Recent papers in Bioarchitecture
Nosotros los latinoamericanos podemos mejor que nadie decir que el proceso de globalización, con todo y sus secuelas, comenzó el mero día del descubrimiento inesperado de América. Se desarrollaron los medios de transporte y se modificaron... more
Biourbanism introduces new conceptual and planning models for a new kind of city, valuing social and economical regeneration of the built environment through developing and healthy communities. Thus, it combines technical aspects, such as... more
La progettazione biofilica può ridurre lo stress, accrescere la creatività e la lucidità del pensiero, migliorare il nostro benessere e accelerare la guarigione. Così, mentre si assiste all’espansione del processo di urbanizzazione da... more
L'edilizia sostenibile è uno dei temi centrali del dibattito architettonico ed edilizio mondiale. Un tema non nuovo, ma che oggi assume contorni sempre più chiari e definiti.
Le nostre città e le nostre campagne non possono più essere viste come una macchina da governare con criteri prescrittivi volti solo alla cristallizzazione, più che alla tutela, di un immagine che in realtà è il risultato di una continua... more
Accueil> Colloques> Littérature, art, sciences > Living Matter / Literary Forms (20th -21rst centuries) colloques en ligne | Littérature, art, sciences Living Matter / Literary Forms (20th -21rst centuries)
W 1970 roku w stanie Nowy Meksyk (USA) został wcielony w życie pierwszy projekt architektoniczny budynku mieszkalnego Earthship. Twórcą idei oraz głównym architektem pomysłu jest Michael Reynolds, który chciał stworzyć dom w pełni... more
This essay proposes a foundational theory weaving ideas from autopoiesis, secular Buddhism, and ecoMarxism into ontological and design procedures. Those precepts integrate theoretical components to articulate ways-of-being and ways-of-... more
Non-adult sex estimation is an active field of forensic inquiry as morphological variations between males and females are subtle, but observable, even from intrauterine development. The objectives of this study are threefold: to test the... more
Solo o con Altri?
Alone or Together? discusses participatory processes and projects in architecture and urbanism (in Italian)
Alone or Together? discusses participatory processes and projects in architecture and urbanism (in Italian)
The Routledge Handbook to Biology in Art and Architecture is co-edited by Charissa Terranova and Meredith Tromble. This anthology brings together essays from a transdisciplinary array of experts on biology in art, architecture, and... more
Presentation of the nine exhibitions of the Polytechnic of Turin on "Mountain and Architecture" and "Art and Mountain" with the participation of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble: "From tradition to... more
fascinating essay by urbanist Paul Murrain which discusses in great detail the excesses of 'height' and elaborates on height regulations and the various essential aspects of urban comfort considered in successful cities, and also shows... more
© 2 0 1 2 L a n d e s B i o s c i e n c e . D o n o t d i s t r i b u t e .
Prospective urban planning for the Greater Geneva According to the United Nations, global warming and resource depletion is a worldwide central concern. It is therefore high time we reconsidered the human societies’ relationship to their... more
Contemporary Ecological Architecture is a book that contains a lot of international ecological projects with amazing photos and descriptions, enjoy it!
In this paper I return to an old idea in art, art history, and aesthetic theory – the gestalt – in order to catalyze its resuscitation. In breathing new life into the gestalt, I tease out what goes overlooked in the realm of art and... more
Dipandang ruangan untuk merokok tidak efektif karena ruangan tersebut tidak memberikan perlindungan terhadap perokok pasif. Berbagai rancangan bangun ruang khusus merokok (smooking area) umumnya hanya berfungsi untuk ruang isolasi tanpa... more
t he filamentous cytoskeletal systems fulfil seemingly incompatible functions by maintaining a stable scaffolding to ensure tissue integrity and simultaneously facilitating rapid adaptation to intracellular processes and environmental... more
Directional cellular movement is required for various organismal processes, including immune defense and cancer metastasis. Proper navigation of migrating cells involves responding to a complex set of extracellular cues, including... more
The Rab family of small GTPases play fundamental roles in the regulation of trafficking pathways between intracellular membranes in eukaryotic cells. In this short commentary we highlight a recent high-content screening study that... more
While the general understanding of muscle regenerative capacity is that it declines with increasing age due to impairments in the number of muscle progenitor cells and interaction with their niche, studies vary in their model of choice,... more
What is Green Architecture? A Hermeneutical-Phenomenological approach to issues of sustainable, ecological and 'green' architecture. The paper reflects through images, examples and counter-examples and refers broadly to Wikipedia... more
Mitosis entails the bona fide segregation of duplicated chromosomes. This process is accomplished by the attachment of kinetochores on chromosomes to microtubules (MTs) of the mitotic spindle. Once the appropriate attachment is achieved,... more
© 2 0 1 2 L a n d e s B i o s c i e n c e. D o n o t d i s t r i b u t e .
Early morphogenic movements are an important feature of embryonic development in vertebrates. During zebrafish gastrulation, epiboly progression is driven by the coordinated remodeling of the YSL microtubule network and F-actin cables. We... more
The essay unfolds around art installations and speculative projects that embody processes of material transformation exploring a theory of the metabolic. The idea of metabolic architecture is analogous to life itself in its unfolding... more
In 1969, Kisho Kurokawa stated that the ‘capsule is cyborg architecture’. The capsule is the ultimate form of the prefabricated building. As such it has emancipated itself from the land to become the immediate extension of the moving... more