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Lacan’s concept jouissance marks the both painful and joyful disturbance of a mind’s libidinal equilibrium which also gives coherence to the basic structure of reality from the point of view of the individual. Because someone can live a... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial Psychology
V seriji člankov bomo v naslednjih tednih orisali kako je potekalo vsakdanje življenje v Ljubljani v prvih dveh desetletjih po 2. svetovni vojni. Tokrat predstavljamo gostilne in kavarne.
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      SocialismCafesLjubljanaSocial life
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      IconographyMiddle AgesLjubljanaCity Hall
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      Medieval urban historyMedieval ArchaeologyLjubljanaarheologija, srednji vek
Prvi maj praznujemo v spomin na krvave proteste leta 1886 v Chicagu, ko so delavci protestirali za osemurni delavnik in ostale delavske pravice. Prvi maj je tekom desetletij postal praznik dela v večini držav, med državami, ki ga ne... more
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      Yugoslavia (History)FeastingLjubljanaWorkers
Abstract During the second half of July and the first days of August 1883, the provincial committee of the Duchy of Carniola (Deželni odbor vojvodine Kranjske) organized a provincial exhibition in the Oberrealschule of Ljubljana to... more
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      Early Iron AgeHoardsCopper ageLate Roman Period
V ponedeljek, 16. julija 2018, sem imel opravek v bližini Zmajskega mostu, in ko sem ga razmišljeno prečkal, kot najbrž že tisočkrat prej, sem se ne vem zakaj spomnil, da mi je Primož Simoniti pred časom govoril o plošči z latinskim... more
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      HomerHistory and MemoryClassical philologySlovenian History
V prispevku avtor prikazuje razvoj stanovanjskih razmer v Ljubljani v prvih dveh desetletjih po drugi svetovni vojni. Prikazan je celovit razvoj stanja stanovanjskega fonda, predvojne razmere, povojna obnova, industrializacija mesta,... more
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V drugi polovici 19. stoletja so se vzporedno z vzponom meščanstva in njegove morale načini poročnih izbir začeli znatno spreminjati. Proti koncu 19. stoletja so se ustvarile nove zapovedi in posredne prisile »odgovorne izbire poročnega... more
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      HistorySociologyGender StudiesNationalism
What was workers’ self-management and what did it aspire to be? A naive attempt to turn utopian ideas into reality, or just a strategy to be deployed in international relations? A way to camouflage totalitarian rule by a single political... more
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      Self ManagementYugoslavia (History)Slovenian HistoryLjubljana
Športne organizacije so začeli v Ljubljani ustanavljati v drugi polovici 19. stoletja, razmahnile pa so se šele po prvi svetovni vojni. To vidimo tudi jz preglednic za obdobji pred prvo svetovno vojno in med obema svetovnima vojnama. Prav... more
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      HistoryHIstory of SportSloveniaLjubljana
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      Architectural HistoryLjubljana
Prof. Reiner (1825-1897) from Celovec and B. Lergetporer (1845-1910) from Bled, the authors of the first series of the landscape photographs of Carniola and other lands... more
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      Landscape Photography19th CenturyMountainsVienna
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      Baroque art and architectureLjubljana
Država SHS je bila državna skupnost, ki so jo ustanovili habsburški Jugoslovani ob državni odcepitvi od Avstro-Ogrske monarhije 29. Oktobra 1918. Obstajala je do 1. Decembra 1918, ko se je s Kraljevino Srbijo združila v Kraljevino SHS.... more
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      YugoslaviaCroatian HistorySerbian historyFirst World War
This essay interprets feminist and lesbian street actions, street art and graffiti in Ljubljana (Slovenia) as sporadic, anonymous, fleeting, and illegal interventions in the institutionalized sphere of feminist knowledge (re)production... more
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      Feminist activismGrassroots MovementsFeminist Cultural ActivismsSlovenia
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      Ljubljana19. stoletje18. StoletjeEcclesia catholica
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      Baroque Venetian SculptureLjubljanaFrancesco RobbaJacopo Contieri
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      ArchitectureYugoslaviaModern ArchitectureModernism
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      LjubljanaRoman EmonaRoman ArchaeologyAquileia-Emona Road
In Slovenia as an independent state after the disintegration of Yugoslavia (1991) ice hockey is one of the traditional team sports with successes at the international level and qualifications for the Olympics (Sochi 2014, Pyeongchang... more
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      Sports HistorySports ManagementIce HockeyYugoslavia (History)
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      Roman HistoryImperial RomeRoman EmpireRomanisation
The late ancient legend of the Argonauts which, according to both ancient and modern historiographers, dates back to the 13th century BC1 says that prehistoric Emona was founded by Jason on his way home from Colchis.2 During Roman times,... more
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      Settlement PatternsUrbanismIron AgeLate Bronze Age
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      Ljubljana18. StoletjeOrdinacijeEcclesia catholica
The Deeds Pertaining to the Jesuit College of Ljubljana in the period 1592-1751 August 7, 2014 marks the 200th anniversary of the restoration of the Society of Jesus, whose work in the past has left an indelible impression on... more
