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      MTKGaddafimiędzynarodowe prawo karnekomplementarność
Libya has been an important producer of crude oil since the 1960s. With a population of only six million and substantial annual oil revenues, amounting to $32 billion in 2010, Libya's potential is tremendous. However, during Gaddafi's 42... more
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      LibyaCorruptionConflict in LibyaWealth
The "Arab Spring" which first broke out in Tunisia and disseminated to many countries in the Arab world has become one of the most actual topics of the international political agenda in the recent years. The protests that began against... more
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      WarLibyaLibya rebelsConflict in Libya
Despite a recent resurgence in research on the politics of migration, foreign policy analysts have yet to approach cross-border population mobility as a distinct field of inquiry. Particularly within the Global South, scant work has... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaRefugee StudiesMigration
In "Gheddafi: le mia verità", il raìs illustra la sua dottrina politica e sociale. Si tratta di un testo ideologico, pensato per masse incolte, in larga parte ispirato alla tradizione socialista, che attinge a piene mani dal pensiero... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic PhilosophyIslamic Education
The giants, men and women, who have inspired the world, revolutionaries,  rebel leaders, statesmen, women and men of war...!!!
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      American PoliticsReligion and PoliticsFrench RevolutionPolitics
Although international asset recovery is one of the key anti-corruption commitments under the United Nations Convention against Corruption and the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption, a huge gap remains between... more
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      Money LaunderingSecurity CouncilAfrican PoliticsRecovery of criminal assets
On February 26, 2011, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1970 in response to the violence and ongoing human rights violations being committed against the people of Libya by Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi and his regime. The... more
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      Humanitarian InterventionResponsibility to ProtectWarMiddle East
Revolts did not knock on the door, they just sneaked in the Arab region, toppling some regimes while shaking the thrones of others. Analyses began to heap in an attempt to examine this state of affairs; some choose to factor in this... more
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      AnthropologyNew MediaLate Middle AgesMiddle East Studies
This chapter traces and conceptualizes the evolution of the EurAfrican borderscapes during the 2000s. It points out how a popular, but flawed perspective that sees borders through a closed-systems perspective, is responsible for much of... more
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      European UnionRefugees & border controlsFRONTEXGaddafi
On February 15, 2011, anti-government demonstrators in Libya took to the streets in hopes of starting a revolution that would liberate them from a corrupt government. Libya’s Arab Spring lasted only a month before foreign intervention... more
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      International RelationsArabicNATOPolitical Science
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East PoliticsSaddam HusseinGaddafi
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    • Gaddafi
Öz Dünyada gelişen teknolojinin ve küreselleşmenin aksine yüz yıllardır Arap coğrafyasında cumhuriyet, demokrasi, insan hakları gibi kavramlara karşı yabancı kalınması beklenen bir durum olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu bağlamda Arap... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawPolitical ScienceSecurity Studies
During a four-day conference held in July of 1997 in Chicago, entitled “Islam in the 21st Century” and hosted by the World Islamic People’s Leadership organization. Louis Farrakhan, the Leader of the Nation of Islam addressed the crowed... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismForeign PolicyThird Way
The Arab Spring is not a united experience. The intention of this paper is to acknowledge that Libya and Syria constitute two distinctive cases within the 2011 Arab uprisings. To understand why two different outcomes have occurred we must... more
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomySocial SciencesMiddle East Studies
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• 2011 yılındaki Arap Devrimleri dalgası ile Libya’da başlayan halk isyanı, o dönemki Kaddafi rejimi tarafından sivil katliamlara başvurularak bastırılmaya çalışılmıştır. • Kaddafi rejiminin Libya’daki isyancılara ve sivillere karşı... more
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Versuch einer neo-gramscianischen Analyse der geopolitischen und politökonomischen Hintegründe des Libyen-Krieges. Stand Sommer 2011
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      The Global Political EconomyNeogramscian TheoryGaddafiLibyen
Written in Cairo and initially published in Buzzle, AfroArticles and the American Chronicle on 21st January 2011 Republished on Friday, 25 March 2011 here: Tunisia, Gaddafi, Al-Qaradhawi, Islamism, Pan-Arabism, Tyranny, Democracy and... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesMiddle East StudiesAfrica
Maduro is a very good friend with the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Maduro visited Turkey in October 2017 and Erdogan paid a return visit to Venezuela in December 2018. However, it is a well-known fact that the person lives 1... more
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      VenezuelaSyriaLibyaBashar al-Assad
This paper is a highly contextualised study of the political, diplomatic, economic and military relations between Romania and Libya during the regimes of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and Nicolae Ceauescu, from the Libyan Revolution in... more
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      International RelationsRomanian HistoryCold WarCommunism
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      NATOAfricaPolitical Violence and TerrorismLibya
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      PropagandaTurkeyIslam in TurkeyIslam
both Saudi Arabia and Libya are oil-dependent countries, yet the Arab spring produced different outcomes in each. As the uprising began, Qaddafi responded by cracking down cruelly on the opposition. During the first day of protests... more
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      State Formation and Sovereignty in Middle EastSaudi ArabiaMiddle East PoliticsConflict in Libya
In March 2011, around seven months before the brutal and sadistic murder of Brother Leader of Libya (that is what he preferred to be called), Moammar Gadhafi, I had written an article, " Gadhafi, Libya, counter-revolution, and the... more
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      Access to JusticeLibyaGaddafiReal Property Law
The paper analyzes certain intra-European institutitional dynamics underpinning the formulation of EU migration policies, and explain which key issues remain unaddressed in the... more
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      Political ScienceAsylumLibyaEuropean Commission
Reduced English translation of the Russian original paper. The fall of the Gaddafi’s government resulted in actual disintegration of the state due to the actualization of all its vulnerabilities: preserving tribal structure; regional... more
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      Conflict in LibyaArab Spring (Arab Revolts)Gaddafi
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismEthnic Conflict and Civil WarMediterranean and North Africa
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      GaddafiDDHH Y DIH
We all act as if our life would be a film, whose main character would be ourselves. We invent ourselves enemies and we justify our immoral acts, coming from a lack of recognition of the other, as we write down our Human History...
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Written in Cairo and initially published on 20th January 2011 in AfroArticles, Buzzle and the American Chronicle Republished on Friday, 25 March 2011 here:... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesInternational LawPolitical Science
O presente guia de estudos visa fornecer ferramentas de discussão sobre o desenrolar do conflito líbio até o ano de 2011. Para isso, o trabalho contém um histórico sobre a política da Líbia que permite, nas seções seguintes, compreender a... more
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      Security CouncilLibiaArab Spring (Arab Revolts)Lybia
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A pocos días de haberse cumplido cuatro años de la muerte del controversial ex líder y dictador libio, Muammar Al Gaddafi, Libia continúa sumida en el caos y muchos ya comienzan a hablar de su inexorable camino hacia convertirse en estado... more
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      LibiaONUGaddafiMuammar Gaddafi
Gaddafis Libyen nahm eine zwiespältige Haltung gegenüber seiner Berbersprachigen Bevölkerung ein: Zum einen wurde die Kultur und Architektur der Berber (und auch der Tuareg) um den Tourismus zu fördern in einem folkloristischen Sinn... more
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"Es mejor encender una luz que maldecir la oscuridad"
Proverbio árabe
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      African StudiesAfrican HistoryLibyaConflict in Libya
Welche Rolle spielt Gaddafi für die Tuareg? Was tut er für sie, und was verlangt er als Gegenleitung von ihnen? In diesem Artikel möchte ich das komplexe Beziehungsfeld zwischen Gaddafi und den nigrischen und malischen Tuareg aufrollen.... more
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