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Pengolahan tanah Sebelum di tanami ,sebaiknya tanah diolah secara sempurna. Tanah bagian atas (top soil) dicangkul hinga kedalaman 20-30cm dan dibalikkan hingga bagian bawah berada di permukaan. Setelah itu diamkan tanah selama seminggu... more
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      BotanyPharmacyPharmacognosyMedicinal Plants
Coronavirus disease 19 (Covid 19) adalah penyakit pernafasan menular yang disebabkan oleh virus SARS-Cov 2. Saat ini, covid 19 menjadi wabah di seluruh dunia dengan jumlah penderita lebih dari 80 juta orang. Kondisi penderita Covid 19... more
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      DiabetesDiabetes Mellitus and Its ComplicationsHypertensionDiabetes mellitus
Background: Primary resistance is the resistance that occurs in patients who have never received treatment OAT or had ever received  treatment OAT is less than 1 month. The incidence of primary MDR in Central Java in 2006 2.07%.... more
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      Nigella sativaSputumPulmonary TuberculosisJintan Hitam
Background. Primary resistance is the resistance that occurs in patients who have never received treatment OAT or had ever received treatment OAT is less than 1 month. The incidence of primary MDR in Central Java in 2006 2.07%.... more
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      Nigella sativaSputumPulmonary TuberculosisJintan Hitam