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      Textual CriticismGirolamo Fracastoro
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      NápolesLatin Elegiac PoetryGarcilaso De La VegaFracastoro
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      Republic of Letters (Early Modern History)Torquato TassoPaolo GiovioCardinal Pietro Bembo
Nei decenni iniziali del Cinquecento, prima nella poesia latina e poi in quella volgare, il "lusus pastoralis" si afferma configurandosi come un genere libero da obblighi allegorici, quindi volutamente semplice, ma carico di potenziali... more
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      Italian StudiesIntermedialityItalian LiteratureNeo-latin literature
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      Epic poetryItalian Renaissance literatureCultural History of MedicineGirolamo Fracastoro
Η πανδημία μας ταλαιπωρεί πάνω από δύο χρόνια και τα περισσότερα έντυπα έχουν ανακυκλώσει την ισπανική γρίπη τόσες φορές που σταμάτησαν πια να γράφουν και γι’ αυτήν. Αυτό το διάστημα σχεδόν όλοι αγωνιούμε για δύο θέματα, (πέρα από την... more
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      Guaiacum sanctumGirolamo FracastoroFomites
Cultural differences between Europe and the Ottoman Empire could be seen in many aspects of life, including the medical approaches to diseases. Such differences in the medical approach revealed itself firstly in the perception of... more
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      Infectious DiseasesMedical Historyhistory of the Ottomans and the Ottoman JewsGirolamo Fracastoro
Between IX.18 2019
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      GeographyCartographyComparative LiteratureLiterature
The astrological council of the planetary gods Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars in the first book of Girolamo Fracastoro´s didactic poem "Syphilis" is not, as commonly assumed, an allegory of the conjunction of 1484, but of that of 1504. The two... more
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      History of AstrologyNeo-Latin PoetryNeo-LatinGirolamo Fracastoro
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      German LiteratureEarly Modern EuropeNeo-latin literatureEarly Modern Italy
Epidemics are a challenge to individualism. While we tend to think of illnesses in terms of personal suffering (and choices) that may or may not occur, plagues affect inevitably communities and societies over long times. Epidemics turn... more
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      Renaissance PhilosophyHistory of PlagueMarsilio FicinoJean Fernel
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      Emblem studiesRenaissance MedicineVirgil in the RenaissanceGirolamo Fracastoro
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      Urban HistoryHistory of CartographyArt CriticismHistory of Architectural Representation
Epidemics are a challenge to individualism. While we tend to think of illnesses in terms of personal suffering and choices, plagues affect communities and societies over long times. Epidemics turn the perspective to the collective, the... more
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      History of PlagueMarsilio FicinoJean FernelFracastoro