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(en Luis Enrique Alonso, Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez y Rafael Ibáñez Rojo (coords.), Estudios sociales sobre el consumo, Madrid, CIS, 2020).
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      MarxismPierre BourdieuSociology of the BodyPhenomenology of the body
O capital erótico - ou seja a noção de valor social derivado da beleza, atractividade e capacidade sexual - tem sido, nas últimas décadas, alvo de acesos debates quanto à sua legitimidade como estratégia de ascensão social e diminuição de... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist Sexual PoliticsErotic capital
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      NeoliberalismPornography StudiesErotic capitalCamming
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      SociologyPsychologyPhilosophyPerforming Arts
Eva Illouz and the paradoxes of “emotional capitalism” The purpose of the following essay is to explore the main concepts emerging from Eva Illouz's sociological reflections about the modern culture of love. Within her studies, the... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCommunicationPhilosophy of Love
Inspired by Bourdieu's forms of capital, theorists have utilized the additional category of 'erotic capital' as a descriptor of the increasing importance of physical appearance to economic mobility. Although this phenomenon also exists in... more
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      Anthropology of the BodyGender and SexualityAnthropology of GenderMongolian Studies
Lola Astanova is a professional Uzbek-American pianist who resorts to controversial performance practices in line with neo-globalist trends. Thus, her extravagant musico-visual “spectacles” are recognisable by an excessive emphasis on... more
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      MusicologyPianoPerformance StudiesCapitalism
گزارش سخنرا نی محمد حسن محقق معین در هفتمین نشست علمی کارگروه زنان ومناسبات خانواده انجمن جامعه شناسی ایران در دانشکده علوم اجتماعی دانشگاه تهران تحت عنوان: حقوق و حریم خصوصی زنان: طرح و نقد نظریه سرمایه جنسی کاترین حکیم در تاریخ 29... more
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      Women's StudiesErotic capital
Desde hace unas décadas la representación de la mujer liberada se asocia a su liberación sexual, a la que suele medirse por sus encuentros sexuales por fuera del matrimonio, no reproductivos, ocasionales y/o no heteronormativos, pero... more
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      PostfeminismSexualization debatesSexualization of Young Girls and WomenErotic capital
By critically incorporating the concept of erotic capital, this research, which is based on an ethnographic study of female white-collar employees, discloses the gendered and sexualized dynamics of guanxi in urban China. The research... more
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      BusinessGender StudiesChinaWork and Labour
El artículo analiza las interacciones de ligue entre hombres gais en la ciudad Tijuana. Parte del supuesto de que la masculinidad no es una característica que condiciona por sí misma el deseo gay, sino que el valor de dicha masculinidad... more
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesWhiteness StudiesRacializationIdentidad
The concept of erotic capital, albeit not a new one, has come to the forefront again after the publication of the homonymous book by Catherine Hakim, whose theses stand in contradiction with the feminist agenda. Feminist philosophy... more
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      Gender StudiesPostfeminismSymbolic violencePatriarchy
The aim of this article is to elucidate whether and how the theory of erotic capital may function as a feminist tool to subvert the hierarchies and relations in current economy in favour of the empowerment and liberation of women. Thus,... more
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      Feminist EconomicsFeminismAesthetics and PoliticsErotic capital
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      Sex and GenderSexual ViolenceClassYouth Culture
This study analyses alcohol-related articles appearing in Finnish women’s magazines from the 1960s to the present day. Women’s magazines are approached as institutions constituting feminine publicities that address issues of interest as... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyCultural StudiesMedia Studies
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      NeoliberalismSexuality StudiesAesthetic CapitalErotic capital
Book launch:
Alejandro Melero, Violetas de España (Notorious)
Sally Faulkner, Una historia del cine español (Iberoamericana)
Santiago Fouz Hernández (ed) Spanish Erotic Cinema (Edinburgh University Press)
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      Film StudiesGLBT StudiesSpanish CinemaEroticism
Лола Астанова је професионална узбекистанско-америчка пијанисткиња која је у складу са неоглобалистичким трендовима прибјегла контроверзним извођачким праксама. Тако су и њени екстравагантни музичко-визуелни „спектакли” препознатљиви по... more
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      MusicologyPerformance StudiesVisual MusicCapitalism
En suivant six itinéraires d’insertion professionnelle, José Luis Moreno Pestaña met en évidence la manière indirecte dont des pratiques alimentaires contraignantes voire dangereuses peuvent s’imposer aux individus. Si l’obésité est... more
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      Sociology of WorkSociology of Food and EatingEating DisordersGender and Work
A ascensão de governos ultraconservadores é uma realidade a nível global e, esse panorama, se evidenciou nos Estados Unidos com a eleição de Trump em 2016, através de um discurso hiper-reacionário e autoritário mobilizado pelo presidente... more
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      Political SociologyElectionsElection CampaigningFeminismo
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      MarxismLouis AlthusserCapitalismCultural Capital
This study analyses alcohol-related articles appearing in Finnish women’s magazines from the 1960s to the present day. Women’s magazines are approached as institutions constituting feminine publicities that address issues of interest as... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
Resumen La teoría social sigue acordando, de manera creciente, un espacio al cuerpo. Señaladamente, las tesis sobre el capital erótico de Catherine Hakim han puesto en primer plano el valor del cuerpo dentro de las jerarquías sociales... more
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      Social StratificationCultural CapitalPierre BourdieuSociology of the Body
به این احمق های نانجیب چی بگم! ناز و ادای زنان، ولنگاری نیست؛ زنانگی است.کمترین استفاده از سرمایه جنسی ی خدادادی است. بفهمید نفهم ها! آن چه از زنان و زنانگی می دانیم چه قدر است؟ از جمله عواملی که در بروز خشونت علیه زنان در طول تاریخ... more
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      SociologySocial PolicyWomen's StudiesWomen's Rights
Comentario de Alejandro Ruiz Morillas sobre "La cara oscura del capital erótico"
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      Eating DisordersSociology of Mental Health & IllnessPierre BourdieuSociology of the Body
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      Sociology of WorkEating DisordersSociology of Mental Health & IllnessPierre Bourdieu
Numéro coordonné par José Luis Moreno Pestaña Présentation de l'éditeur Le poids des corps inquiète. Parfois, ce sont des mannequins dont l’extrême maigreur suscite l’indignation. Plus souvent, c’est l’obésité que l’on présente comme... more
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      Sociology of WorkWorking ClassesObesityEating Disorders