Papers by Daniele Cavicchioli
We analyse whether the event of succession changes the performance of Italian family farms, using... more We analyse whether the event of succession changes the performance of Italian family farms, using data from the Italian Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) and several performance indicators during 2008-2014. T-tests of equality of means and propensity score matching reveal that succession has a negative effect on performance related to capital, due to an increase in capital after succession. Furthermore, in the first years examined, performance per hectare after succession is lower for farms with succession than for farms without. This negative effect of succession on performance per hectare is not systematically confirmed when performance is related per labour unit.
Composites of Polymers and 1D/2D Nanomaterials 10.50-11.20 Coffee break 11.20-11.50 Matteo MINELL... more Composites of Polymers and 1D/2D Nanomaterials 10.50-11.20 Coffee break 11.20-11.50 Matteo MINELLI (KEYNOTE-1) Water and oxygen transport properties in nanofibrillated cellulose films and coatings 11.50-12.10 Nadège FOLLAIN Barrier properties of multi-nanolayer bio-polyester films

Environment, development and sustainability, Jan 27, 2024
In Colombia and other South American countries, government programs have been implemented to impr... more In Colombia and other South American countries, government programs have been implemented to improve the livelihoods of coffee farmers. However, the rate of farm succession remains low and the age of farmers continues to increase. Household surveys and focus group discussions were conducted in the community of Chaparral, Tolima Department, Colombia, to examine the socioeconomic and institutional factors that influence family farm succession in the context of these cooperative programs. The study findings suggest that coffee income, parental motivation, secure land tenure, membership in farmer associations, and access to coffee labor have a significant and positive impact on farm succession. To enhance farm succession processes and boost farmers' incomes in the region, it is recommended to strengthen farmer associations and establish secure land tenure policies.

Statistical Methods and Applications, Jan 27, 2020
The problem of detecting a major change point in a stochastic process is often of interest in app... more The problem of detecting a major change point in a stochastic process is often of interest in applications, in particular when the effects of modifications of some external variables, on the process itself, must be identified. We here propose a modification of the classical Pearson χ 2 test to detect the presence of such major change point in the transition probabilities of an inhomogeneous discrete time Markov Chain, taking values in a finite space. The test can be applied also in presence of big identically distributed samples of the Markov Chain under study, which might not be necessarily independent. The test is based on the maximum likelihood estimate of the size of the 'right' experimental unit, i.e. the units that must be aggregated to filter out the small scale variability of the transition probabilities. We here apply our test both to simulated data and to a real dataset, to study the impact, on farmland uses, of the new Common Agricultural Policy, which entered into force in EU in 2015.
In this paper we analyse whether the event of succession changes the performance of farms, for th... more In this paper we analyse whether the event of succession changes the performance of farms, for the case of Italian family farms during the period 2008-2014. We using data from the Italian Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) and several performance indicators. Analyses based on t-tests of equality of means and propensity score matching reveal that succession has a negative effect on performance indicators related to capital, revealing that the capital value has increased after succession. In addition, for farms with succession in the first years of the period considered, performance per hectare after succession is lower for those farms than for farms in which no succession occurred. But this negative effect of succession on performance per hectare is not systematically confirmed when performance is related per labour unit.
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Apr 1, 2022

Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2024
In Colombia and other South American countries, government programs have been implemented to impr... more In Colombia and other South American countries, government programs have been implemented to improve the livelihoods of coffee farmers. However, the rate of farm succession remains low and the age of farmers continues to increase. Household surveys and focus group discussions were conducted in the community of Chaparral, Tolima Department, Colombia, to examine the socioeconomic and institutional factors that influence family farm succession in the context of these cooperative programs. The study findings suggest that coffee income, parental motivation, secure land tenure, membership in farmer associations, and access to coffee labor have a significant and positive impact on farm succession. To enhance farm succession processes and boost farmers' incomes in the region, it is recommended to strengthen farmer associations and establish secure land tenure policies.

University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 2017
The aim of the research was to evaluate the effects of projects developed by Local Action Groups ... more The aim of the research was to evaluate the effects of projects developed by Local Action Groups (LAGs) on the economic development of rural areas in two development regions of Romania: NorthWest and NorthEast. Using Propensity Score Matching (PSM) we have compared communes belonging and not belonging to a LAG having similar characteristics, observing their differences in terms of outcome variables (turnover, number and employees in non-agricultural firms). Results show that there is not a statistically significant difference in change (2011-2015) of outcome variables between the two groups, both in the whole sample and in each region. This points to a lack of effectiveness of LAGs projects in promoting non-agricultural rural development. Furthermore, according to regression results, the outcome indicators are significantly affected by the degree of socioeconomic development at the beginning of the examined period.

