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The publication is aiming to provide a critical overview of the legal and institutional framework for intelligence oversight in Macedonia. Moreover it looks into whether the security and intelligence services are governed in a way that... more
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      Intelligence StudiesIntelligenceSecurity sector ReformMacedonia
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Violence
Myanmar has experienced one of the world’s longest armed conflicts. More than two dozen ethnic armed organizations (EAOs), militias and insurgents have been engaged in the conflict. In 2015, eight of the EAOs signed the Nationwide... more
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      Armed ConflictPeacebuildingDDR and SSRBurma Myanmar
This paper intended (in 2009) to reflect the ‘accelerated integration’ strategy adopted by the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at that time in the framework of the Congolese processes of Security Sector Reform (SSR)... more
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      Postconflict Peacebuilding and Everyday PrioritiesDDR and SSR
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    • DDR and SSR
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      History of psychical research and parapsychologyOccultismWissenssoziologieDDR and SSR
Economic rehabilitation of ex-combatants, which plays a salient role in transforming ex-combatants into civilians, is a highly context-specific transformative process often taking place in post-conflict peace building. Its... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesRehabilitationSecurityCivil War
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      Post-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentDDR and SSRDisarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR)conflict security and development, peace building and post conflict reconstruction, Governance and state building
de algunas reacciones de la fotosinteis
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    • DDR and SSR
One hundred and sixty rice varieties from the tidal and flood prone areas of south and south East Asian countries were analyzed. Samples sizes were: 50 varieties from Bangladesh (deepwater, tidal and flood prone rice and modern... more
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      Genetic DiversityTidalDDR and SSRSubmergence
sdfdsfdsfa sdfdsafdsf dsf
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      DDR and SSRVfdfdff,f Dfdf
During the first two weeks of October, Iraqi authorities were confronted with a wave of mass protests over years of administrative inefficiency, financial mismanagement and endemic corruption. Evidence of a disproportionately violent... more
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      International SecurityShi'ismIraqCivil-military relations
INTRODUCCIÓN Como su propio nombre indica, razonamiento o aptitud verbal, es la capacidad para razonar con contenidos verbales estableciendo entre ellos principios de clasificación, ordenación, relación, significados, entre otros. La... more
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    • DDR and SSR
Ce travail présente brièvement le processus DDR en RDC, ses objectifs, ses réalisations et ses défis. Au delà des réalisations en présence, le conflit récurrent, alimenté par l'existence continue et le recyclage permanent des groupes... more
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    • DDR and SSR
Between 1991 and 2002, the Sierra Leone civil war left approximately 70,000 people dead, hundreds of thousands mutilated and displaced over half of the population of five million. The country’s history, culture and political and social... more
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      International SecurityPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)ConflictAfrica
This chapter undertakes a process-oriented study of genocide to consider how the gendered nature of genocide continues to influence security policies in postconflict Rwanda, and informs Rwandan women’s motives for joining state security... more
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      Military HistoryAfrican StudiesGender StudiesWomen's Studies
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      Sasanian HistoryDDR and SSR
This report provides lessons from a broad spectrum of SSR and DDR interventions – covering various countries of Africa, as well as Timor Leste. The report places a “spotlight” on DDR in the Lake Chad Basin region with a special section... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Security
Conflict Analysis using Kenneth Bush's Peace and Conflict Analysis Toolkit from Postwar Reconstruction and Development Unit (PRDU).
