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Within the context of the broader food sovereignty literature, and with a specific focus on notions of America Indian sovereignty, this article explores how members of thirty-nine different Native American community farming and gardening... more
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      Native American StudiesSovereigntyAgriculture and Food StudiesFood Sovereignty
Ethnographic research approach is used to study how food collective movement organizations (FCMOs) organize and create markets for locally produced and organic food in Finland. Increased evidence related to unsafety, unsustainability and... more
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      Local Food Movement•Consumer Movements and Food Activism
Local and regional food has emerged as an important arena for economic development and for social change. The western Lake Superior region offers significant opportunities and unique challenges for the redevelopment of a robust regional... more
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      AnthropologySustainable agricultureFood SystemsAnthropology of Food
"Cet article apporte un éclairage sur la consommation alimentaire de produits locaux, qui serait privilégiée par 83% des français en 2010. Après avoir défini le concept, la perspective consommateur et les stratégies développées pour se... more
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      Local and regional food systemsLocal Food MovementLocal Food SystemsConsommation Locale
Les circuits courts de distribution de produits alimentaires connaissent depuis quelques années un fort regain d’intérêt notamment parce qu’ils privilégient des relations de proximité entre producteurs et consommateurs, censées renforcer... more
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      Local foodLocal and regional food systemsLocal Food MovementConsommation Locale
Emerging as an intersectional response to social inequalities perpetuated by the mainstream food movement in the United States, the food justice movement is being used by marginalized communities to address their food needs. This movement... more
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      Food SystemsRace and EthnicityIntersectionality and Social InequalityIntersectionality
In a recent conference on the central role of food Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food and Terra Madre movements, stated that, " Food comes from Nature via the Earth and through it becomes culture ". Food, as the matter that connects... more
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      Italian StudiesEcocriticismAgriculture and Food StudiesEnvironmental Humanities
Taken up by activists and academics alike, food sovereignty has now become a rallying cry for both established tribal programs and grassroots projects across Indian country. However, what is meant by the term often varies considerably.... more
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      Native American StudiesAgriculture and Food StudiesFood SovereigntyFood Studies
We review several alternative food movements (AFMs) that have emerged in response to changing food production during the twentieth century. The shift from small-scale, family-owned operations to massive, corporatized factories has... more
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      Social MovementsFood EngineeringFood and NutritionFood Security
Food is becoming an increasingly disputed issue, and food movements have emerged in both the Global North and Global South. Food security and food sovereignty are still influencing the everyday life of almost 1 billion people in the... more
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      Social MovementsSustainable agriculturePolitical consumerismLocal Food Movement
To be known on the market, to exist for the consumers and to influence their behavior, to be positioned from competitors, to have a distinctive image, the organizations must realize an efficient marketing communication policy. Included in... more
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      MarketingPackagingLocal and regional food systemsLocal Food Movement
Food and agriculture are in the news daily. Stories in the media highlight issues of abundance, deprivation, pleasure, risk, health, community, and identity. Remaking the North American Food System examines the resurgence of interest in... more
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      Social MovementsSustainable agricultureCommunity Supported AgricultureLocal Food Movement
As popular food writers and activists urge consumers to express their social, political, and ethical commitments through their food choices, the imperative to ‘vote with your fork’ has become a common slogan of emerging food movements in... more
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      Food ethicsAgriculture and Food StudiesSocial ResponsibilityLocal Food Movement
Gıdanın ticarileşmesi artık gıda güvenliğini tehdit ediyor. Özellikle gıda ithalatı başlı başına öncelikle çiftçiyi sonrasında tüketiciyi dört bir yanından çevirip sarmalıyor. Artık market raflarında cici bici ambalajlarında kaplanmış,... more
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      Food SafetyPlant EcologyLocal foodEcology
Cities are a locus for struggles over the ability for historically marginalized groups to feed themselves. These stratified spaces represent a distinct expression of the conventional agrifood system: the undernutrition/malnutrition... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental SociologySocial MovementsUrban Geography
