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Este artículo intenta demostrar la influencia de determinados pasajes y composiciones del iber de Catulo en Graciliano Afonso (La Orotava, 1775-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1861). Se estudia a este fin la Oda 11 de la obra El Beso de... more
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      The Classical TraditionCatullusLatin poetryPoems
Catullus's book of poems starts with a small but controversial textual problem: in the second line of the first poem should modern editors write 'arido ... pumice' or 'arida ... pumice' (meaning 'with dry pumice-stone')? This article... more
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      CatullusServiusCatuloLatin textual criticism
Internal analysis of Catullus, 51
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      Latin LiteratureGreek and Latin prosody and metricsCatuloMetric
Materiales de trabajo compilados para el taller de traducción de 6 hs de extensión, dictado en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe), el 22 de septiembre de 2017, en el marco de la Programación General del Ciclo Junio Clásico.
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      Latin LiteratureTranslation of PoetryTranslationCatullus
'This paper is devoted to three problems regarding the lost Codex Veronensis (V), from which all manuscripts of Catullus famously descend. First, it studies the problem of the identity of the Codex Veronensis. Our only piece of... more
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      CatullusLatin manuscriptsCatuloLatin textual criticism
Breve introducción a la poesía de Catulo y de los llamados "poetae novi"
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      Latin LiteratureCatullusCatuloPoesía Latina
This paper offers an overview of the protohistory of the text of Catullus, that is to say, of the textual transmission of his poems until the earliest complete manuscripts were copied. A revised version will be published in the... more
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      CatullusTextual TransmissionCatuloManuscript Tradition
En este trabajo se propone un análisis de la poetización del vocabulario de la agricultura en el carmen 48 de Catulo. Este recurso sirve al poeta para destacar la frustración del amante, en el marco de la naturaleza dual del epigrama y de... more
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      CatullusCatuloFilologia ClasicaLiteratura Latina
This article attempts to identify the manuscripts of Catullus, Tibullus and Propertius, surviving or lost, that once belonged to the library of the Aragonese kings who ruled over Naples between 1442 and 1501. This article has appeared... more
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      CatullusCatuloGiovanni Gioviano PontanoBiblioteca Aragonese
Reviewed by Emilio Zaina, Universidad Nacional del Sur ( Word count: 1997 words Toda vez que se publica un nuevo libro con el nombre de Catulo trazado en su tapa frontal y con los poemas traducidos y anotados en las... more
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    • Catulo
"While the earliest complete manuscripts of the poems of Catullus stem from the 14th century, it is well known that his poem 62 already appears in the 9th-century Codex Thuaneus (Parisinus lat. 8071). But in fact, Isaac Vossius... more
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      CodicologyCodicology of medieval manuscriptsCatullusLatin philology
Resumen: En este trabajo queremos presentar un estudio de la obra Odio y amo, una traducción de los poemas de amor de Catulo, publicada por Bernardo Cla-riana, poeta y latinista español exiliado a causa de la Guerra Civil española. En él... more
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      ClassicsTranslation StudiesClassical philologyClassical Reception Studies
En el presente artículo nos proponemos llevar a cabo un análisis desde una perspectiva comparatista de la presencia del tópico literario de la “enfermedad de amor” en la obra de dos autores coetáneos como son Lucrecio y Catulo. Este... more
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      LovesicknessCatuloTópicos LiterariosLucrecio
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito contrastar el léxico de los poemas de amistad de Catulo con parte del léxico existente en lengua latina para este ámbito de las interacciones sociales. La hipótesis de trabajo es que los poemas de... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteraturePoetryLove
Resumo: A poesia de Caio Valério Catulo (c. 84-54? a.C.), por ter como centro a temática amorosa, a vida do adultério, a amizade e a própria poesia, é um ponto chave para tentarmos pensar as complexas relações afetivas que atravessam o... more
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      Roman poetryCatullusTraduçãoCatulo
Publicado en "El hilo de la fábula", Vol. 17, 2017, pp. 163-176. En este trabajo proponemos revisar los presupuestos de neutralidad subyacentes tras la adopción del pronombre de segunda persona plural «vosotros» en dos traducciones... more
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      Latin LiteratureTranslation StudiesTranslationCatullus
"This paper aims to reach a better understanding of the Neoteric poets by locating them within their social environment. The Neoterics were writing in Rome around the 50s B.C.E.; today they are taken to include Catullus, C. Helvius... more
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      Roman social historyCatullusCatuloNeoteric Poetry
"Paolo Cugusi has noted that a Latin elegiac distich conserved on a wall of the Domus Tiberiana (CLE 943 + 1811) contains an echo of Catullus 50, 10. This article reexamines the parallel and concludes that the epigraphic distich does not... more
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      CatullusCatuloEpigraphic poetryCatullo
Commetary on Catull. 35, 16-17 Sapphica puella || Musa doctior
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      Latin LiteratureClassical philologyLatin linguisticsLatin philology
Benvenuto dei Campesani’s epigram "Versus de resurectione Catulli poete Veronensis" is our only source to mention the return of a manuscript of Catullus’ poems to Verona around the year AD 1300. This text describes in enigmatic terms the... more
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      CatullusTextual TransmissionCatuloManuscript Tradition
"It is not clear how Catullus’ poems survived the Middle Ages. In the 19th and the 20th century a number of scholars tried to solve this problem by searching for echoes of the Veronese poet in the literature of the Middle Ages. Thus Guido... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureMediterranean StudiesRoman poetry
This paper appeared in M. T. Muñoz García de Iturrospe, L. Carrasco Reija (eds.), "Miscellanea Latina. Actas del VII Congreso Español de Estudios Latinos" (Madrid: Sociedad de Estudios Latinos, 2015), 351-357.
