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One of the most persistent and poignant human experiences is the sensation of longing—a restlessness perhaps best described as the unspoken conviction that something is missing from our lives. In this study, Drew M. Dalton attempts to... more
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      MetaphysicsEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionPhenomenology
Inhalt Christoph Binkelmann: Enthusiasmus und Skepsis. Das europäische Pendel Burkhard Nonnenmacher: Kants Postulatenlehre als Prüfstein für Heideggers »These der neuzeitlichen Ontologie«? Günter Zöller : Ex aliquo nihil. Fichtes... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionPhilosophical TheologyContinental Philosophy of Religion (Theology)Hegel Il volume riunisce contributi che, rispondendo ad un’esigenza oggi molto sentita, si interrogano sui... more
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      PlatoGerman IdealismPhilosophy Of LawHegel
À mi-chemin entre philosophie morale et métaphysique de la liberté, cet essai se propose de méditer la possibilité d’une « éthique de la conviction » pour notre temps, et de réinventer ses coordonnées en la liant de manière indissoluble à... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy of LiteratureSlavery
Language was of no particular importance for the early transcendentalists. Hence, Fichte's treatise on language from 1795 is unique in this respect. It is however not obvious how the theory of language is related to his Wissenschaftslehre... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageGerman IdealismJohann Gottlieb FichteTranscendental Philosophy
International Bilingual Philosophy Conference "Friedrich Schiller and German Idealism / Friedrich Schiller et l'idéalisme allemand", University of Leuven, Belgium, 9-10 May 2019.
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      Continental PhilosophyGerman IdealismJohann Gottlieb FichteImmanuel Kant
Die Texte, die in diesem Band versammelt sind, gehen hervor aus den Vorträgen, die im Rahmen des Philosophischen Kolloquiums am Institut für Philosophie der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg gehalten wurden. Hier stellen externe... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyDidacticsTheodor Adorno
1. Primo principio in tutto e per tutto incondizionato Obiettivo: trovare il primo principio assolutamente incondizionato e indimostrabile del sapere umano. Se il primo principio è tale, non può essere dimostrato e determinato → esprime... more
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      Johann Gottlieb FichteFichteFilosofíaJ.G. Fichte
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      German IdealismJohann Gottlieb FichteJean Paul SartreExistentialism
The author explores the place, role, and significance of the transcendental ‘I’ in Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre, from a theoretical standpoint. It will be analysed through the ideas of absolute, unconditioned principle, as the residue of... more
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      Philosophy of MindConsciousnessJohann Gottlieb FichteReflection
Introduction chapter to my dissertation "Occasions of Underground
German Miners and Moles on the Essence of Ground (1780–1920)"
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      German IdealismGerman RomanticismFranz KafkaEcology
In this paper I examine intellectual Intuition, Aufforderung and Pure Will in J. G. Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre Nova Methodo. After considering the various senses in which Fichte used the term "intellectual intuition," I discuss the... more
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      German IdealismJohann Gottlieb Fichte19th-century German philosophyTranscendental Idealism
Die Erforschung des historischen und systematischen Kontextes von Kants Philosophie weist bis auf den heutigen Tag signifikante Lücken auf. Dies gilt umso mehr für unser Verständnis der Bedeutung der gegenüber Kants Philosophie erhobenen... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophical Anthropology
This volume examines Fichte's notion of the image in the systematic domains of ethics, philosophy of history, political philosophy, philosophy of language, aesthetics, and the philosophy of religion. Several contributions investigate from... more
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      German IdealismJohann Gottlieb FichteTranscendental PhilosophyTheory and Philosophy of Image
Der 20.Juli ist in Deutschland dem Andenken des deutschen Widerstandes während der Nazi-Diktatur gewidmet. Er ist aber auch dem gewidmet, was wir das „Gewissen“ nennen, weil es beim deutschen Widerstand sich um einen extremen Konflikt von... more
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      HegelJohann Gottlieb FichteConscienceG.W.F. Hegel
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      German IdealismJohann Gottlieb Fichte19th-century German philosophy
Nineteenth century Christian thought about self and relationality was stamped by the reception of Kant’s groundbreaking revision to the Cartesian cogito. For René Descartes (1596-1650), the self is a thinking thing (res cogitans), a... more
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      Self and IdentityTheologyGerman IdealismHegel
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      Kant's Practical PhilosophyJohann Gottlieb FichteImmanuel Kant
In Fichte’s late philosophy, the concept of image becomes the central notion of the Science of Knowledge. Both the representational reference of consciousness to the objects of its experience and its relation to an absolute being which... more
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      Johann Gottlieb FichteBildtheorie
Dutch translation of J.G. Fichte: Über den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre (1794)
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      German IdealismJohann Gottlieb FichteImmanuel KantKarl Leonhard Reinhold
Fernando Wirtz, « Los problemas del concepto de “idealismo trascendental” en el Sistema del idealismo trascendental de F.W.J. Schelling », Revista de Estud(i)os sobre Fichte [En línea], 10 | 2015, Publicado el 01 septiembre 2015,... more
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      German IdealismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingJohann Gottlieb FichteSchelling
Diese Schrift möchte zeigen, daß sich der Nationalismus nur dann wirklich überwinden läßt, wenn sich genug Menschen entscheiden, radikal im Sinne einer sozialen Dreigliederung umzudenken.
