Visual and Cultural Studies
Recent papers in Visual and Cultural Studies
O periódico A Casa, revista das construções modernas, como chegou a ser chamado, foi fundado no Rio de Janeiro em 1923, encer- rando-se em 1940. A partir da análise crítica da sua visualidade e de seu conteúdo, em quase 20 anos de... more
GORA is a product of the new televisual production regime in Turkey. GORA represents the coming together of two products of television in Turkey: the technical excellence of the television infrastructure and the new, popular television... more
Derived from Maithil practices and festivals and assumed to protect the household, the Madhubani Paintings spread since the 1960s in India and abroad. Transferred on paper in order to be commercialized, they undergo important changes. I... more
How do we socially negotiate what is seen or not seen in an institution? This dissertation posits the idea that educational institutions reproduce social exclusions and inequalities both through verbal exchanges and through practices of... more
C’è almeno un aspetto della generale prassi antagonista esercitata dal movimento autonomo italiano degli anni settanta che, ancora oggi, meriterebbe un’attenzione critica svincolata dal ricorrente discorso sui cosiddetti anni di piombo,... more
Cultural examinations focusing on the spheres of the Fine Arts and popular media forms – within sociology, gender studies and cultural studies – have primarily focused on how gender roles affect the ability to fully participate in all... more
Aborda el tema de la mujer en el grabado ukiyo-e, cómo evoluciona su imagen y la tipificación del ideal de belleza. It addresses the theme of women in ukiyo-e printmaking, how their image evolves and the typification of the ideal of... more
En este artículo, así como Mary Poppins que retira de su valija de viaje una infinidad de objetos, comparto mis vivencias, experiencias, imágenes, repertorios, archivos y cuestionamientos que vengo teniendo en los últimos años, para... more
במאמר זה אבחן את טבעו של השיח המקוון, קרי השיח המתבצע באינטרנט: דואר אלקטרוני, צ'טים, פורומים, בלוגים, רשתות חברתיות וכד'. כמו כל תופעה בעולם הנחקרת בכלים פילוסופיים, ניתן לחקור את השיח המקוון באמצעות תאוריות וכיווני הגות מגוונים. בכוונתי... more
La civilisation du journal ne voit pas seulement apparaître une circulation accrue des idées, une extension du lectorat, un mode d’information tissé de romanesque et de nouveaux rythmes liés à la quotidienneté. Elle instaure aussi... more
The paper defines the role of airlines’ names in nation branding. The author describes the types of identity (territorial, political, ethnic) in airlines’ names and the main types of onyms communicating these identities. Key words:... more
English edition of the book on Emilio Tadini. The book revolves around the figure of the Italian artist and intellectual Emilio Tadini. A prolific painter and writer, Tadin still deserves to receive the broader recognition as a leading... more
Der österreichische Photochemiker und -historiker Josef Maria Eder (1855-1944) verkörpert in mancher Hinsicht die Summe der photographischen Kultur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Er wird in "Photographie als Wissenschaft" mit eigenen... more
Desde fines del siglo XIX la concentración fabril y ferroviaria en La Boca hicieron que se congregara un intenso movimiento sindical socialista y anarquista. La actividad portuaria condensaba la mayoría de los aspectos de la vida barrial... more
Au cours de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, l'ophtalmologie se développe comme une spécialité médicale à part entière. Des chaires universitaires, des hôpitaux et des cliniques, des associations professionnelles et une presse... more
Az Instagram és a Snapchat, illetve az emotikonok, GIF-ek és matricák küldésén alapuló csevegés korában érdemes újragondolni azokat a vélekedéseket, amelyek a képi kommunikáció egyetemességét, nyelvi akadályokat legyőző, nemzeteken... more
Étude approfondie de l’iconographie textile et vestimentaire du portrait de François Ier peint par Jean Clouet afin de proposer une relecture d’une herméneutique plus complexe que ne l’ont laissé penser les recherches fondamentales de... more
Shifting from representationally-oriented analysis of images to analysis of practices—the production, circulation and consumption of tourists’ images, and from photos created by tourists to photos staged, produced and displayed by the... more
Los mestres de capoeira califican el modo de relación que se establece durante el jogo como un diálogo corporal en donde cada movimiento de interacción entre los contendientes corresponde a una pregunta y/o respuesta. Este artículo viene... more
Today Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam have the largest populations among world religions. These three worldviews have made monumental contributions in shaping the visual arts of human civilization. This paper serves to provide a brief... more
As a yet small academic field, historical video game studies are in a crucial and interesting moment of development. The most recent contributions, looking at the re-validation of historical themed video games as proper historical... more
The Ethic Implications of Ewa Borzęcka’s an Audio-visual Historical Narrative as Presented in her Film “ARIZONA” Summary Many historians are convinced that historical film narration can not be treated in the similar way as academic... more
This text reviews and discusses the retrospective exhibition of the late Nathan Lyons (1930-2016) at the George Eastman House (January-June 2019). The show was originally conceived with Nathan Lyons as an exhibition of his then current... more
The early ethnological works of Alfred Métraux are analysed bearing in mind his first fieldwork trip to the Chiriguano, in 1929. The paper discusses personal, academic and professional features of Métraux’s ethnological experience, the... more
מרבית המחקרים המנתחים את זיכרון הנאציזם בחברות הגרמניות שקמו לאחר מלחמת העולם השנייה טוענים שגרמנים רבים הדגישו את סבלם שלהם במלחמה כאסטרטגיה שנועדה להסתיר את השותפות הפסיבית או האקטיבית של האוכלוסייה הגרמנית לרדיפת היהודים. מאמר זה טוען... more
Partimos del análisis del diálogo con la imagen que se genera a través la interactividad que los usuarios de Facebook crean mediante sus comentarios. Entendido por Bajtín como una forma primordial del mensaje, y visto como una estructura... more
This research in about the analysis of the dialogue with the image, which is generated through the interactivity that the users of Facebook create through their comments. Understood by Bakhtin as a primordial form of the message, and seen... more
While art historians discussed the Book of Kells in its relation to the Insular Style that spanned the British Isles, the nationalization of the manuscript throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth century caused a shift in the... more
Der Beitrag setzt sich mit der Repräsentation von maskulinen Körpern in Musikvideos auseinander. Unter Rekurs auf Michel Foucaults Theorie der Macht wird analysiert, wie Leitbilder der Männlichkeit performativ produziert werden und als... more
Worin besteht eine visuelle Kultur der Migration? Ömer Alkin liefert hierfür die erste umfassende Geschichte und Analyse des ›deutsch-türkischen Kinos‹. Mit seinem Konzept der »Polyzentrierung« macht er die populären Yeşilçam-Filme aus... more
Le fotografie della Resistenza italiana accumulate nel corso dei decenni sono migliaia: le hanno raccolte anzitutto gli ex partigiani, nel tentativo di tenere vivo, anche con le immagini, il ricordo della guerra di Liberazione. Il libro... more
Reverence, Resistance and Politics of Seeing the Indian National Flag Cambridge University Press, 2016. ISBN 978-1-107-11887-4 Hardback. Length: 268+xxvii Information on this title: more