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      Textual criticism (Classics)CatullusLatin poetryTextual Criticism and Editing
The poems of Catullus barely managed to survive the Middle Ages. All surviving copies of the collection derive from an extremely corrupt manuscript, and scholars have been working since the Renaissance to reconstruct the original text.... more
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      Textual CriticismCodicologyCodicology of medieval manuscriptsTextual criticism (Classics)
We put forward a teaching proposal on Gamification for the subject Latin II in the 2nd year of Bachillerato, an escape room whose narrative focuses on Cicero’s speech Pro Caelio. For a limited time, students, organized in groups, must... more
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      ClodiaCatuloLiteratura LatinaLatín
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      OvidCatullusTextual Criticism and EditingCatulo
"Some time around 1535 Girolamo Avanzi published an innovative edition of Catullus that is very rare today. The edition is known as the editio Trincavelliana, as it has been ascribed to the printer Giovanni Francesco Trincavelli; but I... more
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      CatullusCatuloI FarneseAlessandro Farnese
RESUMEN En el contexto literario tardo-republicano, la poesía de Catulo representó el logro de una madurez creativa que asimiló y transformó las poéticas anteriores en función de una original «política del ritmo»; asimismo la importancia... more
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      CatullusCatuloPoesia LatinaPoesía amorosa
In his note on Georgics 2.95, Servius paraphrases some comments by Catullus on the "uva Raetica", a grape-sort that was grown near Verona. There is nothing of the sort in Catullus' surviving poems. It has been argued that Servius' words... more
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      CatullusServiusCatuloRoman wine production
Texto leído en el panel titulado "Catulo, de Verona a Bahía Blanca", que tuvo lugar el 20 de septiembre de 2017, en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, como parte de las actividades organizadas en el marco del ciclo "Junio Clásico".
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsLiteratureCatullus
En el presente artículo nos proponemos llevar a cabo un análisis desde una perspectiva comparatista de la presencia del tópico literario de la “enfermedad de amor” en la obra de dos autores coetáneos como son Lucrecio y Catulo. Este... more
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      LovesicknessCatuloTópicos LiterariosLucrecio
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      Latin LiteratureClassical philologyClassical Reception StudiesCatullus
Resumo: Ao entrarmos em contato com as poesias provenientes do vasto mundo antigo, podemos perceber o seu valor pedagógico associado à sua capacidade de difundir e de reforçar valores sociais, morais, poéticos e políticos. Por meio dos... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryHumanitiesArt
Este texto tem a finalidade de divulgar e observar características poéticas reveladas pela poesia dos poetae noui romanos, entre os quais Catulo é o mais representativo. Assim, a partir da aferição de aspectos relevantes para esta poesia,... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman poetryCatullusLatin poetry
Resumo: Catulo e Ovídio, poetas latinos que vivenciaram os anos fronteiriços entre finais da res publica de Júlio César e o início do Principado augustano, versaram em seus escritos a preocupação de que seus versos chegassem a outros... more
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      Patronage (History)CatullusCatuloAmicitia
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      HistoryCultural HistoryWorld LiteraturesClassics
The attached file contains a pre-publication version of the review.
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      CatullusCatuloLatin textual criticismCatullo
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      Latin LiteratureLetras Clásicas, Griego, Latín, Poesía, Teatro, Cultura ClásicaCatulo
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    • Catulo
espanolEste articulo intenta demostrar la influencia de determinados pasajes y composiciones del liber de Catulo en Graciliano Afonso (La Orotava, 1775-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1861). Se estudia a este fin la Oda 11 de la obra El Beso... more
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      The Classical TraditionCatullusLatin poetryPoems
Resumo: Ao entrarmos em contato com as poesias provenientes do vasto mundo antigo, podemos perceber o seu valor pedagógico associado à sua capacidade de difundir e de reforçar valores sociais, morais, poéticos e políticos. Por meio dos... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryImperial RomeCatullus
Este artículo intenta demostrar la influencia de determinados pasajes y composiciones del iber de Catulo en Graciliano Afonso (La Orotava, 1775-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1861). Se estudia a este fin la Oda 11 de la obra El Beso de... more
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      The Classical TraditionCatullusLatin poetryPoems
In: "Cuadernos de Filología Clásica—Estudios Latinos" vol. 38, no. 1 (2018), 139–141.
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      Latin LiteratureCatullusCatuloLiteratura Latina
Review of Ana Pérez Vega, “Diálogos con Catulo (en torno a la poesía y las artes)”, Seville: Ediciones de la Isla de Siltolá, 2016. Forthcoming.
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      CatullusCatuloCrisis de la República RomanaCatullo
The proposal for a performative translation of Catullus Poem 63 began as a collective project integrated by Acacio Luan Stocco, Alexandre Cozer, Guilherme Gontijo Flores, Marina Cavichiolo Grochocki, Raphael Pappa Lautenschlager and... more
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      ClassicsTranslation StudiesRhythmTranslation theory
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      CatullusCatuloCritical editionCatullo