British Food Journal
PurposeThe goal of this study is to understand if ethnocentrism exists at the sub-regional level ... more PurposeThe goal of this study is to understand if ethnocentrism exists at the sub-regional level among honey consumers living in the same production area as a protected designation of origin (PDO). Moreover, this analysis explores if ethnocentrism is influenced by individual economic conditions, among other socio-demographic characteristics.Design/methodology/approachA sample of 725 consumers was collected through the use of a questionnaire that was circulated in the province of Varese, one of the few honey PDO areas in Italy. The authors performed a principal component analysis and a two-step cluster analysis to identify different PDO honey consumer segments, focusing on their interest for PDO attributes.FindingsThe authors identified four consumer segments, depending on socio-demographic, consumption habits, frequencies, preferred attributes and preferences for the PDO product. One cluster exhibited strong preferences for the PDO honey, in the spirit of ethnocentrism, and was char...

British Food Journal, 2023
Purpose-The goal of this study is to understand if ethnocentrism exists at the sub-regional level... more Purpose-The goal of this study is to understand if ethnocentrism exists at the sub-regional level among honey consumers living in the same production area as a protected designation of origin (PDO). Moreover, this analysis explores if ethnocentrism is influenced by individual economic conditions, among other sociodemographic characteristics. Design/methodology/approach-A sample of 725 consumers was collected through the use of a questionnaire that was circulated in the province of Varese, one of the few honey PDO areas in Italy. The authors performed a principal component analysis and a two-step cluster analysis to identify different PDO honey consumer segments, focusing on their interest for PDO attributes. Findings-The authors identified four consumer segments, depending on socio-demographic, consumption habits, frequencies, preferred attributes and preferences for the PDO product. One cluster exhibited strong preferences for the PDO honey, in the spirit of ethnocentrism, and was characterised by low-income levels; ethnocentric preferences were also observed in another cluster that had a different socioeconomic profile. Research limitations/implications-Honey is a niche product and not universally diffused among consumers: further analyses should investigate sub-national ethnocentrism for more universal food products. Yet, through the inspection of the different profiles found, it was possible to devise marketing strategies to boost PDO honey purchasing and to bring consumers closer to PDO products. Originality/value-This analysis considers ethnocentrism as a segmentation criterion for PDO honey consumers that live in the very same PDO honey production area and enriches the existing literature on the relationship between ethnocentrism and individual economic status.

The paper aims to estimate potential impacts of compliance to CAP greening measures, in terms of ... more The paper aims to estimate potential impacts of compliance to CAP greening measures, in terms of crop mix, crop regional supply and income change, using 2010 Agricultural Census survey microdata on 54.333 Lombardy farms. Estimated impacts of greening practices as contained in Commission proposal, Parliament amendments and Reg. 1307/2013 are compared. Changes on greening during the EU decision-making process have notably reduced its negative impacts. Farms subject to greening would decrease from 59% to 33% while hectares fall from 95% to 72%. Crop diversification would impact significantly on 4.000 farms, while EFAs adoption will probably induce a crop mix change on 13.500 hectares only. The crop mix change would affect 30.000 arable land hectares, with an increase of nitrogen-fixing crops area (soy and alfalfa) to the detriment of cereals (con in particular). In farm income terms we estimate a gross margin loss of 9,2 millions of Euros, extremely lower than those estimated for green...

Il presente lavoro analizza a una parte le dinamiche congiunturali (riferite all''anno 20... more Il presente lavoro analizza a una parte le dinamiche congiunturali (riferite all''anno 2008) dell''agricoltura lombarda e dall''altra la redditivit\ue0 delle aziende agricole lombarde a partire dal pi\uf9 recente dato disponibile del campione RICA regionale. Nel 2008 le produzioni agricole lombarde sono cresciute in misura consistente rispetto al 2007 (7,3%) sia per incremento delle quantit\ue0 prodotte (1,4%), sia in termini di prezzo (5,9%), portando a un valore della produzione agricola pari a 6,78 miliardi di euro. Anche il Valore Aggiunto risulta, secondo i dati ufficiali, in aumento (1,6%) rispetto al 2007. La Lombardia rimane al primo posto tra le regioni italiane in termini di contributo alla produzione ed al valore aggiunto agricolo nazionale: rispetto al resto del Paese ed anche alle altre regioni del Nord Italia, si caratterizza per una spiccata vocazione zootecnica, con un contributo degli allevamenti al valore complessivo della produzione pari al...

