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This article seeks to describe the results of the research with the topic of developing a model of governance of natural resources at the level of the rural communities involving community participation, both in terms of production,... more
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    • Economic Democracy
This paper collects together quotations and extracts from 19th and 20th century thinkers who were littleknown for being supporters of workplace democracy.
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      Intellectual HistoryEconomic SociologyEconomicsEconomic Democracy
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    • Economic Democracy
Is social justice possible within capitalist societies? Or should progressives and egalitarians be looking for viable alternatives to free-market capitalism? John Rawls, one of the most influential political philosophers of the last... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophyLabour Party (UK)Political Theory
Martin O'Neill talks to Matthew Brown about community wealth-building and alternative economic strategies in Preston.
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEconomicsPolitical PhilosophyLabour Party (UK)
This paper explores a new strategy to address the problem of “gig-workers” in labor-based platform companies. The two current strategies are (1) regulations (e.g., requiring platforms to recognized workers as employees) or (2) creating... more
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      CooperativesEconomic DemocracyDigital PlatformsESOPs
This paper argues that, in order to justify democracy as the most appropriate norm in the workplace, we should construe this norm in ways that reflect what is specific and unique to the workplace as a social institution. To do this, we... more
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      Political TheoryDemocratic TheoryEconomic DemocracyWorkplace Democracy
The paper aims to bridge divides between political theory and management and organization studies in theorizing workplace democracy. To achieve this aim, the paper begins by introducing a new definition of democracy which, it is... more
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      Democratic TheoryEconomic DemocracyIndustrial DemocracyWorkplace Democracy
Employee share ownership in SMEs is microscopic in Europe while it is widespread in the USA. This difference is due to the implementation of a particular employee share plan in 1974 in the USA, the ESOP. It is still almost unknown in... more
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      Economic DemocracyEmployee OwnershipSuccession PlanningEmployee Stock Ownership Plans
In the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis an important conceptual battleground for democratic theorists ought to be, it would seem, the capitalist firm. We are now painfully aware that the typical model of government in so-called... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate GovernanceParticipatory DemocracyEconomic Democracy
The radical ‘Meidner Plan’ for wage-earner funds in Sweden in the mid-seventies was one of the most promising roads not taken by the European left in the second half of the twentieth century. Had it been implemented in full, it could have... more
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      EconomicsCapitalismParticipatory DemocracySocialism
V príspevku sú priblížené základné črty a výhody zamestnaneckej participácie, ako jednej z možných foriem riadenia podniku. Zároveň je táto forma podrobená kritickej analýze, s poukázaním na potenciálne riziká a inherentné
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      Economic DemocracyEmployee Participation
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      Political ScienceEconomic DemocracyPancasilaPolitical Stability
This research aims to generate anincubator model of green entrepreneurship that enables rural communities to improve their welfare by utilizing their local resources, by involving the society participation as much as possible and by that... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityCooperativesEconomic Democracy
Corporate globalization and the post-2008 world recession have placed new strains on co-operatives. External challenges have also exacerbated a long-standing structural crisis, deeply rooted within maturing co-operative movement-sectors:... more
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      GlobalizationSocial EconomyCooperativesQuebec
This article examines the bitcoin, at present the most popular cryptocurrency. The bitcoin grew on the major pillars of the neoliberal market economy, such as liberalization, deregulation and privatization. But in the end, it turned out... more
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      P2p(peer-2-Peer) NetworksEconomic DemocracyP2P SystemsCryptocurrency
Since the end of the American Civil War, scholars have debated the efficacy of various models of community economic development, or CED. Historically, this debate has tracked one of two approaches: place-based models of CED, seeking to... more
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      Political EconomyEconomic JusticeLaw and philosophySolidarity Economy
How can society organize itself democratically to achieve human freedom, environmental sustainability, justice, prosperity, equality, and solidarity? Beyond Capitalism introduces various ideas that have been suggested as answers to... more
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      Political EconomySocialismEconomic DemocracyTheories of Socialism
Chapters 3 and 8 in 'Democratic Wealth', a collection of essays that challenges the poverty of ideas following the 2007 financial crash and explores in an open-minded and creative fashion what resources we have for a renewal of economic... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical TheoryEconomic Democracy
The theory of the firm initially developed by Ronald Coase has made explicit the political nature of firms by putting hierarchy at the heart of the economic process. Theories of workplace democracy articulate this intuition in the... more
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      Democratic TheoryOrganization StudiesCultural PoliticsAmerican Pragmatism
I argue here for a conception of workers' councils that are embedded within the architecture of the modern state and parliamentary government as opposed to anti-statist and romantic conceptions of workers' councils. I defend the idea of... more
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      Political TheoryMarxismDemocratic TheoryRepublicanism
This essay delves into the intricate topic of economic democracy in the ancient and contemporary world. To begin with, it delineates an in- creasingly widening gap between the rich and the poor in contemporary neoliberal South Korean... more
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      Pauline LiteraturePolitical TheologyApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline Theology
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      MarxismWorking ClassesSocialismLabor unions
This study examines the potential for a stronger and more significant worker co-operative sector in Saskatchewan and probes some of the development barriers which prevent it. These barriers to democratic, worker-led enterprise include... more
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      Social EconomyCommunity Economic DevelopmentCanadaEconomic Democracy
