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      EngineeringEarth SciencesCarbon DioxideEnvironmental Sciences
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      Information TechnologyEducational TechnologyCreativityVideo Game
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      Reinforcement LearningEconomic TheorySocial learningApplied Economics
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsRenewable EnergyApplied Economics
The first phase of the Scaling-up Action Research Project was undertaken to determine whether the current framework for community-driven development (CDD) projects can create the right conditions for such projects to evolve into programs... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentCommunity OrganizingLocal Economic Development
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      Agricultural EducationTeacher EducationLife historyAuthentic Learning
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      Social Science Research NetworkLearning by doing
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      Community DevelopmentEducation PolicyNational IdentityRegional development
This paper presents the idea of Action Learning as a learning by doing. This approach to the development of individuals does not focus on what people need to learn, but on solutions to real problems. The main objective method of action... more
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      EducationAdult EducationAction LearningReflection
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      EconomicsHuman CapitalParental investmentChild Labour
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      EconomicsHuman CapitalParental investmentChild Labour
This paper aims to deal with the question of researching knowledge within a learning-by-doing activity with students on an education program. It does this by making use of the semantic field of legitimation code theory to investigate... more
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      Knowledge StructuresLegitimation Code TheoryLearning by doing
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      Liquidity ConstraintChild LabourLearning by doingEmpirical evidence
The purpose of this paper is investigate if the use of 'serious games' with students can improve their knowledge acquisition and their academic performance . The research is an exploratory investigation resorting to the use of a serious... more
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      Knowledge ManagementOrganizational LearningSerious GamesLearning and Teaching
The principles of minimalism, as developed by John Carroll in The Nurnberg Funnel and subsequent works, are based on solid principles of learning theory derived from cognitive science. Too often, we forget that our “users” are, in... more
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      Cognitive ScienceTechnical CommunicationMinimalismConnectivism
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      MarketingBusiness and ManagementEntrepreneurship EducationLearning by doing
Cada vez más se demuestra la importancia del trabajo por proyectos en las aulas de educación primaria, sobre todo en lo que respecta a la formación de competencias y habilidades básicas a las que esta etapa principalmente se orienta. Más... more
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      DidacticsStudent Motivation And EngagementSocratic Teaching & LearningProblem-Based Learning
The 2011 Horizon Report predicted it would take two or three years for augmented reality to be adopted in the field of education. On the other hand, a couple of decades have gone by since publication of the relevant essays by Milgram... more
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      Mobile LearningAugmented RealityUbiquitous LearningLearning by doing
Çalışmada 2016-2018 yılları arasında TÜBİTAK 4004 Programı kapsamında okul öncesi dönemde desteklenmesine karar verilen projelerin çeşitli boyutlara göre incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma tarama modeline uygun olarak tasarlanmış ve... more
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      Preschool EducationOkul öncesi EğitimLearning by doingProje Tabanlı öğretim
According to worldwide surveys (such as PISA and TIMSS), European students often lack both mathematical and key basic competencies in science and technology. The mean scores for mathematics obtained by students are below the Organisation... more
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      ArtMathematics EducationInquiry Based LearningTechnology Enhanced Learning
In the “learn by doing” world of serious games, learners are frequently called upon to “do” things that results in the generation of content. In fact, learner generated content will be recognized as one of the principle design mechanisms... more
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      Serious GamesBuilding Energy SimulationModeling and SimulationImmersion and Experience
This case study investigates John Dewey's role in debates on the topic of New Education and Progressive Education schools. It deals about William H. Kilpatrick's learning by projects method, Gertrude Hartman's learning by activities... more
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    • Learning by doing
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      EpistemologyArchitectureParticipatory ResearchMimesis
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      Entrepreneurship EducationLearning by doingEntrepreneurial learning, Entrepreneurship, Problem based learning
A 21. században a tudásalapú, információs társadalom korában a humán tőke és az információ, tudás kerül előtérbe, így fontossá válik a tanulás széleskörű értelmezése, mint élethosszig tartó és az élet minden területére kiterjedő folyamat.... more
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      Informal LearningKnowledge ManagementAdult EducationKnowledge sharing