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      Rudolf SteinerJohann Gottlieb FichteErnest RenanJohann Gottfried Herder
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      German IdealismGerman RomanticismJohann Gottlieb FichteEarly German Romanticism
THIS IS A PRE-PRINT of the paper published here: It is a widely accepted idea that German Idealism stands on two pillars: Kant and Spinoza. The aim of this essay is to... more
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      Reception TheoryGerman IdealismHegelJohann Gottlieb Fichte
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      German IdealismHegelJohann Gottlieb FichteImmanuel Kant
What happens to language after the post-linguistic turn? In what does a speculative approach to religion consist? Such are the two questions around which this essay is structured. It answers them using some of the framework supplied by... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingJohann Gottlieb FichtePhilosophy of Nature
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthics
Enlightenment is an approach that is based on the mind and the individual by purifying the world from the effects of superstitions associated with religion, and it has caused great changes in the way of thinking and social life of Western... more
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      PhilosophyJohann Gottlieb FichteImmanuel Kant17th- and 18th-century Philosophy
Fichte y Pestalozzi compartían algunos elementos que les acercaron el uno al otro. En primer lugar, la ciudad de Zúrich, donde nació Pestalozzi y en la que Fichte residió algún tiempo y encontró a la que fue mujer, Johanne, amiga de la de... more
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      Johann Gottlieb FichteFichteEducaciónHistoria de la Educación
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      German IdealismJohann Gottlieb Fichte
Cet ouvrage oriente la réflexion philosophique sur le romantisme allemand dans une voie nouvelle ayant pour point de départ la singularité des paysages peints par Caspar David Friedrich, et pour concept opératoire majeur la romantisation... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy of ArtContinental Philosophy
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      Continental Philosophy of Religion (Philosophy)German IdealismJohann Gottlieb Fichte
Lorsqu’on évoque la place des humanités au sein de l’université contemporaine, c’est le terme de « crise » qui revient le plus souvent. Manque de financement, locaux vétustes, effectifs en baisse, débouchés professionnels incertains,... more
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      HumanitiesPhilosophy of EducationHigher EducationTransformation of University Systems
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyJohann Gottlieb Fichte19th Century (History)
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      AestheticsPlatoHegelFriedrich Nietzsche
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      Jurgen HabermasJohann Gottlieb FichtePostnationalismSieyes
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      German RomanticismJohann Gottlieb FichteJohann Gottfried HerderNovalis
In: Fichte's Vocation of Man: New Interpretive and Critical Essays, eds. D. Breazeale, T. Rockmore (Albany, N.Y: State University of New York Press, 2013), pp. 155-171:
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      MathematicsPhilosophyHistory of MathematicsPhilosophy Of Mathematics
En el presente artículo se expone la noción de dialéctica de Fichte en su libro Basamento de toda la doctrina de la ciencia (1784). La dialéctica presente en la relación entre yo, no-yo y yo absoluto es examinada tomando en cuenta el... more
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      PhilosophyGerman IdealismHegelJohann Gottlieb Fichte
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      German IdealismHegelJohann Gottlieb FichteImmanuel Kant
This article is concerned with some of the criteria which Hegel believes apply to a scientific treatment of logic. I briefly address criteria which I take Hegel to inherit from traditional rationalism before focusing on two fairly... more
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyLogicPhilosophical Scepticism
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      StoicismJohann Gottlieb FichteFrancis Bacon (Painter)Respiration
Presentación, traducción y notas de la reseña de Fichte de 1794 al libro de Gottlob Ernst Schulze (1761-1833) "Aenesidemus" contra la filosofía de Reinhold, en la que Fichte anuncia por primera vez al Yo transcendental como el primer... more
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      Johann Gottlieb FichteFichteFilosofia TranscendentalSujeto
À quoi sert l’étude de la philosophie? Quels sont les débouchés professionnels de cette formation? Voici deux questions auxquelles ne peut pas échapper tout étudiant en philosophie. Elles révèlent une interrogation contemporaine... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesHigher EducationJurgen Habermas
Sınır / sızlık. Grekçede “komşu, tanıdık, uç.” σύνορον: sínoron. Tanım yaparak kavram dünyasına adım atar insan. Türlü konuyu açımlayarak bir çerçeve çizer zihninde. Bu sayede hayatının her alanında bir sınır belirler. Teorik ve pratik... more
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      MetaphilosophyHegelJohann Gottlieb FichteAlbert Camus
Der sehr verschlüsselte Text der Lehrlinge zu Sais wurde unterschiedlcih interpretiert, teils strukturalistisch, teils auf die wissenschaftlichen Vorlagen bezogen. Diese Arbeit zeigt erstmals, wie beide Interpratationen sinnvoll... more
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      German RomanticismJohann Gottlieb FichteFriedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis)Early German Romanticism
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      MetaphysicsIdealismGerman IdealismHegel This book argues that the rediscovery of mystical theology in nineteenth-century Germany not only helped inspire... more
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      MarxismContinental Philosophy of Religion (Philosophy)German IdealismHegel
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      PhilosophyGerman IdealismGerman RomanticismHegel