Herbal,herbal Medicines,herbal Pharmacy
Recent papers in Herbal,herbal Medicines,herbal Pharmacy
The purpose of this article is to study and to verify the therapeutic effects and margin of safety of traditional medicines used by the tribal community for treating various diseases as described in ancient literature found in our... more
Context: Pithecellobium dulce (PD) is an annual herbaceous plant commonly used in African traditional medicine as a purgative, antipyretic, anti-ulcer and wound dressing agent. Aims: To evaluate the acute and sub-acute toxicity of P.... more
Antibiotique, antibactérien, antimicrobien, antifongique et antiseptique, antiscorbutique, lymphatiques, dépurative, renforce le système immunitaire, vernis naturel
Herbal medicine and their preparations have been widely used for the thousands of years in developing and developed countries. Herbal medicines are the synthesis of therapeutic experiences on generations of practicing physicians in... more
Traditional medicines are used by some 60% of the world's population and in some countries are extensively incorporated into the public health system. Herbal medicines are plant extracts that have been used for medicinal purposes for... more
The research shows that the use of ethno botanical plant can be used in treating malaria. 20 respondents were orally interviewed. The interview was aided by structured questionnaire. About 30% were male while 70% were female, The... more
Context: Over the last ten years, many research studies concerning pharmacists’ perceptions of generic medicines have been conducted worldwide, although this issue remains underexplored in Vietnam. Aims: To evaluate pharmacists’ views on... more
Son muchos los fondos documentales relativos a la Historia de la Ciencia, en general y en particular a la Historia de la Medicina y la Farmacia, que se encuentran inéditos en Archivos españoles. La Cátedra de Historia de la Farmacia y... more
Data generated through systematic investigation, carried out on the evaluation of phyto-extracts on wound healing research during the last 20 years have been compiled. About 450 plant species having wound healing properties have been... more
The aim of this study is to determine the antiseptic property of an ointment containing semi-purified flavonoids from the leaves of Caladium bicolor (Corazon de Maria) against Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) and... more
Статья посвящена истории использования труда «помясов» (служащих дворцовых приказов) в качестве травников (сборщиков лекарственных растений) в 1-ой половине XVII века. Приведены особенности употребления терминов «травник» и «помяс». В... more
Opuntia dillenii (Cactaceae) is an important medicinal shrub growing under desert and dry conditions. Though almost all of its parts are used in traditional systems of medicines, stem, flower and roots are the most important parts which... more
Herbal medicine is still the mainstay of about 70-80% of the world population mainly in the developing countries for Primary Health Care because of better cultural acceptability better, compatibility with the human body and lesser... more
Wahyuningsih. 2013. Pembuatan Dan Uji Stabilitas Warna Sediaan Larutan Pewarna Rambut Alami Ekstrak Kulit Buah Naga Super Red (Hylocereus costaricensis). Karya Tulis Ilmiah. Akademi Farmasi Putra Indonesia Malang, Pembimbing Fitri Eka... more
"Buku Tanaman Herbal Indonesia"
Cara Mengolah dan Manfaatnya bagi Kesehatan
Dihimpun dari berbagai sumber
Oleh :
Aserani Kurdi, S.Pd
(Guru SMKN 1 Tanjung)
2 0 1 0
Cara Mengolah dan Manfaatnya bagi Kesehatan
Dihimpun dari berbagai sumber
Oleh :
Aserani Kurdi, S.Pd
(Guru SMKN 1 Tanjung)
2 0 1 0
Bu kursta kendimizin kolayca üretebileceği güzellik ürünlerinin nasıl yapılacağını göreceğiz. Burada amaç neden bu ürünleri yaptığımız ve neye hizmet edeceğinin çok iyi saptanmasıdır. Bu ürünler saç bakım ürünleri , yüz için ; temizleme,... more
India is sitting on a gold mine of well-recorded and traditionally well practiced knowledge of herbal medicine. General phytochemical screening of Citrus sinensis (Orange) belonging Rutaceae family revealed the presence of flavones... more
Phyllanthus amarus belongs to the family of Euphorbiaceae and it is well known in Nigerian traditional system for its traditional uses. The present investigation was carried out to determine the possible bioactive components of leaves of... more
Una de las líneas de trabajo que sigue la Cátedra de Historia de la Farmacia y Legislación farmacéutica, de la Facultad de Farmacia de Granada, consiste en la confección de Catálogos de documentos de interés histórico-farmacéutico... more
Traditionally, plants have been used as a source of medicine in India by indigenous people inhabiting various terrains for the control of different ailments afflicting human. An ethno botanical survey was undertaken in Nawarangpur... more
Medicinal plants are the gift of nature and play an important role as a part of our diet to maintain health. They also serve as a versatile weapon to combat against a number of diseases. Every civilization has its own experience and... more
Penyakit hipertensi merupakan peningkatan tekanan darah diatas 140/90 mmHg yang disebabkan oleh aterosklerosis (penebalan dinding arteri yang menyebabkan hilangnya elastisitas pembuluh darah) dan pengerasan dinding pembuluh darah karena... more
Urolithiasis is a common worldwide problem with high recurrence. This review covers Euphorbiaceae twenty (20), Cucurbitaceae eighteen (18), Acanthaceae and Amaranthaceae fifteen (15), Cupressaceae twelve (12), Caryophyllaceae eleven (11),... more
Peer reviews became commonplace in most sciences only after the Second World War. For example, Albert Einstein's revolutionary papers in 1905, Annalen der Physik, were never peer-reviewed by anyone else than the journal's editor and... more
The conservation of traditional medicinal knowledge opens the door towards modern aspects of herbal drug discovery. It was started from knowledge exchange through ethnic groups by oral tradition and then in the documented form. Herbaria... more
Arisaema jacquemontii Blume (Araceae) is a medicinally important plant and is used for the treatment of different diseases specially in dermatological disorders. Alkaloids, phenols, terpenes, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins have been... more
Context: Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. (Lamiaceae) is an annual or perennial herb or subshrub widely distributed from the Mediterranean to central Asia and Afghanistan. In Xinjiang, China, the whole herb has been used in traditional... more
Standarisasi simplisia daun hantap (Sterculia coccinea Jack) asal Kabupaten Dongala Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah sebagai persiapan bahan baku fitofarmaka. Morfologi menunjukkan bahwa tanaman hantap termasuk kelas dicotyledoneae. Irisan... more
: 0913015015 Samarinda, 4 Mei 2012 Mengetahui, Dosen Pembimbing Hadi Kuncoro, S.Farm., Apt., M.Farm NIP. 198209012008121003 Pembantu Dekan III Fakultas Farmasi UNMUL Hadi Kuncoro, S.Farm., Apt., M.Farm NIP. 198209012008121003 iii KATA... more