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Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through... more
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      ArchaeologyMobility/MobilitiesMedieval StudiesPilgrimage
Domestication of the donkey from the African wild ass transformed ancient transport systems in Africa and Asia and the organization of early cities and pastoral societies. Genetic research suggests an African origin for the donkey, but... more
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      GeneticsPaleontologyMorphometricsEgyptian Archaeology
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Hikayat Abi l-Qasim al-Baghdadi (The Portrait of Abu l-Qasim al-Baghdadi) is an 11th-century Arabic work by Abu l-Mutahhar Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Azdi which tells the story of a Baghdadi party-crasher crashing a party in Isfahan. It is... more
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      SufismMedieval Islamic HistoryHistory of ChessTrickster
In ancient Egyptian religion, the donkey is generally associated to Seth and to its manifestation as a donkey and in the Graeco-Egyptian papyri Seth and the donkey are also commonly identified with Typhon. However, in a few spells the... more
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      EgyptologyMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Magic and Divination in the Ancient WorldAncient magic
In ancient Egypt a very high mobility is attested since earliest times. Workers, officials and even Pharaoh himself were on the move. The means of locomotion they used on their journeys were the same, no matter if the travels led... more
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      Mobility (Archaeology)TravelTravelTravel
The traditional brick making industry is the backbone of urban development throughout South Asia. It employs millions of people and hundreds of thousands of animals working in extremely hazardous and tough conditions. It also generates... more
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      Labor MigrationInternational MigrationAir Pollution and Health EffectsTransnational migration
Μια ερμηνευτική προσέγγιση της μεσσιανικής Εισόδου του Χριστού κατά το Πάσχα του Πάθους, μέσα από τις βιβλικές και απόκρυφες πηγές, αναζητώντας στην προφητική εκπλήρωση, τα σκιώδη και τα εθνικά παράλληλα, καθώς και την παλαιοχριστιανική... more
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      IconographyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsNew Testament
In this article, the stories of Balaam's donkey (num. 22.22-35) and the man of God from Judah (1 Kgs 13) are analyzed independently and are also compared for similarities. Features that are common to both accounts include: the importance... more
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      DivinationOld Testament ProphecyAnimalsProphecy
Donkeys were essential in ancient Egyptian trade and agriculture, but their value was nuanced by their perception in religion. The animal appears in funerary, magical or ritual sources, where it often reflects an ambivalent nature, while... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyFunerary ArchaeologyAncient Egyptian Iconography
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyFlint (Archaeology)Afterlife studies
The first annual "In Centro" conference was held by the Central Region of Israel Antiquities Authority, the Department of Archaeology and Near Eastern Cultures and the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University... more
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      Ottoman ArchaeologyChalcolithic ArchaeologyAncient DNA (Archaeology)Mobility (Archaeology)
This paper is part of a Special Issue ( on Contributions of Experimental Archaeology to Excavation and Material Studies, guest edited by... more
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      EgyptologyExperimental ArchaeologyEgyptian ArchaeologyEgypt
This study provides the most comprehensive archaeological survey of deliberate donkey burials in the ancient Near East. It comprises the updated results from a chapter of my doctoral dissertation — The Ceremonial and Symbolic Significance... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Equids (Archaeology)Middle Bronze AgeFoundation Deposits
Quand il est fait mention du transport dans l’Égypte pharaonique, la première image qui vient à l’esprit est celle de bateaux transportant blocs de pierre et monolithes pour fournir en matière première le chantier d’un temple ou d’une... more
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      EgyptologyTransportation and Land UseSledgesDonkeys
The Deir 'Alla Plaster Text and Numbers 22–24 are the most substantial textual witnesses regarding the Balaam traditions. The fact that both of these sources exhibit the prominent use of animals indicates that a distinctive feature of the... more
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      DivinationOld Testament ProphecyNorthwest Semitic EpigraphyInscriptions
The notices about the so-called " minor judges " (Judg 3:31; 10:1–5; 12:8–15) are strategically arranged in the literary structure of the book of Judges. They are " minor " only in the sense that they are shorter than the other stories,... more
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      Hebrew BibleHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastBook of JudgesHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Sixty one species of coprophilous fungi distributed in 39 genera were recorded from dung of goat, feral donkey and one-humped camel collected from the arid desert areas of the Saint Katherine Protectorate, South Sinai, Egypt. The samples... more
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SUMMARY: Lecture-11 provides a broad overview of Canaan and late Middle Kingdom Egypt (MB IIA/B), the fall/decline of the Middle Kingdom, the rise of the Hyksos and Second Intermediate Period (especially at Tell ed-Dab'a), the rise of the... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyLevantine Archaeology
The objective of this study is to define domestic donkey giving some information about species characters including taxonomy, origin, terms, ecology, form, lifespan, behaviour, vocal expression, colour, markings, and relationships with... more
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    • Donkeys
The origin of domestic donkeys (Equus asinus dom.) appears to lie in northeastern Africa, somewhere in the region of Somalia, Sudan, and Ethiopia. They were domesticated from the Nubian ass (Equus asinus fer.) sometime early in fourth... more
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      Household ArchaeologyRitualsEarly Bronze Age in the Southern LevantDonkeys
Background: There are clear differences between donkeys and horses in their evolutionary history, physiology, behaviour and husbandry needs. Donkeys are often kept in climates that they are not adapted to and as such may suffer impaired... more
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      Animal BehaviorAnimal WelfareHorsesMules
In this study many types and breeds were revised including wild donkeys and domestic breeds from various countries of the world.The donkey, or ass, is the smallest species in the family Equidae. Itis known for its exceptionally long ears.... more
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    • Donkeys