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      Development StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesConflictCapacity Building
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      Program EvaluationCentral African Republic PoliticsDDRDDR and SSR
Ce mémoire a pour objet l’étude des processus de Désarmement, Démobilisation et Réintégration (DDR) en parallèle de la problématique des enfants soldats. Elle essaie de comprendre la manière dont sont pris en charge ces derniers... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDDR and SSRChild SoldiersRDC
The conflict in Somalia has gained a position in the world’s top 10 countries for terrorist attacks, with al-Shabaab becoming Africa’s most prominent terrorist group. Over half of al-Shabaab’s forces are now children. Nearly 30 years of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismHuman RightsInternational Security
The following example from Socialist Germany of the young Matthias Domaschk, who was imprisoned in 1981 on the occasion of the Tenth Party Congress of the State Party as a so-called “Asocial” and died. The Stasi successfully spread the... more
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      Social HistoryGDR HistoryCentral European DissidenceGDR Subculture
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflict ResolutionEstudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoDDR and SSR
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflict ResolutionEstudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoDDR and SSR
The final report of the Usalama Project presents the conclusions of 18-month field research on the national army and armed groups in the eastern DRC in three parts: an analysis of armed mobilization, focusing on the region of North and... more
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      Democratic Republic of CongoDDR and SSRNon State Armed Groups
Since the late 1990s, the concept of security sector reform (SSR) has increasingly shaped international programs for development assistance, democracy promotion, security cooperation and post-conflict peacebuilding. SSR is driven by the... more
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      United NationsSecurity sector ReformDDR and SSRSecurity Sector Reform/Security Governance
“The utility of a cup is in its void” General Sir Rupert Smith, 2011 The objective of this thesis is to examine the interdependence of a comprehensive approach and strategy. Both are required, ideally in collaboration with explicit... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesWar Studies
Estudio realizado el 2009 para FCI y la OPS, con el apoyo de AECID, con los siguientes objetivos específicos: - Investigar y acopiar información disponible sobre la salud de adolescentes y jóvenes indígenas en Bolivia, con énfasis en su... more
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      BoliviaDDR and SSRAdolescentesIndígenas
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      AfghanistanPost-Conflict State BuildingPeacebuildingISAF
Die Umgestaltung der DDR-Universitäten verdankte sich Personen, die sich der Erziehung der Nachwachsenden zum "sozialistischen Menschen" verpflichtet hatten. Diese richteteten Strukturen ein, mit deren Hilfe missliebige... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of ScienceTransformation of University SystemsCultural Memory
"The Tribal-Military-Commercial Complex and the Challenges to Security Sector Reform in Yemen" in Addressing Security Sector Reform in Yemen (2017) Chapter in a report entitled Addressing Security Sector Reform in Yemen Challenges and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSecurity StudiesYemenCivil-military relations
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      RwandaGreat Lakes Region of AfricaDDRDDR and SSR
Bericht zum 80. Geburtstag von Reiner Kunze bringt einen Überblick über sein lyrisches und übersetzerisches OEuvre samt bisher kaum gestreiften Momenten der Editionspolitik in der DDR aufgrund persönlicher Zeugnisse (am Beispiel der... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheMilan KunderaStunde NullDDR and SSR
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a new generation of Auto Identification and Data collection technology which helps to automate business processes and allows identification of large number of tagged objects like books, using radio... more
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    • DDR and SSR
Masterarbeit am Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2020.
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      Art HistoryPortraitureSculptureLenin
Since the 1994 genocide and civil war, the Rwandan government has implemented an externally funded disarmament, demobilization and reintegration/security sector reform (DDR/SSR) programme culminating in the consolidation of armed groups... more
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      African StudiesGender StudiesInternational RelationsMasculinity Studies
The reception and evaluation of the Armenian genocide in academia and journalism in the German Democratic Republic
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      Soviet HistoryArmenian StudiesGenocide StudiesMemory Studies
The end of hostilities between warring factions in Congo-Brazzaville has marked a decisive moment in the state’s developmental history. Postconflict reconstruction is a foundational component of public policies that restore order within... more
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      African StudiesComparative PoliticsPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentPolitical Science
macro excel
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    • DDR and SSR
Demobilized combatants are generally portrayed as threat to security in post-conflict countries. In this article, I assess how much ex-combatants actually contribute to violence in the case of demobilized paramilitaries and guerrilla... more
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      PsychologyLatin American StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesViolence
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      LiberiaDDR and SSR
: Girls associated with armed forces or groups have specific needs for international protection and assistance that also arise in the processes of disengagement that put an end to their association with such groups, both in armed conflict... more
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      DDR and SSRChild SoldiersGirls in armed conflictsCombating Sexual Violence Against Women During Armed Conflicts
Since the 2011 secession, the governments of Sudan and South Sudan have yet to agree on a solution to determine a permanent border, and it has continued to be a major contention between the two nations. Both states are focused on... more
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      International RelationsBorder StudiesInternational SecurityConflict
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Forschung und Thematisierung des Genozids an den Armeniern in der DDR verlief. Wie wurde in der DDR das Wissen zur armenischen Frage konstruiert? Mit welchen Kategorien und mit welchen... more
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      Soviet HistoryArmenian StudiesGenocide StudiesTotalitarianism
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      Military HistoryAfrican StudiesAfricaPolitics
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      YemenSecurity sector ReformDDR and SSR
Political engagement for ex-combatants is essential for their reintegration (reincorporation) process, especially if they were in a politically-motivated armed group. This dissertation studies the political reincorporation process (part... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesArmed ConflictPeace StudiesPeace Research