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      LjubljanaŠolstvolistine Jezuiti
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      ArchaeologyLate Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron AgeEarly Iron Age
U članku se analiziraju vojne operacije na području Podvučjaka i bitka za Odžak kojom krajem svibnja 1945. završava Drugi svjetski rat na europskom tlu. U prvom dijelu prezentiraju se geografska i demografska obilježja ovog prostora, a u... more
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      War CrimesBosnian HistoryBosnaLjubljana
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      HistoryLjubljanaRoman EmonaZgodovina
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      18th Century ArtViennaLjubljanaTeutonic Order
Kratice LASK nam skrivajo pozabljeno in izgubljeno športno zgodbo, sovpadajočo s športnim in univerzitetnim vrenjem po prvi svetovni vojni, potem ko je bila ustanovljena jugo-slovanska država. V članku odstiramo na osnovi ohranjene-ga... more
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      HistorySports HistorySlovenian HistoryCivil Society
In 2010, on the 10th anniversary of Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns (in Slovene, Rdeče zore), Tea Hvala interviewed seventeen former and current festival organizers about their contribution to the visibility of feminist and queer... more
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My MA Thesis on Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns (Rdeče zore). In it, I wonder whether the festival managed to create a feminist and queer public (space) in its ten-year-long history. I discuss feminist political theory of... more
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      Queer TheoryOral historyFeminist Political TheoryLjubljana
Zgodovina obveznega osnovnega šolstva na Slovenskem ni povezana samo z oblikami poučevanja, vrstami izobraževanja, pravnimi predpisi o izvajanju šolanja in uveljavljanjem državne emancipatorne in nacionalne ideologije, temveč je tudi... more
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      ArchitectureSocialismPrimary SchoolSchool
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a new perspective on urban tourist motivations by applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model to help to understand how tourists make decisions about which destinations to visit.... more
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      Tourism StudiesUrban TourismSloveniaLjubljana
Exhibition catalogue with four papers: 1. Emona: a Roman city and its legacy (B. Županek); 2. Stories of Ljubljana's beginning: Emona, the Argonauts and the Ljubljana dragon (B. Županek); 3. "Hail to the venerable daughter of Jason!" (I.... more
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      Cultural HistoryMuseums and ExhibitionLjubljanaArgonautica
"Architect's Wonderful Dream of our Pantheon" - Plečnik's Unexecuted Plans for Honorary Cemetery of Important Slovenians The article discusses the unexecuted plans for “Honorary cemetery of important Slovenians”, designed by architect... more
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      ArchitectureHistorical memoryModern ArchitectureLjubljana
Lazarinijeva palača sredi Novega trga na Gosposki ulici 10 v Ljubljani skriva med svojimi zidovi večtisočletno zgodovino, ki ji lahko sledimo od kulture žarnih grobišč, rimskega in srednjeveškega mesta do baročnih prenov in današnjih... more
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      HotelLjubljanaNovi trgFamily Peer
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      Patronage and collectingLjubljanaPatronageVenetian 17th Century Paintings and Drawings
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      Urban GeographyArtArchitectureGlobalization
Predavanje v Društvu slovenskih izobražencev v Trstu, 19.4.2010
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      Medieval HistoryNumismaticsSlovenian HistoryMedieval numismatics
This comparative case study first demonstrates the benefits of bicycle transit use, then assesses the proliferation of bicycle modal programs inside Copenhagen, Denmark and highlights several best practices which would benefit bike... more
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      Urban GeographyGreen InfrastructureUrban PlanningUrban Studies
V obdobju po drugi svetovni vojni (1941–1945) se območje nekdanje Jugoslavije po eni strani razvija v specifičnih geopolitičnih razmerah »hladne vojne« med kapitalističnim Zahodom in socialističnim Vzhodom ter po drugi strani v iskanju... more
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In 1980 Ljudmila Plesničar published a Roman grave, discovered to the south-east of the colony of Emona (modern Ljubljana) along the road leading towards the municipium Neviodunum (modern Drnovo near Krško). The grave inventory included... more
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      Roman PeriodKnossosSloveniaLjubljana
This article examines conflicts concerning urban space, focusing on relationships between autonomous space and neoliberal urbanism through the empirical example of the cultural centre AKC Metelkova Mesto in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Through a... more
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      Social MovementsUrban GeographyHeterotopiaSpace and Place
The subject of this study refers to several aspects of the life and activity of a military who, although was well‐known among his arms companions through his virtues and good deeds, didn’t have the chance of a historical posterity. The... more
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      Military HistoryHistory of CartographyNapoleonic WarsOttoman-Habsburg relations
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age ArchaeologyIron Age (Archaeology)Urnfield Culture
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      ArchaeologyLjubljanaBibliographiesNova Gorica