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      HistoryYugoslavia20th century (History)Yugoslavia (History)
The recent salvage excavations in Slovenia have brought to light a number of early medieval settlements. One of the most important is Nova Tabla, near Murska Sobota. A relatively large number of radiocarbon dates obtained from charcoal... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Slovenian History
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      Slovenian HistoryJosip Broz TitoMilovan DjilasEdvard Kardelj
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      European HistoryAlbanian StudiesHistory of CartographyMediterranean Studies
The transition from severe disciplinary measures (such as kneeling, beating and other types of corporal punishment) to children’s rights was neither short nor smooth. The A. retraces this transition in Slovenia from 1870 – when corporal... more
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      Christian EducationHistory of EducationPolitical SciencePeriodicals
The forty-year jubilee of introducing municipal autonomy in accordance with the European Charter of Local Self-Government was celebrated in Austria in 2002. When considering a legal-historical aspect, the municipal autonomy in Austria did... more
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      Legal HistorySlovenian HistoryAustrian HistoryMunicipality
FIRST LIEUTENANT EGON GABRIJELČIČ (1888 – 1915) – THE HERO OF THE TRIESTE INFANTRY REGIMENT This contribution aims to outline the life and revive the memory of the forgotten Slovenian patriot and officer, First Lieutenant Egon Gabrijelčič... more
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      First World WarSlovenian HistoryAustro-Hungarian HistoryAustro-Hungarian Army and Navy
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      Cultural HistoryAlpine historyMountain communitiesSlovenian History
Lecture at the Institute of Contemporary History, Ljubljana on November 12th, 2014.
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      First World WarSlovenian HistoryHistory of DiplomacySlovenia
Riccardo Pasqualin, Martin Krpan, un eroe popolare sloveno nel racconto di Fran Levstik, in, 03-05-2021:
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      RomanticismSlovenian HistorySlovenianVienna
»Bratje Čehi« v ljubljanskem bogoslovju (1885-1897) »Czech Brothers« at the Ljubljana Seminary (1885-1897) Povzetek: V letih od 1885 do 1897 so v ljubljansko bogoslovje prihajali duhovniški kandidati s Češke in Moravske. Na Kranjskem je... more
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      Czech HistoryChurch HistorySlovenian HistoryTheology and Religious Studies
Tesi magistrale in Semiotica. Questa tesi intende indagare da una prospettiva semiotica l’enoturismo, il turismo del vino, descrivendo come vengono costruiti i discorsi e i percorsi sui luoghi vitivinicoli. La comunicazione di valori alla... more
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      SemioticsTourism MarketingFrontier StudiesSlovenian History
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      Political HistorySlovenian HistoryHistory of Slovenia
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      Sacred MusicSlovenian HistoryGrand TourFriedrich Christian, Crown Prince of Saxony (1722-63)
Triglav, najvišja gora Julijskih Alp, je istočasno najvišji vrh Republike Slovenije. Umeščen je v državni grb in preko grba v državno zastavo in predstavlja najmočnejši nacionalni simbol Slovencev. Ta umestitev ima razloge v preteklih... more
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      HistoryGeographyAlpine history20th century (History)
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      HistoryEgyptMigration StudiesSlovenian History
prispevek v zborniku Preteklost pod mikroskopom (Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 2017)
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      Forensic AnthropologyMedieval NobilitySlovenian HistoryFacial Reconstruction
Article presents collection of writings which was written by 17. century polymath Janez Vajkard Valvasor (Johann Weichard Valvasor). Article is focused on his description of Slovenian regional municipality Ribnica.