This paper analyzes 'food sovereignty' and the movements that work for it at local, national, and supranational levels and at the intersection of markets, governments, and civil society. The goal is to illuminate potential aspects of... more
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      Democratic TheoryDeliberative DemocracyFood SovereigntyTheories of Sovereignty
The food justice movement is a budding social movement premised on ideologies that critique the structural oppression responsible for many injustices throughout the agrifood system. Tensions often arise however when a radical ideology in... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologySocial MovementsUrban Geography
The alternative food movement encounters many structural conditions as it strives toward more environmentally sustainable and socially just agrifood systems. One of the greatest challenges the movement faces is not turning its back on... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental SociologyRural SociologyPolitical Economy
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      Social MovementsFood SovereigntyFood SecurityLocal Food Movement
The localisation of food production, particularly in the form of urban/peri-urban agriculture, is only gaining increasing public and political attention in industrialised nations such as Australia amid growing concerns about urban... more
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      Local foodAgriculture and Food StudiesLocal Food MovementSustainable Urban Planning
Much of the alternative food movement is predicated on a prefigurative politics of building alternatives to the conventional agrifood system, with only a smaller segment invested in a politics of confrontation with that very same system.... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorSociologyEnvironmental Sociology
Dans le prolongement de l’éditorial de Décisions Marketing : « La proximité est-elle une nouvelle mode du marketing ? », cet article interroge la pertinence managériale du concept de proximité en vente directe de produits alimentaires.... more
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      Local foodOrganic, Local & Sustainable FarmingLocal and regional food systemsLocal Food Movement
There is a growing commitment by different parts of the alternative food movement (AFM) to improve labor conditions for conventional food chain workers, and to develop economically fair alternatives, albeit under a range of conditions... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic Sociology
Motivated by an observation that new forms of organizing and alternative practices for exchange increasingly transpire outside formal organizations, this doctoral dissertation adopts a social practice approach to study how food... more
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      Practice theoryAlternative forms of management and organizationAlternative EconomiesEthnographic Methods
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      Organic agricultureLocal foodOrganic, Local & Sustainable FarmingOrganic Farming
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      Human EcologyHumorSustainable DevelopmentLocal Economic Development
Local food initiatives are steadily becoming a part of contemporary cities around the world and can take on many forms. While some of these initiatives are concerned with providing consumers with farm-fresh produce, a growing portion are... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyEnvironmental EthicsFood SovereigntyFood Security
There has been an increasing focus on the local food movement and farmers markets that supply this food. Most studies have focused on profiling the consumer or motivations for purchasing local food however few have focused on the... more
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      Tourism ManagementSustainable Tourism DevelopmentLocal Food MovementSustainable/Responsible Tourism
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      Food SystemsSocial EnterprisesGrassroots MovementsLocal Food Movement
This research project case describes my investigation of the increasing collaborations among alternative food initiatives in Canada. Using a community-based participatory approach, I explored the efforts to foster and maintain alternative... more
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      Social MovementsPopular EducationSocial NetworkingMixed Methods
This article identifies a hitherto understudied element of local food communities, namely their potential as counter-movements to nationalist discourses, practices and policies. This potential should be particularly valuable in Eastern... more
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      Cross-border cooperationRural DevelopmentSolidarity EconomyLocal Food Movement
Despite popular momentum behind North American civil society initiatives to advance social justice and ecological resilience in the food system, food movements have had limited success engaging with migrant farmworkers. This article... more
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      ImmigrationCommunity-Based Participatory ResearchMigrant workersLocal Food Movement
In different cities and in diverse ways, we-the authors of this chapter-are connected to gardens, to building the urban commons and to knowledge creation. We met at the International Conference of Critical Geography " Precarious... more
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      Action ResearchUrban AgricultureLocal Food MovementUrban agroecology
