Sexuality Studies
Recent papers in Sexuality Studies
First published in 1988, this volume redefined the anthropological study of menstrual customs. Examining cultures as diverse as long-house dwellers in North Borneo, African farmers, Welsh housewives, and postindustrial American workers,... more
Catalina de Erauso was a Spanish nun—turned soldier—who lived in 17th century Spain. Dressed as a man for almost two decades, she travelled to the Colonies to test her luck in the army, where she made the grade of ensign. In 1624 she... more
This thesis (288 pages) represents an qualitative and historic inquiry into the meaning of abortion in present day Norway. The thesis includes new material (interviews with women and men), focused analysis of the relation and dynamics... more
Sex work has enjoyed a wealth of sociological interest over the last three decades. However, sexual pleasure experienced by women sex workers with their clients has been largely missing from the conversation. This article seeks to redress... more
In the modern game of baseball the game can no longer claim to be completely won on the field. Instead, the game is now won on computers in dingy clubhouse rooms by number crunchers that would probably do better in industries such as... more
Abstract: This paper examines mid- 20th century pre-Stonewall American butch-femme bar culture in light of that community being a sacred community for many of its participants as it was “the only place,” a phrase used by many of the... more
Students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, or queer (LGBTQ) are at greater personal and academic risk than their heterosexual peers (Kosciw et al, 2012). Many experience a negative school environment and few see... more
Aesthetics of Excess examines how the bodies of women and girls of color are racialized through cultural discourses of aesthetic value that mark them as excessively sexual “others,” and how in turn, aesthetic value is generated through... more
Technological advancement has swiftly changed the world. Gone are the days, when one used to consider a book or meet a person for knowing about a particular topic/issue. Modern world due to the complex social-economic structure, needs to... more
Članek analizira zgodovino raziskovanja spolnega vedenja v Sloveniji. Analiza vključuje tri vidike: kaj in kako se je raziskovalo ter kakšna je tradicija raziskovanja spolnega vedenja v primerjavi z zahodnimi državami. Avtorji... more
Este livro é uma tentativa de entender o percurso por trás da pergunta Existe índio gay?, tantas vezes ouvida durante a ampla pesquisa feita pelo autor, focando na colonização das sexualidades indígenas na história brasileira. O livro,... more
The popular culture of Japan draws and consolidates fans from various geographical domains and multiple backgrounds. Its engagingly rich heredity and culture is much diverse and proliferates around comics (manga), games, animation (anime)... more
About the book Offering critical response to a range of popular debates on children's sexual cultures, this ground-breaking volume challenges preconceived and accepted theories regarding children, sexuality and sexualisation. The... more
"The cyberPRINT is a fully immersive, interactive virtual environment that is being generated in real-time based on physiological data readings of a human body. In other words, the cyberPRINT is based on creating interfaces between... more
The article approaches The Hurt Locker, an enthusiastically-received ‘critical’ film, as a symptom of today’s prevailing cultural and political codes. First we dwell on the homologies between the state of exception and the narrative logic... more
Si bien es cierto que la traducción nos aleja de esas provincias lindantes con el silencio de las que hablaba Steiner, este trabajo de la traductora y profesora Purificación Meseguer plantea una hipótesis bien diferente: la de la... more
A collection of personal stories of queer people from Malawi
Hirschfeld, and its racialized reception. Hirschfeld, a Jewish German homosexual physician and activist, was instrumental in establishing sexology in Germany during the first three decades of the twentieth-century, until his lifework was... more
Information about my new book published in the Oxford Studies on Gender and International Relations Series. Includes description, table of contents, reviews and link to the book on the Oxford University Press website.
Grounded in three narratives, a lesbian high school student, a transgender college student and a high school teacher/researcher, this paper discusses student resistance in hetronormative spaces and places it relates to themes of agency,... more
BA thesis submitted to the University of Turku, Finland. In this paper I asses a magazine article using methods from Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and queer linguistics.
The only way of making meaning from sex work that accords them agency, is their interpretation of sex work as ‘healing’, because it helps beleaguered male clients to return, invigorated and refreshed, to the national work force. Sex... more
A History of Bisexuality combines history and queer deconstructive theory in order to rethink our understanding of sexuality in the West. Complicating recent historical and theoretical accounts, it begins with the assumption that any... more
Students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) are at greater personal and academic risk than their heterosexual peers (Kosciw et al.., 2014). Many experience a negative school environment and few see... more
The article examines Pier Paolo Pasolini's reflection on sexuality and the development of its conception in Italy during the two decades between the 50's and the 70's. In particular, the economic and political considerations linked to the... more
Abstrakt: Artykuł skupia się na uzależnieniu młodzieży od gier komputerowych oraz zjawisku agresji wśród graczy. Omawia on różne typy gier, wskazuje czy występuje w nich i w jakim stopniu zjawisko agresji, a także jaki ma to wpływ na... more
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): This talk will explore the implications of the Prohibited... more
Some argue that the United States' AIDS epidemic effectively destroyed a generation of queer people and, along with them, the queer culture they had created. While it is true that the epidemic ravaged communities and impeded much of the... more
This paper focusing on the fifth of the six stories, “The Best School of All,” that constitute Funny Boy, explores sexual identity politics on the school campus, by analysing how Selvadurai’s appropriation of the generic English school... more
Drawing from historical and literary analysis, I look at Ginsburg's Howl as a piece of performance poetry that redefined the spheres of sexuality that existed for many homosexuals during the Cold War era in the United States. Drawing from... more
In Gothic discourse, it is popular to categorise texts as “Male Gothic” or “Female Gothic”. However, as critics such as Carol Margaret Davison have argued, such categories often reaffirm essentialist views of gender and risk making... more
In this chapter, I use my experience with studying gayborhoods as an opportunity to reflect on five methodological problems: (1) how to sample hidden populations; (2) how to interview like an ethnographer; (3) how to bring demographic... more
Clients from all over the world hire Indian women to bear their children for a fraction of the cost of surrogacy elsewhere with little to no government oversight or regulation. In the first detailed ethnography of India’s surrogacy... more