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical GeographyEthnographyLocal Studies
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      Art HistoryPerforming ArtsTheatre StudiesArchitecture
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      Slovenian HistorySlovene History
Uredniško vodilo pri izdelovanju te knjige je bilo posredovati bralcem Hribovškov prevod Sofoklove Antigone v obliki, ki bo kolikor mogoče skladna z rokopisom in s prevajalčevim namenom. Prevajalec, ki je rokopis sam oblikoval tako rekoč... more
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      Second World WarTranslation and InterpretationSlovenian HistoryAncient Greek Tragedy and its Reception
Odmev na intervju v nedeljo 12.1.2020 na TV Slo1, kjer je novinar dr. Jože Možina gostil prof.dr. Ivana Čuka, pogovor pa je tekel zlasti o sokolski zgodovini, ki je kot telovadno gibanje pustilo močen pečat v slovenski narodni in... more
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      HistoryYugoslavia (History)Slovenian HistorySecond World War (History)
Obdobje med obema vojnama (1918−1941) je bil čas, ko so se moči slovenskih alpinistk in alpinistov usmerjale v ohranjanje primata v slovenskih stenah. Od leta 1921 dalje so se združevali v Turistovskem klubu Skala, v katerega so pečat... more
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      HistorySports HistoryAlpine historySlovenian History
FRELIH, Marko 2013- Terra Sancta 1910: največje slovensko romanje v Sveto deželo
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      ChristianityPhotographsAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimage
Članek na podlagi arhivskih virov, ustnih pričevanj, slikovnega gradiva in dokumentacije iz zasebnih zbirk analizira raznarodovalni program nemškega okupatorja v obdobju štiriletne okupacije zdravilišča Rogaška Slatina. Glavni cilj... more
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      Second World WarSlovenian HistorySecond World War (History)The Third Reich
The article describes how the liberals aimed at presenting the Roman Catholic Church and the clergy in the Slovenski narod newspaper after the political separation. It focuses primarily on the influence of the Church on politics, the role... more
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      LiteratureLiberalismPolitical History19th Century (History)
Pogovor si lahko ogledate tukaj: 12. novembra 2020 je minilo sto let od podpisa mirovne pogodbe v Rapallu med Kraljevino SHS in Kraljevino Italija. Posledica te pogodbe je... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryItalian (European History)Border Studies
The article presents the collection of 19th-century hand forged nails from the Department of History and Applied Arts at the National Museum of Slovenia. The collection consists of 669 individual objects, classified into 102 typological... more
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      Slovenian HistoryHistory of MetallurgyMuseum Collections (Research)Ironworking
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      HistoryHeraldrySigillographySlovenian History
The following piece, which is based on archival materials and newspaper notices supplemented by relevant literature, presents the activity and the throbbing life of the parish. The time frame spans from a peaceful period in 1913, when the... more
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      Church HistoryFirst World WarSlovenian HistoryHabsburg Monarchy 1867-1918
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      German StudiesTheologyEarly Modern HistoryHabsburg Studies
El objetivo de esta ponencia será analizar la naturaleza de las relaciones existentes entre la República Argentina y el Reino de los Serbios, Croatas y Eslovenos desde la creación del mismo hasta su consolidación como el Reino de... more
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      YugoslaviaSlovenian HistoryHistoria ArgentinaHistory of Yugoslavia
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      Romanian HistoryUkrainian StudiesHabsburg Studies19th Century (History)
At the end of October 1918, the delegates of the National Council from Zagreb went to Geneva to inform themselves about the current international position. Because of political pressure from the Entente the South Slav politicians reached... more
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      YugoslaviaCroatian HistorySerbian historyYugoslavia (History)
Razprava se ukvarja s požari, ki so skozi stoletja zaznamovali mesto Črnomelj, saj nam ti prelomni dogodki njegove zgodovine niso bili podrobneje poznani. V starejših razpravah požarov mesta praviloma ne najdemo omenjenih ali pa najdemo... more
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    • Slovenian History