In this paper, we review the evidence for the use of the domestic donkey as a mode of transportation in the Early Bronze Age. The study will present the domestic donkey remains (artefactual and zoological) and their archaeological context... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAncient economies (Archaeology)Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)
Background: Upper respiratory tract (URT) obstructive disorders are a common problem among horses and are often associated with poor performance and respiratory noise during exercise. Aim: The study is proposed to visualize the upper... more
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      HorsesDonkeysGuttural pouchesUpper respiratory disorders
Donkeys are odd-toed, short-legged and long ears Equidae. Donkeys are used as traction animals in rural areas for small-scale farmers. They are an important farm animal species which adapted to the different environments, hard conditions... more
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    • Donkeys
Donkey sentences have existential and universal readings, but they are not often perceived as ambiguous. We extend the pragmatic theory of nonmaximality in plural definites by Križ (2016) to explain how context disambiguates donkey... more
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      PragmaticsSemanticsFormal Semantics/PragmaticsFormal Semantics
Club foot deformities were studied in 22 donkeys working in brick kilns. Evaluation of hoof capsule was carried out on hard concrete surface. Changes on the hoof capsule were observed from dorsal aspect, lateral aspect, palmar/planter... more
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      Educational evaluationDonkeys
This article explores the role of donkeys in ancient Egypt through a lexicographical lens. It presents the terminology used for the animal in religious texts focusing on three case studies. Firstly, the most common word used for donkey... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyAnimal StudiesDonkeys
Zech 9:9b features a clustering of donkey terms which each have a unique semantic range, but the nuances are often missed or distorted in the English versions. In order to properly understand and translate Zech 9:9b, one must examine the... more
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      Hebrew LexicographyEquidaeEquineHoly Week
Reisen stellt sich als elementarer Faktor der ägyptischen Kultur dar. Ein sehr hoher Mobilitätsgrad ist in allen Gesellschaftsschichten nachzuweisen. Schon im Alten Reich existierte ein umfangreiches Verkehrssystem,... more
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      Transportation EngineeringEgyptologyMobility/MobilitiesEgyptian Archaeology
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      Ethiopian StudiesHorse cultureMammalogyBiodiversity
In this volume, Kenneth Way explores the role of donkeys in the symbolism and ceremonies of the biblical world. His study stands alone in providing a comprehensive examination of donkeys in ancient Near Eastern texts, the archaeological... more
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      Levantine ArchaeologyEquids (Archaeology)Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastAnimals
Two ostraca provide new donkey texts
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      Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock PricesDonkeys
You are walking through a tree shaded path and you encounter a donkey on parade. The walk is enchanting, with music, donkeys and goats, their caretakers, cooking appliances, and people preparing to sing when they reach their destination.... more
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      Performance StudiesCritical Animal StudiesAnimals in ArtFolk Music
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      IconographyLevantine ArchaeologyBiblical ArchaeologyThe archaeology and ethnography of human-animal social relationships
Donkey is a member of horse family known as Equidae. It is a domesticated animal. The scientific name of donkey is Equus africanus asinus. The wild ancestor of donkey is the Wild African Ass. In the western United States a small donkey is... more
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    • Donkeys
Donkeys are an ancient component of Turkey’s domestic animal guild and have been important in the country’s economy for hundreds of years. Turkey is a probable centre of the early use of donkeys in breeding of mules. In 2009 there were... more
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    • Donkeys
Notes to Isidore’s Passage on the Mule and Other Hybrids and on the Transmission to the Fetus of Images Seen by the Mother: Critical commentary to Isidore of Seville’s passage on the types of horses, on the mule and other hybrid species,... more
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Modern sub-Saharan African studies on the recent adoption and impact of working-animal use provide valuable ethnographic insights for archaeologists into early exploitation of this new resource in antiquity. The systematic use of working... more
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Eşek (Equus asinus), Ekideler (Equidae) Ailesinin, Equus (At) cinsine bağlı bir türdür. Eşek türü, Afrika’da yaşayan eşekler ve Asya’da yaşayan yarı eşekler olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılır. Afrika’da yaşayan eşekler, Somali Eşeği (Equus... more
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    • Donkeys
Alongside horses, donkeys and their rst-generation hybrids represent members of the Equidae family known for their social, economic and symbolic importance in protohistoric and historical France. However, their relative importance and... more
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      ZooarchaeologyFranceIron AgeRoman Period
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      Parasitic HelminthsHorsesEimeriaDonkeys
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      ArchaeologyAnimal ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsAfrica
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      AssyriologyHorse culturePolitical HistoryAssyria
Resumen: En este artículo se presenta el esbozo antropológico de un instrumento musical es-casamente abordado en el ámbito de la investigación musical en México: la quijada equina. Como un primer acercamiento se abordan algunas de las... more
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      MusicAfrican American StudiesAntropología culturalMúsica
Analysis and interpretation of the passage of the Etymologies and of the treated words, including the correction of a few readings, and the revised text. We note its literary sources, and explain the author’s methodology and linguistic... more
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      ArtHybridityHorse cultureWildlife
Fifteen morphometric measurements and eighteen qualitative traits were recorded on 323 randomly sampled adult donkeys (123 jacks and 200 jennets) to meet an objective of characterizing a heterogeneous donkey population of three phenotypic... more
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      Animal ScienceEthiopiaCharacteristicsDonkeys
Xylazine Hcl was generally used in veterinary medicine for its sedative and moderate analgesic effect. This experimental study was undertaken to determine the effect of repeated intravenous (IV) administration of xylazine on sedation and... more
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      ECG analysisXylazineSedation and AnalgesiaDonkeys