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      James JoyceJane AustenEdith SteinJean Paul Sartre
Il punto di vista è una caratteristica inscindibile ed insita del linguaggio filmico. Ogni rappresentazione cinematografica è filtrata da uno sguardo multiforme che è spesso testimonianza di una coscienza collettiva e complesse dinamiche... more
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      Queer StudiesFeminist Film StudiesFeminist film theoryGay and Lesbian History
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      EthicsFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityHans JonasLo Sguardo
A partire dalla formulazione dello sguardo di Lacan, siamo condotti alla scoperta di quello felino e dei complessi, privatissimi risvolti che provoca il rispecchiarsi in esso. In altre parole, chiedersi chi sia il gatto passa... more
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      EthologyPhilosophyAnimal ScienceAnimal Behavior
The cinematographic experience of Goliarda Sapienza preceded her literary production. It is hence reflected in her novels, which it imbues with topics, images and perspectives. In particular, Io, Jean Gabin stands out as the novel through... more
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      Queer StudiesLiterature and cinemaSpectatorshipContemporary Italian Literature
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      Diagnostic RadiographyConservationHistory of SculptureArt Conservation
Taking issue against an established view, which reduces the interactions between Bergson and Sorel to a shared 'irrationalism', the article reconstructs successive phases of engagement between the two, focussing on the question of... more
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      Intellectual HistoryReception StudiesHenri BergsonFrance
Abstract: This essay attempts to draw connections between medieval maps and their many monsters, digital cartographical interfaces, and modern experiences of the world. Each impacts our understandings of the others. The medieval notion of... more
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      ArtLo Sguardo
The purpose of this article is to discuss, through Bergson and Whitehead, the status of the order of nature in a philosophy of immanence. After a brief outline of the way Bergson and Whitehead face the question of the order of nature, we... more
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      PhilosophyHenri BergsonAlfred North WhiteheadProcess Philosophy
One of the many ways in which pop philosophy has reached the contemporary cultural life of every one of us is through publishing. In this interview professor Irwin, known for his work for the Open Court Publishing’s Popular Culture and... more
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      PhilosophyPublishingPop Culture and philosophyPopular Culture
Il testo inedito qui presentato è la versione riveduta ed ampliata del saggio pubblicato nella rivista “O Ideàrio Patrimonial” n. 13, dicembre 2019, pp. 33-40. Reperibile al link ed ora anche in nella... more
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      VisionePercezioneProcessi cognitiviLo Sguardo
Argomenti: La luce: cosa è, come si genera. Diffusione e assorbimento: i colori di cielo, nuvole, tramonto, spazio. La fisiologia della visione. La percezione è diversa dalla visione: forme e colori ingannevoli. Arte figurativa... more
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      Psychophysics of visionVisual perceptionElementary Science EducationIllusion
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For this special issue, dedicated to the historical break in what one might call 'the politics of feeling' between ancient 'passions' (in the 'soul') and modern 'emotions' (in the 'mind'), I will... more
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this is not my paper i just uploaded this randomlt
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    • Lo Sguardo
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    • Lo Sguardo
Nel maggio 1908 Hugo von Hofmannsthal intraprende un viaggio in Grecia alla scoperta del legame ideale che unisce la cultura classica e la modernità. In un primo momento l’esperienza si rivela deludente, poiché il poeta sembra fallire nel... more
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      Visual and Cultural StudiesLo Sguardo