Cet article apporte un éclairage sur la consommation alimentaire de produits locaux, qui serait privilégiée par 83% des français en 2010. Après avoir défini le concept, la perspective consommateur et les stratégies développées pour se... more
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      MarketingLocal and regional food systemsLocal Food MovementConsommation Locale
How can we break away from a fixation on top-down power dynamics and track the impact of social movements in societies that do not easily fit with Western neoliberal theorisations? Building on Foucault's insights on governance, this... more
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsChinaBiopolitics
Ulrich Beck fundamentally transformed our way of thinking about human interdependence through his three core theses on risk, individualisation and cosmopolitanisation. However, two commonly observed deficiencies in Beck’s grand theory... more
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      Social TheoryCosmopolitanismSocial ActivismChina
Local sustainable food systems have captured the popular imagination as a progressive, if not radical, pillar of a sustainable food future. Yet these grassroots innovations are embedded in a dominant food regime that reflects... more
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      Food SafetyCommunity DevelopmentAgroecologyFood Systems
Neste trabalho utiliza‑se o marco teórico de Seyfang (2009) para a avaliação da sustentabilidade do movimento dos GAS na Itália e em Roma. Esse marco teórico considera essenciais cinco dimensões do consumo sustentável: localização,... more
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      Local and regional food systemsLocal Food MovementLocalized Agri-food Systems
Today the relationship between food and cities is revitalizing urban areas, as food production practices transform locales one block and one neighborhood at a time. The key catalysts of this transformation include the commitment to... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyApplied EthicsLocal foodEnvironmental Ethics
Farm-to-hospital (FTH) programs can potentially improve the economy of local communities and preserve the environment. Research on adoption of farm-to-hospital (FTH) programs is extremely limited in the agricultural and applied economics... more
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      Sustainable agricultureAgricultural EconomicsLocal and regional food systemsLocal Food Movement
This paper analyzes ‘food sovereignty’ and the movements that work for it at local, national, and supranational levels and at the intersection of markets, governments, and civil society. The goal is to illuminate potential aspects of... more
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      Democratic TheoryDeliberative DemocracyFood SovereigntyTheories of Sovereignty
Production methods in the world change due to hybrid seeds that are produced by unhealthy agricultural products. Likewise, unhealthy dairy products are obtained from animals genetically modified by industrial ways. Native species of... more
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      Tourism StudiesGastronomyLocal foodFood Culture and Literature
Developing safe and sustainable food production for its population has been central to China's 'Modernisation Project'. Yet recent fieldwork in three Chinese cities suggests that there are two conflicting views on what a 'modern'... more
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      Social TheoryFood PolicyGlobalisation and DevelopmentModernity
A report for Food Exeter- Food security and Food Justice are complex issues in Britain facing consumers, producers, local authorities and policymakers alike in the 21st Century. There are urgent problems that require addressing at both... more
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      Food PolicyLocal GovernmentLocal foodUrbanism
INTRODUCTION Over the past three decades, scholars and activists engaged in agriculture, food systems, and consumerism have demonstrated food’s significance to the human experience, particularly during the modern epoch. The subject of... more
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      GlobalizationWelfare StateWar StudiesRevolutions
Collective food buying groups, such as community supported agriculture or self-organised citizen groups for delivery of food baskets, have emerged throughout the world as an important niche innovation for promoting more sustainable... more
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      Social NetworksSustainable Production and ConsumptionSocial NetworkingSociology of Food and Eating
This article draws on lessons from the Bracero Program to examine the problematic ideologies of race and citizenship that circulate in the alternative food movement today. It argues that a worker-centered transnational solidarity movement... more
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      ObesityAgricultureCitizenshipFood Studies
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      Social TheoryCosmopolitanismRiskSocial Activism
Purpose This study investigates how attributes associated with local food (intrinsic product quality; local support) motivate purchase behaviour. Previous research assumes heterogeneity in consumer motivation, but this has never been... more
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    • Local Food Movement
Recently, growing numbers of interns, apprentices, and volunteers are being recruited to work seasonally on ecologically oriented and organic farms across the global north. To date, there has been very little research examining these... more
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      Labor EconomicsAgroecologyFood SystemsWork and Labour