Agronomy, 2022
Every intervention of planning, implementation, and monitoring of agricultural and agri-environme... more Every intervention of planning, implementation, and monitoring of agricultural and agri-environmental policies requires assessment tools that should have the characteristics of relevance, completeness, interpretability, data quality, efficiency, and overlapping. Despite the extensive selection of bibliographies and numerous projects designed to develop agri-environmental indicators necessary for assessing the sustainability of new policies, it is difficult to have an integrated and updated set of indicators available, which can be an effective and practical application tool to assists policymakers, researchers, and actors in policy design, monitoring and impact assessment. Particularly, such a need is pressing to face the new environmental challenges imposed by the upcoming European Union Green Deal on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post 2023. This study, therefore, aims to fill this gap by proposing a selection methodology and different pools of agri-environmental indicators ...
Applied Economics Letters, 2020
This paper investigates the capitalisation of farm subsidies in Italy by relying on a novel appro... more This paper investigates the capitalisation of farm subsidies in Italy by relying on a novel approach based on the Grouped Fixed Effect (GFE) estimator. This methodology allows us to account for the regional unobserved time-varying determinants of the Italian land values. Results show that the elasticity of land price with respect to coupled and decoupled subsidies is below one. Particularly, for the latter payments, the degree of capitalization declines with decreasing competition in farmland markets.
This paper computes marketing margins of EU-27 agri-food systems using Input-Output tables (IOTs)... more This paper computes marketing margins of EU-27 agri-food systems using Input-Output tables (IOTs); such estimation is more accurate than those yielded using macroeconomic aggregated data from national accounts. Some relevant economics flows are then observables: a) Exchange relationships among activity branches of agri-food system; b) Production uses splitted between intermediate and final consumption; c) Value and variation of whole margins for branch and for whole system; d) margins variations during the strong fluctuation in raw agricultural prices (price spike). When chain-linked price tables will be available for more years it will be possible to separate the price component and quantity component of value changes.

Environmental Science & Policy, 2021
Greening payment represents one of the main and controversial novelties of the current Common Agr... more Greening payment represents one of the main and controversial novelties of the current Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2015-2020 programming period. Such payments bind a portion of farm subsidies to compliance with specified practices, such as crop diversification. Unlike previous ex ante simulations, the present contribution attempts to estimate the ex post impact of greening payments in terms of land use change using a parcellevel constant sample (2011-2017) dataset of approximately 4.5 million observations. First, Markov chains and a weighted χ 2 test detect a discontinuity in farmland transition probabilities only in farms that are initially noncompliant with the greening rules. Such a discontinuity is not observed in farms that are not eligible for or already compliant with the greening rules. This evidence, even if indirect, suggests that the greening payment has induced farmland conversion in farms with a lower degree of crop diversification. The greening impact on farmland allocation in this farm group was subsequently simulated using machine learning techniques. This policy has reduced maize monoculture and increased nitrogen-fixing crops, fallow land and other cereals in the targeted farms. Environmental gains (reduction in greenhouse gas emissions-GHG-and input use) and farm economic losses due to land use change have been derived, providing the first tentative cost-benefit analysis of such policy tool. Due to data limitations, indirect costs and benefits of greening (improvement in pest management, land quality and biodiversity) have not been assessed. More research and detailed environmental monitoring data are required to assess such indirect effects and to provide a more comprehensive cost-benefit expost analysis of greening policy
L'interesse verso gli imballaggi alimentari attivi sta rapidamente crescendo. In quest'ottica, il... more L'interesse verso gli imballaggi alimentari attivi sta rapidamente crescendo. In quest'ottica, il progetto NANOSAK ha consentito di sviluppare a partire da permeato da ultrafiltrazione di siero materiali attivi in grado di inibire lo sviluppo di Listeria monocytogenes. Il progetto NANOSAK (Nanocellulose-Sakacin A conjugates for food packaging purposes), finanziato da Fondazione Cariplo, ha coinvolto ricercatori del Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Papers by Daniele Cavicchioli