This paper defends the idea that the only feasible and desirable alternative to bourgeois democracy in 1918 Germany was a parliamentary democracy supported by workers’ councils. This alternative, which I will call council Erfurtianism,... more
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      Rosa LuxemburgEconomic DemocracyGerman RevolutionEconomic Socialization
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      Social MovementsPolitical PhilosophyCredit UnionsGift Giving (Economic Anthropology)
In the paper, the author clarifies the relationship between both the trade unions and forms of employee participation, respectively. He explains their particularities, features and meaning. He also presents them as a channel for... more
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      Trade unionsEconomic DemocracyIndustrial DemocracyEmployee Participation
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      Critical TheoryMarxismJurgen HabermasHegel
The outline of this paper is to demonstrate the notion that the Constitution should be considered as an economic document. This means that most of the rights were derived by economic interests and incentives. The distribution of power was... more
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      American PoliticsPoliticsDemocracyEconomic Democracy
In the paper, three European concepts of employee participation are presented: German codetermination, Basque Mondragón Cooperative, and European Works Councils. Their historical development, fundamental features and functioning... more
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      CooperativesEconomic DemocracyEmployee OwnershipIndustrial Democracy
Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny (1994) have used Public Choice analysis to criticize market socialism. Peter J. Boettke (1995) and Peter T. Leeson and Boettke (2002) have argued that F. A. Hayek's Road to Serfdom (2007 [1944])... more
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      TotalitarianismPublic ChoiceHayekDemocratic Socialism
In this article, we present an anti-capitalist argument for basic income based on its predicted effects on the wage share dynamics and its relation with the working class' bargaining power. Our considerations are located in the Marxist... more
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      MarxismMarxist EconomicsBasic IncomeMarxist theory
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      Modern TurkeyParticipatory democracy (Political Science)Economic DemocracyDemokrasi
In recent years, radical movements from the Arab Spring to Occupy and beyond have been calling for “democracy.” These movements also claim to reject representation—a keystone of many contemporary liberal understandings of democracy. How... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxism
In the 2012 Korean presidential election, both liberal and conservative parties fought their campaigns on the slogan of “economic democratization,” marking a strong departure from past presidential elections and the growth-first policies... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesWelfare State
The movement for workers’ control in the 1970s was among the most promising of the many roads not taken in the forgotten history of the left
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      SocialismEconomic DemocracyWorkers Self-ManagementWorkers Control
After a year of chaos and turmoil related to the Covid-19 pandemic and its social, economic, and political effects, we find ourselves faced with the question of what comes next. Down one path lies the notion of returning to business as... more
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      Economic HistorySolidarity EconomyEconomic DemocracyThe Democratic Economy
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Der Aufbau Solidarischer Ökonomien ist für eine sozial-ökologische Transformation wesentlich. Jedoch steht die vorherrschende neoklassische Wirtschaftstheorie einem adäquaten Verständnis Solidarischer Ökonomien entgegen.... more
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      Reciprocity (Social and Cultural Anthropology)Gift Giving (Economic Anthropology)Solidarity EconomySocial transformation
This article examines G.D.H. Cole's international thought. It focuses on Cole's treatment of the state as well as his contributions to the tradition of international functionalism. It argues that Cole's thought is unique in its unorthodox... more
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      International Relations TheoryFunctionalismEconomic DemocracyRadicalism
This paper examines the General Seminar on "Political and Economic Democracy" of the Graduate Faculty for Political and Social Science at the New School for Social Research in 1937. The predominantly German émigré academics who... more
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      Intellectual HistoryExileNew Deal (U.S. history)Weimar Republic
This article examines the emergence of a grass-root movement that brings back the past in order to prefigure communalist practices in the Basque Country. The movement comprises both the platform of Biltzarre and the Basque Cultural... more
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      Economic DemocracySharingCommoningPrefigurative movements
Nel 2019 ricorrono due importanti anniversari tondi che i tedeschi stanno celebrando con una certa enfasi: cento anni fa veniva promulgata la Costituzione di Weimar, la prima in Europa a parlare di diritti sociali e di democrazia... more
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      DemocracyNew LeftGermanyEconomic Democracy
Un tentativo di rintracciare le radici dei beni comuni nelle teorie e pratiche tedesche che tra Otto e Novecento hanno sviluppato il tema della socializzazione dei beni produttivi.
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      CommonsNeoliberalismCommons (Political Science)Economic Democracy
Milton Friedman (1962) is associated with the claim that political and economic freedom cannot be distinguished (cf. Lawson and Clark 2010), using the famous example that there can be no freedom of speech where the government owns the... more
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      SlaveryTotalitarianismGeorge OrwellPublic Choice
On the one hand, the world cooperative movement's democratic structures have created unprecedented opportunities for knowledge sharing. On the other hand, bureaucratization has taken its toll on movement vitality.
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      Social MovementsAdult EducationCooperatives (Development Studies)Socialism
Review Article discussing Alan Thomas' "Republic of Equals". Alan Thomas’ Republic of Equals: Predistribution and Property-Owning Democracy sets itselfthe ambitious task of synthesising neo-republican political theory and Rawlsian... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryRepublicanismPolitical Science
Europe is experiencing rapidly accelerating poverty and social exclusion, following half a decade of financial crisis and austerity politics. The key problem behind Europe’s malaise, in our view, is the economic disenfranchisement of... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryRepublicanismBasic Income
In the paper, the author elucidates the fundamental characteristics of the economic democracy. Therefore, the concept is also introduced through its historical development beginning in the 18th century up to present day. Particular space... more
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      Participatory DemocracyEconomic DemocracyEmployee Participation