Skip to main content This presentation considers how the phenomenological work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908–1961) contributes to an understanding of architecture and place experience via his emphasis on the lived... more
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      Urban GeographyPerceptionSpace SyntaxPlace Attachment
In this paper I claim that, in spite of the tenseless character of the verbal inflection in BH, the temporal interpretation of verbal statements in a poetic text is possible as in any other type of discourse, if we systematically assess... more
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      Phenomenology of TemporalityStative VerbsBiblical Hebrew poetryBiblical Poetry
Este trabajo se centra en el estudio diacrónico de la perífrasis SOLER + infinitivo en español. Se observa que la perifrasis, entre los siglos XII y XVI carece del sentido frecuentativo propio del español moderno. Postularemos que, al... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)SemanticsPerifrasis verbalesAspecto Verbal
Phenomenologically speaking, one can consider the experiencing body as normative insofar as it generates norms through repeated actions and interactions, crystallizing into habits. On the other hand according to Foucauldian approaches,... more
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      Feminist TheoryPhilosophical AnthropologyEmbodimentPhenomenology
El presente artículo explora la noción de estilo en la fenomenología husserliana como una noción que permite describir la totalidad concreta de la vida humana en su de-sarrollo temporal. Partiendo de las consideraciones generales sobre... more
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      EmbodimentPhenomenologyFeminist PhenomenologyEdmund Husserl
The paper sets out to challenge the claim that the distribution of FCany in bare generic sentences giving rise to dispositional readings constitutes empirical evidence for the Possibility Hypothesis, assuming that dispositional sentences... more
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      EnglishModalityDispositionsGenericity (Languages and Linguistics)
This paper constitutes a first investigation into the strategies for encoding habitual aspect in Muklom, a Sal language of Northeast India, and contains a short survey into the grammatical encoding of habitual aspect in a sample of Sal... more
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      LinguisticsTibeto-Burman LinguisticsHabitualityMuklom
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      Svan languageVerbal MorphologyBenefactive constructionsVerbal Plurality
Lithuanian has regular past habitual forms with the suffix -dav-, which can be explained as an originally iterative suffix -dau- restricted to the past tense (Fraenkel 1936). Dialectal and Old Lithuanian, in addition to -dav-, also... more
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      Tense and Aspect SystemsLithuanian languageHabituality
In this paper, we investigate whether expressions of habituality in UK English, in particular adverbs of event distribution and the auxiliaries used to and would, pertain to hierarchically different layers of semantic organization, in the... more
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      LinguisticsFunctional Discourse GrammarHabituality
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      Environmental SociologySocial GeographyBehavioral GeographySpace Syntax