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Coercive parent-child interaction models posit that an escalating cycle of negative, bidirectional interchanges influences the development of boys' externalizing problems and caregivers' maladaptive parenting over time. However,... more
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      PsychologyParentingParent InvolvementAdolescent
This study investigates the relationship between exports, foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth in five Eurozone countries (Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and Italy) using panel data for the period 1970 to 2011. The... more
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      EconomicsMacroeconomicsInternational TradeApplied Econometrics
Bu çalışmada, BİST'te hisse senedi işlem gören kimya sektöründe faliyette bulunan işletmelerin sermaye yapısı kararlarını etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma 2008-2016 yıllarını kapsamakta olup, bu döneme ait yıl... more
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      FinanceFixed-Effects ModelsStata- on Panel dataFinancial Ratio Analysis
We test whether income inequality undermines female and male life expectancy in the United States. We employ data for all 50 states and the District of Columbia and two-way fixed effects to model state-level average life expectancy as a... more
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      GenderMortalityIncome inequalityUnited States
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of GDP per capita, Inequal distribution of income, unemployment, population growth and government spending on education on poverty in five ASEAN countries. This study uses panel data... more
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      PovertyUnemploymentIncome Distribution and InequalityFixed-Effects Models
The financial sector in Jordan is considered one of the most important sectors as other economic sectors are fundamentally dependent on access to financial services. The financial sector in Jordan witnessed major developments and reforms... more
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      Financial EconomicsBankingPanel DataFixed-Effects Models
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      BiasPanel DataMeasurement ErrorsSimultaneity
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      SegregationTeacher EffectivenessFixed-Effects ModelsEnglish As a Second Language (ESL)
Although fixed-effects models for panel data are now widely recognized as powerful tools for longitudinal data analysis, the limitations of these models are not well known. We provide a critical discussion of twelve limitations, including... more
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      Longitudinal ResearchPanel DataLongitudinal data analysisFixed-Effects Models
This paper considers the modelling choices available to researchers using multilevel data, including longitudinal data of various types. Specifically, we consider fixed effects (FE) and random effects (RE) models, including the... more
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      Applied StatisticsQuantitative ResearchQuantitative MethodsMixed Effects Models
In the last three decades or more, labour share has fallen and income inequality has risen substantially across the globe (Onaran and Galanis, 2012; Stockhammer, 2013). Wage share or labour share is the total wage income of all the... more
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      Welfare StateUnemploymentGlobalisation and DevelopmentTrade unions
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceEconomicsKnowledge Management
This article challenges Fixed Effects (FE) modelling’s status as the ‘default option’ when using time-series-cross-sectional and panel data. We argue that understanding the difference between within- and between-effects of predictor... more
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      Panel DataMultilevel modellingFixed-Effects ModelsRandom-Effects Models
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
In this study, we have endeavored to explain China's trade pattern with OPEC member countries by employing gravity model over the period 1990-2016. The estimation results demonstrate that the gravity equation fits the data pragmatically.... more
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      Panel DataOPECGravity ModelFixed-Effects Models
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      Development EconomicsArgentinaAcademic PerformanceFixed-Effects Models
This paper estimates the effect of in-school feeding programs on academic performance measured by standardized test scoresand dropouts with a difference in difference (DID) model which exploits the change over time in the supply of... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEconometricsEducation
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      Knowledge ManagementStrategic AlliancesTechnological InnovationOpen Innovation
Kriminalitas adalah suatu perbuatan menyimpang yang dapat dihukum sesuai undang-undang berlaku. Kriminalitas sering kali terjadi di Indonesia, bahkan hingga saat ini berita yang disampaikan baik dari media cetak maupun elektronik selalu... more
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      Criminal ProcedurePanel DataRegressionFixed-Effects Models
This study investigates the relationship between exports, foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth in five Eurozone countries (Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and Italy) using panel data for the period 1970 to 2011. The... more
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      EconomicsMacroeconomicsInternational TradeApplied Econometrics
¿Cómo puede explicarse que algunas circunscripciones subnacionales tengan mayor fragmentación de su sistema de partidos respecto a otras? De acuerdo a la literatura especializada, la variación en la fragmentación se explica por las... more
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      Political EconomySubnational PoliticsTime series analysisPanel Data
Income inequality is a growing problem worldwide. While population-adjusted between-country inequality is declining, within-country inequality is increasing (Milanovic 2012). The causes of this rise in inequality are still poorly... more
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      Corruption (Corruption)Inequality (Economics)Income DistributionPanel Data
Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a policy innovation that originated in Brazil and is recognized worldwide by scholars and international organizations as an effective policy tool for directly involving the population in decisions about the... more
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      Participatory ResearchMixed MethodsFiscal federalism and decentralizationBrazil
The purpose of this project paper is to report the implementation of the presented statistical models and econometric methods for panel data. For this project, data of the U.S. Census Bureau was used to build a panel for all U.S. counties... more
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      EconometricsApplied EconometricsPanel DataEconometrics Models - Panel Data
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      EconometricsEconometrics Models - Panel DataEconomic IndicatorsFixed-Effects Models
