmierte. Sie gab vor, dass... more
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      International HistorySaudi ArabiaHistory of International RelationsArab-Israeli conflict
• Ma 70 éve, 1948. június 22-én zárult le Izrael Állam születésének egyik legfájdalmasabb, azóta is ritkán emlegetett incidense a Tel Aviv Beach-en, amikor a zsidó állam függetlenségéért küzdő harcosok támadtak egymásra egy véres, halálos... more
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      Israel and ZionismMenachem BeginThe Altalena Affair
This article discusses the causes and processes that drove Menachem Begin and his Gahal party into the Israeli cabinet during the three-week waiting period preceding the June 1967 war (or Six Day War as it is commonly known). A close... more
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      Israel StudiesIsrael/PalestineModern Jewish HistoryIsrael and Zionism
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      World War IIWorld War II historyBritish Mandate, PalestineIrgun Zvai Leumi
The path for the Likud's establishment in the fall of 1973 was a weighty reference point for right-wing emergence in the State of Israel. The initiative to expand Gahal originated from different sources from within the Israeli political... more
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      Political PartiesIsrael/PalestineHistory of Political PartiesZionism
This article discusses the causes and processes that drove Menachem Begin and his Gahal party into the Israeli cabinet during the three-week waiting period preceding the June 1967 war (or Six Day War as it is commonly known). A close... more
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      Israel StudiesIsrael/PalestineModern Jewish HistoryMenachem Begin
מלחמת שלום הגליל היא אחת המלחמות השנויות במחלוקת בחברה הישראלית. הנרטיב הרווח קובע ששר הביטחון אריאל שרון הונה את ראש הממשלה מנחם בגין ואת הממשלה כולה. מנחם בגין והממשלה אישרו פעולה מצומצמת שנועדה להרחיק את הארגונים הפלסטיניים כארבעים... more
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      Israel StudiesLebanonArab-Israeli conflictMenachem Begin
Die Nachricht, dass Frankreich moderne Panzerabwehrraketen an Syrien liefere, sorgte 1978 für Unruhe in Israel. Produziert wurden die Flugkörper im Rahmen einer deutsch-französischen Rüstungskooperation. Daher forderte Israel von der... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryContemporary HistoryInternational HistoryHistory of International Relations
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      Human RightsTransitional JusticeRestorative JusticeHolocaust education
This article demonstrates how the process that eventually led to the founding of the Likud party in the fall of 1973, alongside the goal of creating an effective alternative to the Labor movement, was actually a failed attempt to diminish... more
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      Political PartiesIsrael/PalestineSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesIsrael and Zionism
This paper aims to shed further light on the response of Israeli society to the rise of the Black Panthers in 1971 by examining the attitude adopted by Menachem Begin and Gahal to the emerging Mizrahi protest movement. After discussing in... more
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      Political PartiesIsrael/PalestineSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesZionism
This article seeks to add another dimension to the growing and extensive research on right-wing Zionism, by returning to an era when the Likud was first created. I will examine the major difference between processes that have led to the... more
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      Political PartiesIsrael StudiesIsrael/PalestineModern Jewish History
This article examines the linkage between the Herut movement and the Mizrahi protest in Israel, describing and analyzing the changes in the relations between Mizrahi Jews and Herut Party leader Menachem Begin, as well as Begin’s attempts... more
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      Israel StudiesPolitical ScienceSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesIsrael and Zionism
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      Israel StudiesIsrael/PalestineModern Jewish HistoryIsrael and Zionism
The romantic, nineteenth-century image of the Bedouin as fierce, independent nomads on camelback racing across an endless desert persists in the West. Yet since the era of Ottoman rule, the Mzeina Bedouin of the South Sinai desert have... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesGeographyAnthropology
LINK: "What Can the (48-66) Military Government Teach us about the Occupation (1967 - ????) ?" Hebrew essay for the "Social History Workshop" - a blog featured in Haaretz's on-line Hebrew... more
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      Israel/PalestineIsrael and ZionismPalestinian-Israeli conflictPalestinians in Israel
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      International RelationsRhetoricIsrael StudiesConflict
שובו של הזאב הגדול שמו של ז׳בוטינסקי שב ועולה באחרונה בשיח הציבורי, בעיקר בשירות נסיכי ליכוד בדימוס וחוגיהם שמבקשים למצב עצמם כממשיכיו הלגיטימיים הבלעדיים והמנושלים, ואנשי מרכז-שמאל ציוני שבמסגרת קרב מאסף פוליטי מאמצים אותו כחלופה ימנית... more
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      NationalismVladimir JabotinskyMenachem BeginRevisionist Zionism
During the 1960s, the Haaretz newspaper was a staunch supporter of the key political decisions made by Menachem Begin, thus playing a significant role in reinforcing his legitimacy and that of his Herut movement. On the one hand, this... more