Članek obravnava dobrodelno pomoč žrtvam potresa v Ljubljani leta 1895. Potres, ki je povzročil veliko materialno škodo v glavnem mestu dežele Kranjske in bližnji okolici, je sprožil velik odziv po celotni Avstro-Ogrski. Pomoč je poslal... more
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      Social HistorySlovenian HistoryNatural DisastersCharity
"The short contribution deals with the phenomenon of "Viniška republika" and its main actors. On the basis of archival sources, newspapers and exstant literature reconstructs the events in april 1919 in the village of Vinica on the... more
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      Croatian HistorySlovenian HistoryHistoire Croisée
The paper presents the settlement structure of the Zgornja Gorenjska region in the Middle Ages. It begins with the period immediately preceding the Slavic settlement, continues with describing the early Slavic settlement and concludes... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval rural settlementSlovenian History
Pavla Jesih je bila v času med obema vojnama ena največjih alpinistk v svetovnem merilu. V njenem najbolj plodnem obdobju od leta 1927 do 1934 je preplezala 17 prvenstvenih smeri. Njeno plezalno pot je leta 1934 prekinil padec s težko... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryContemporary HistoryHistoriography
V prispevku so na podlagi relevantnih virov in literature predstavljeni lastniki falskega zemljiškega gospostva skozi 19. stoletje. Potem ko je bilo obsežno falsko gospostvo v rokah šentpavelskega samostana z jožefinskimi reformami po... more
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      19th Century (History)Slovenian HistoryNew Age HistoryRegional History (Styria
On one of the highest rocky ledges above the Reka River, just a few kilometers from Famlje Village and near Škocjan Caves, Školj Castle is today one of the less known castles in Slovenia. For more than a century the castle is abandoned.... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
V ponedeljek, 16. julija 2018, sem imel opravek v bližini Zmajskega mostu, in ko sem ga razmišljeno prečkal, kot najbrž že tisočkrat prej, sem se ne vem zakaj spomnil, da mi je Primož Simoniti pred časom govoril o plošči z latinskim... more
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      HomerHistory and MemoryClassical philologySlovenian History
Diplomsko delo obravnava vprašanje slovenske sprave. V zgodovinskem pregledu predstavim razvoj diskurza narodne sprave od njegovih začetkov v povojni politični emigraciji do uveljavitve in razvoja v Sloveniji v letih pred in po... more
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      Political PhilosophyTransitional JusticeCommunitarianismReconciliation
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      Middle East StudiesGender HistoryLabour historyEgypt
Intelektualna opozicija na Slovenskem v osemdesetih letih in Služba državne varnosti Osemdeseta leta na Slovenskem, ki so bila obdobje zadnjega desetletja obstoja republike v skupni državi Jugoslaviji, so bila zaznamovana s finančno,... more
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      Political HistoryYugoslav historySlovenian HistoryEighties
FOOTBALL THROUGH ZASAVSKI TEDNIK (1948–1964) Football is a universal phenomenon as it is played around the world. In addition, the vast majority of people follow him as fans in stadiums or through various media. The article through the... more
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      Football (soccer)Local HistorySports HistoryYugoslavia
V drugi polovici 19. stoletja so se vzporedno z vzponom meščanstva in njegove morale načini poročnih izbir začeli znatno spreminjati. Proti koncu 19. stoletja so se ustvarile nove zapovedi in posredne prisile »odgovorne izbire poročnega... more
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      HistorySociologyGender StudiesNationalism
Монографията "София и балканската модерност. Белград, София, Загреб, Любляна, Сараево, 1878-1914" е проучване в областта на социалната и градската история, чиято цел е да бъде проследена ролята на столиците в процеса на модернизация на... more
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      South East European StudiesBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryUrban History
After the Second World War, the city of Ptuj was rebuilt and lived through the changes of the social system, implementation of five-year plans, agrarian reforms and industrialisation. During the first decade after the war, the Yugoslav... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySocialismYugoslavia (History)
Članek predstavlja glavne značilnosti gorniške obutve, ki se je v 19. in 20. stoletju uporabljala na Slovenskem. Razvoj se v grobem deli na dve obdobji – obdobje pred specializirano obutvijo in obdobje specializirane gorniške obutve. Prvo... more
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      HistoryAlpine historySlovenian HistoryEtnohistoria