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      Integrated Pest ManagementSeasonalityLearning by doingEmpirical evidence
Como as limitações da Memória de Trabalho afetam o modo como se aprende, devem também, por óbvio, condicionar o modo como se ensina. A Teoria da Carga Cognitiva, tendo em vista essas limitações, oferece 29 diretrizes sobre como elaborar... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
Hydrogen is emerging beyond its conventional role as an additive component for gasoline production, chemical and fertilizer manufacture, and food production to become a promising fuel for transportation and stationary power. Hydrogen... more
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      Air QualityClimate ChangeRenewable EnergyPower Quality
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      ManagementEngineeringHigher EducationCooperative Learning
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceHigher EducationEvaluation
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      Agricultural EconomicsApplied EconomicsRisk AversionFace to Face
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      Political EconomyEconomic GrowthEconomic TheoryMarket Orientation
Como as limitações da Memória de Trabalho afetam o modo como se aprende, devem também, por óbvio, condicionar o modo como se ensina. A Teoria da Carga Cognitiva, tendo em vista essas limitações, oferece 29 diretrizes sobre como elaborar... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationTeaching and LearningArt History
about how do we manage any event
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    • Learning by doing
It remains a question whether serial entrepreneurs typically perform better than their novice counterparts owing to learning by doing effects or mostly because they are a selected sample of higher-than-average ability entrepreneurs. This... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurshipSelectionLearning by doing
Organic farming principles give rise to multifunctionality: different activities are combined at farm level to create ecological and economic synergies. These principles do however allow for different operationalisations and different... more
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      Animal ProductionOrganic FarmingOrganic productionMilk products
The development of interactive, participatory, multisensoryenvironments that combine the physical with the virtual comes as anatural continuation to the computer game industrys constant racefor more exciting user experiences. Specialized... more
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      Child DevelopmentUser eXperienceVirtual RealityLearning Environment
Apart from John Dewey, no American educational reformer has been as internationally successful and influential as Helen Parkhurst, the founder of Dalton education. In the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, Dalton education... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsPositive PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
Background: European and national policies on citizenship education stimulate the implementation of a participative approach to citizenship education, fostering active citizenship. The reason given for fostering active citizenship is the... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringSociologyPolitical Sociology
A key factor in the sustainability of China's economic growth is the potential of Chinese firms to develop innovative capabilities autonomously and international management know-how thus enabling them to move up the technological... more
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      Economic GrowthInternational MarketingHuman CapitalProduction Management
Many studies have explored the use of learning-by-doing in higher education, but few have applied this to social entrepreneurship contexts and applications: this paper addresses this gap in the literature. Our programme involved students... more
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      Social EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship EducationLearning by doingEntrepreneurial learning, Entrepreneurship, Problem based learning
It is a challenge for teacher educators to shift pre-service teachers away from traditional pedagogical beliefs towards constructivist ones. At the National Institute of Education in Singapore, microLESSONS is introduced into the... more
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      Teacher EducationPre-service teachersLearning by doingPedagogical Beliefs
With increasing enrolment and smaller budgets in universities, during evaluating student's activity many difficulties are encountered. Graphics disciplines, in general, and Computer Aided Design, in particular, had to solve these... more
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      Electrical EngineeringComputer Aided DesignExperiential LearningLearning by doing
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringKnowledge ManagementAction Research
Mijn fascinatie voor de Duitse cultuurgeschiedenis ten tijde van het interbellum heeft geresulteerd in dit Bauhaus-portfolio waarin ik het Bauhaus-onderwijsprogramma onderzoek. Het Staatliches Bauhaus wordt in 1919 opgericht door Duitse... more
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      Ludwig Mies van der RoheJohn DeweyPaul KleeBauhaus
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEducational PsychologyCognitive Load Theory
Following article based on the information about the Entrepreneurial Module in the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre as well as a focus group interviews with students and interviews with employees aims to present a good practice in... more
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      Entrepreneurship EducationCareer PlanningLearning by doingcreatives and society
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      Economic TheoryTransaction Cost EconomicsApplied EconomicsProfitability