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      JournalismIsrael/PalestineCapitalismIsrael and Zionism
This paper deals with right-wing Zionist freedom-fi ghter and subsequent Israeli PM Menachem Begin’s career as head of the Betar youth movement in Poland, prisoner in Soviet Russia and underground leader in Palestine. Particular rumours... more
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      Israel/PalestineIsrael and ZionismMenachem Begin
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      Israel/PalestineCollective MemoryIsrael and ZionismMenachem Begin
In the beginning of the 1930s, a strong desire awakened amongst the maximalist faction of the Revisionist movement for the appearance of a 'gallows hero' — a Jew who would be executed by the British authorities and thereby change... more
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      Memory StudiesCollective MemoryIsrael and ZionismRight-Wing Movements
Siden palestinernes president Mahmoud Abbas forlot 2010-forhandlingene, har Israels statsminister gjentatte ganger invitert ham tilbake til forhandlingsbordet, så lenge alle betingelser legges til side. Men «ingen betingelser» er slett... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryMiddle East StudiesIsrael/PalestineDiplomacy
The 1967 Six-Day War was a turning point for the Middle East. No longer fighting for its survival, Israel became an occupying power on the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Sinai Peninsula to the banks of... more
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      Henry A. KissingerIslamic fundamentalismMenachem BeginJimmy Carter
This article seeks to add another dimension to the growing and extensive research on right-wing Zionism, by returning to an era when the Likud was first created. I will examine the major difference between processes that have led to the... more
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      Political PartiesIsrael StudiesIsrael/PalestineIsrael and Zionism
ÖSSZEFOGLALÓ: Az 1917-től 1948-ig fennállt palesztinai brit mandátum története csupán héber és angol nyelven rendelkezik gazdag szakirodalommal, magyarul egyedül Arthur Koestler Ígéret és beteljesedés című, publicisztika jellegű munkája... more
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      TerrorismIsrael and ZionismHistory of Palestine and IsraelBritish Army (Second World War)
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      Saudi ArabiaHelmut SchmidtMenachem BeginGerman-Israeli Relations
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      Saudi ArabiaGerman Foreign PolicyArab-Israeli conflictHelmut Schmidt
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      DiplomacyMediationMenachem BeginCamp David
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      Israel/PalestineCollective MemoryIsrael and ZionismMenachem Begin
The prevalent image of the newspaper Ha‘aretz identifies it as articulating an elitist viewpoint, a moderate liberal approach, and being politically dovish and – therefore – located decisively and permanently in opposition to the... more
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      Israel StudiesIsrael and ZionismMenachem BeginHaaretz
Siden palestinernes president Mahmoud Abbas forlot 2010-forhandlingene, har Israels statsminister gjentatte ganger invitert ham tilbake til forhandlingsbordet så lenge alle betingelser legges til side. Men «ingen betingelser» er slett... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryArtMiddle East StudiesDiplomacy
This paper aims to shed further light on the response of Israeli society to the rise of the Black Panthers in 1971 by examining the attitude adopted by Menachem Begin and Gahal to the emerging Mizrahi protest movement. After discussing in... more
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      Political PartiesIsrael StudiesIsrael/PalestineSephardi/Mizrahi Studies
המאמר מנתח את הדרך להקמת הליכוד בסתיו 1973 כנקודת ציון משמעותית בתהליך צבירת הכוח של הימין במדינת ישראל. היוזמה להרחיב את גח"ל הגיעה מגורמים שונים במערכת הפוליטית בישראל, משורות המפלגה הליברלית ומהאופוזיציה הפנימית בתנועת החרות. דווקא... more
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      Political PartiesIsrael StudiesIsrael/PalestineHistory of Political Parties
On 19 November 1977, Sadat became the first Arab leader to visit Israel officially when he met with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and spoke before the Knesset in Jerusalem about his views on how to achieve a comprehensive peace... more
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      EgyptologyIsrael/PalestineMenachem BeginInternational Broadcasting
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      Israel StudiesSaudi ArabiaHelmut SchmidtMenachem Begin
The prevalent image of the newspaper Ha‘aretz identifies it as articulating an elitist viewpoint, a moderate liberal approach, and being politically dovish and – therefore – located decisively and permanently in opposition to the... more
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      Israel StudiesIsrael and ZionismMenachem BeginHaaretz
This article examines the interaction between official memory and popular memory through the case study of Olei Hagardom – Jewish underground fighters executed by the British in Mandatory Palestine. Studies of collective memory usually... more
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      Israel StudiesJewish HistoryCollective MemoryZionism