Recent papers in Gramsci Le marxisme ouvert d’Antonio Gramsci permet de redéfinir la philosophie de l’histoire en échappant à tout dogmatisme. Gramsci cherche en... more
El presente capítulo se propone, a partir del análisis del itinerario teórico de Gramsci sobre la cuestión del Estado desde la época de L'Ordine Nuovo hasta sus reflexiones carcelarias, indagar en la cues¬tión de la hegemonía y sus... more
Resumen: Hegemonía y orden internacional hegemónico son ontologías clave para la disciplina y la teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales, y por ello, se trata de conceptos en permanente disputa académica. En un escenario mundial... more
Volume I Praca doktorska napisana pod kierunkiem Prof. UAM dr. hab. Arkadiusza Marciniaka Poznań 2015 2
Gli studi gramsciani e la diffusione internazionale di Gramsci si sono recentemente evoluti in due direzioni prevalenti. Da un lato, l'interpretazione storiografica e filologica, densa di dispute sul significato di singoli passaggi dei... more
Brazilian projection towards South America has been an important issue since its re democratization process in the 1980s. Still, Brazil’s regional behavior could not be considered as a hegemony, under the realist point of view, that is,... more
ðððîîíîèïïò×ÒÜÜ î ïðñíïñîðïì ëaeðéaeðí ÐÓ ðððîîíîèïïò×ÒÜÜ í ïðñíïñîðïì ëaeðéaeðí ÐÓ ðððîîíîèïïò×ÒÜÜ ç ïðñíïñîðïì ëaeðéaeðí ÐÓ ðððîîíîèïïò×ÒÜÜ ïð ïðñíïñîðïì ëaeðéaeðí ÐÓ
Article on the comparison of Gramscian and Foucauldian understandings of civil society. Published in the book "A Panacea For all Seasons?" (Freise, Pyykkönen, Vaidelyte, eds., 2010, Nomos):... more
A reconstrução diacrónica do conceito de “história integral” nos Cadernos do Cárcere de Gramsci mostra que duas exigências fundamentais da “filosofia da práxis” são articuladas através desta noção: 1) a necessidade de redefinir o... more
Antonio Gramsci est l’auteur italien le plus prisé de la pensée critique. Ses concepts, désormais appliqués à toutes sortes d’époques et de continent, peuvent nous aider à comprendre les soubresauts politiques de son pays natal, piégé... more
Gramsci's pedagogical thought is experiencing a renewed interest in Italy, reflecting the fact that the Gramscian reflection represents for the pedagogy a basin of reflection and planning of educational practices still very current and... more
RESUMO: O presente texto problematiza a questão racial sob a lente gramsciana, preferencialmente sobre o con-ceito de hegemonia, que visa auxiliar no debate a respeito da população negra no âmbito de uma sociedade capi-talista. Lançamos... more
Entrevista publicada el 15/11/2016 en La Izquierda Diario
Artz, Lee, Dana L. Cloud and Steve Macek, Eds., The Point is to Change It: Marxism and Communication Studies (Peter Lang Publishers, 2006). 263 pages. Cited by 14. Reviewed in European Journal of Communication Studies, Reference and... more
La bibliografia che qui proponiamo raccoglie i libri che la biblioteca possiede sulla vita di questo personaggio rivoluzionario, David Lazzaretti, una sorta di predicatore eretico che visse ad Arcidosso verso la fine dell'800. Ad un... more
A timely analysis of the power and limits of political parties—and the lessons of the Civil War and the New Deal in the Age of Trump. American voters have long been familiar with the phenomenon of the presidential frontrunner. In 2008,... more
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and its affiliated groups - usually known as the "Sangh Parivar" - are the most powerful organisations in India today. But ask what they stand for, and you will get two very different answers. Critics of... more
The challenge of Marxism to the establishment caused him to be excluded from the academic field. Gramsci says, altogether, that Marxism will be the common sense of our age, because it is a formation that has influenced a wide area in many... more
This essay deals with Raniero Panzieri’s interpretation of Gramsci, focusing on the period 1944-1959. In this period Panzieri made his career in the Italian Socialist Party and became one of the leading figures of the socialist cultural... more
Longish Description, concentrating on the theoretical content: The book has a very broad purview. It examines paradigm change in several areas, including economic policy and welfare provision, but focusing on education reform.... more
A 80 anni dalla morte di Antonio Gramsci, «Filosofia Italiana» intende tracciare, in un fascicolo monografico, un bilancio delle ricerche più recenti sul suo pensiero. Pur riservando una particolare attenzione ai temi e ai nessi più... more
In order determine if sustainability is a megatrend, it is necessary to clarify the nature of sustainability and how it fits into the overall area of political and consumer culture. We first examine the character of a megatrend and... more
Donna Amoroso's Traditionalism and the Ascendancy of the Malay Ruling Class in Colonial Malaya has formed one of the most influential analyses of the conservative political development of colonial and post-colonial Malaya. Central to her... more
The social critic Jeffrey Masson recently recalled of the psychiatric survivor movement that: [t]hey had a great deal to teach those of us who were training to become some sort of mental health professional (psychologists, psychiatrists,... more
Este ensayo es una versión más acabada de notas desarrolladas en discusiones dentro de las redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter) así como en intercambios personales con participantes en torno al significado, posibilidades y alcance del... more
The present essay will attempt to approach to Lacan´s (1959-1960/1992) interpretation of Antigone through Zizek´s (2009) theories about violence. I will use the notions of `objective´ and `subjective´ violence to analyse it within the... more
This article explores the ways in which Gramsci's engagement with Machiavelli and The Prince in particular result in three significant developments in the Prison Notebooks. First, I analyze how the 'heroic fury' of Gramsci's lifelong... more
Ponencia presentada en la conferencia: INCURSIONES GRAMSCIANAS ARGENTINAS Dilemas actuales, a 100 años de Octubre, a 80 años de la muerte de Antonio Gramsci (Buenos Aires, 21, 22 y 23 de junio de 2017) Centro Cultural de la Cooperación... more
In riferimento a un personale percorso di ricerca nel campo all'antropologia medica, l'Autore presenta, in forma provvisoria, appunti che riflettono sulla elaborazione di una prospettiva "italiana" nel rapporto fra antropologia medica e... more
This article offers a reconstruction of the Gramscian conception of the emergence of capitalism. Such a reconstruction is necessary because Gramsci does not give us a systematic conception of the transition from feudalism to capitalism.... more
A brief introduction to the concepts of ideology and hegemony through the works of Marx, Engels and Gramsci.
1920年代にロシアのすぐれた経済学者コンドラチェフは、約50年周期の「大循環」の存在を統計的に示すとともに、その物質的基盤を長期的な償却期間を持った基礎的資本財(インフラストラクチュア)に見出した。これは一般に「長期波動」論として知られる。しかし、コンドラチェフが長期波動について論じる1年前に、すでにトロツキーはコミンテルン第3回大会において、世界資本主義の約140年のトレンドを分析して、その中に10年周期の景気変動とは異なる、大きな成長率の変化をともなった「諸段階」を見出... more
This paper proposes a partial reconceptualization and a redesign of the Framework of Hydro-Hegemony, an analytical tool devised to study how power, hegemony, and power asymmetries can influence transboundary water politics. This is done... more