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      Intellectual PropertyInnovation statisticsIntellectual Property RightsFixed-Effects Models
Changes in international accounting standards impact the evaluating methods of banking-system risks. Due to new IFRS 9 implementations, the credit risk measurement will be accomplished by the derivation of PD (probability of default).... more
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      FinanceEconometricsData AnalysisLogistic Regression
England and Wales have some of the highest incarceration rates in the developed world. Recent policy reforms have focused on developing alternatives to custody that offer credible protection for the public, and justice for victims of... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeDeterrenceCommunity Sentencing
In this study, we have endeavored to explain China's trade pattern with OPEC member countries by employing gravity model over the period 1990-2016. The estimation results demonstrate that the gravity equation fits the data... more
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      EconomicsPanel DataOPECGravity Model
This study explores how institutional grants influence student cohorts’ six-year graduation rates across four-year U.S. universities during and before the Great Recession, using panel data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data... more
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      Higher EducationFinancial AidThesisFixed-Effects Models
In this paper, we examine the donor motives of DAC-donors that influence the allocation of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa, through the application of fixed effects OLS-regression... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsAgricultureFixed-Effects ModelsDonor’s Interests
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of GDP per capita, Inequal distribution of income, unemployment, population growth and government spending on education on poverty in five ASEAN countries. This study uses panel data... more
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      EconomicsPovertyUnemploymentIncome Distribution and Inequality
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      SociologyDemographyFixed-Effects ModelsEthnic and migration studies
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      Linear ModelFixed-Effects ModelsOutlier detectionSimulation Study
ABSTRACT We investigate the degree to which neighborhood income composition affects the subsequent income of individual male residents, and test the degree to which these effects are characterized by nonlinear, threshold-like... more
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      Human GeographyUrban And Regional PlanningApplied EconomicsFixed-Effects Models
Fixed effects regressions are commonly used by social scientists to identify causality. However, several criticisms against the fixed effects estimator emerged in recent years. In addition to confounding factors that are associated with... more
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      Applied StatisticsCausal InferenceFixed-Effects Models
In this study, the relationship between R&D and growth is determined by the model which is produced according to Cobb Douglas production function. Data were analyzed between 10 largest EU countries and Turkey from 1996 to 2018. The... more
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      Econometrics Models - Panel DataFixed-Effects ModelsR&D and growth
A negative association between birth interval length and infant and child mortality has been consistently identified in modern developing countries. The reasons for this association are unclear, however. Leading hypotheses linking... more
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      European HistoryDemographySwedenFixed-Effects Models
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      EconomicsPanel DataSocial Science Research NetworkOrganizational Performance
The article is devoted to the panel data modeling of the firm's investments depending on its market value and the size of fixed assets. The Grunfeld's investment data as provided in R package were used as the initial data. The data frame... more
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      EconometricsPanel DataSpecification TestsFixed-Effects Models
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      EconomicsUnemploymentMortalityFixed-Effects Models
In Britain, civil society organizations (CSOs) have garnered much praise for promoting interethnic friendships (IEF) and strengthening community cohesion. Yet, there is very little empirical evidence to suggest that participation in CSOs... more
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      Social NetworksMigrationFriendship StudiesEthnic minorities
Why Has Participatory Budgeting Adoption Declined in Brazil? Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a policy innovation that originated in Brazil and is recognized worldwide by scholars and international organizations as an effective policy tool... more
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      Participatory ResearchMixed MethodsFiscal federalism and decentralizationBrazil
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      Quantitative MethodsPanel DataStataFixed-Effects Models
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      Program EvaluationAgricultural EconomicsApplied EconomicsFixed-Effects Models
A partir de un análisis longitudinal transversal debatimos la relación entre apoyo al régimen y niveles futuros de democracia en América Latina. Los resultados muestran que los niveles de democracia poliárquica y liberal afectan... more
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      Public OpinionDemocracyEconometrics Models - Panel DataFixed-Effects Models
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the link between intellectual capital and innovative development on the example of Russian regions. Design/methodology/approach: Authors have collected data on 85 Russian regions for... more
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      Regional developmentPanel DataIntellectual CapitalFixed-Effects Models
Fixed effects regressions are commonly used by social scientists to identify causality. However, several criticisms against the fixed effects estimator emerged in recent years. In addition to confounding factors that are associated with... more
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      EconomicsApplied StatisticsCausal InferenceFixed-Effects Models
Panel data analysis is common in the social sciences. Fixed effects models are a favorite among sociologists because they control for unobserved heterogeneity (unexplained variation) among cross-sectional units, but estimates are biased... more
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      Panel modelsPanel DataMass IncarcerationEconometrics Models - Panel Data
This article investigates the capitalization of farm subsidies in Italy by relying on a novel approach based on the Grouped Fixed Effect (GFE) estimator. This methodology allows us to account for the regional unobserved time-varying... more
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      Applied EconometricsFixed-Effects ModelsFarmland ValuesCommon Agricultural Policy