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      Military ScienceArt of WarHistory of Warfare and Military Thought
The texts "About the rhythm in military art", "About the gaze in military art", and "About the attitude of the spirit in military art" by the notorious samurai Miyamoto Musashi, are part of his book, known in English as the "Book of the... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
War used to be easy to define. Once, we could say with confidence whether we were at war or peace. If the former, we could identify with whom we were fighting and where the front was. Americans, in particular, have for a long time had the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)War Studies
Artistic expression frequently engages with the question of suffering. In so doing, it confronts the gravity and complexity of the human condition. This volume investigates the relationship between art and suffering. In short, the... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingMemory StudiesCommemoration and Memory
"L'arte della guerra" di Sun Tzu - testo fondamentale del pensiero cinese - ha avuto ampio seguito nella cultura occidentale in diversi ambiti. La presente analisi intende fornire una chiarificazione testuale sufficiente a fornire il... more
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      I Ching,Sun Tzu Art of WarAncient Weapons and WarfareArt of WarFilosofia Della Guerra
Unrestricted wargames can build confidence, test mental models, and provide a method to create military experiences outside of live exercises and direct combat operations. By pitting an individual or group against other living beings,... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Tactics (Military Science)
The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Spring and Autumn period in 5th century BC. The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is... more
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      Military HistoryArt TheoryWar StudiesI Ching,Sun Tzu Art of War
There is no discussion that adversaries, past and present, have developed creative uses of the "full-spectrum" of warfare, including the use of regular and irregular tactics across all dimensions of war. In the view of many Western... more
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      International RelationsPropagandaSecurity StudiesInformation operations (IO)
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      African StudiesContemporary ArtWest AfricaSierra Leone
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      Defence and Strategic StudiesArt of War
مقایسه دیدگاه های ژومینی و کلازویتس در باب جنگ(حسین اژدر:پارسا تهران ۱۳۸۴/باشگاه اندیشه جوان قابل دست رس دراندیشه کده روابط بین الملل) ناپلئون یک نابغه عملی استراتژیک بود . از اواخر قرن هیجدهم و اوایل قرن نوزدهم به بعد با... more
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Tactics (Military Science)War Studies
The eleventh chapter (The Nine Terrains) has often confounded students of the text. It is by far the longest chapter in the book, and its organization can seem chaotic, with some sections simply corrupted repetitions, and other topics... more
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Art of WarChina's military strategy
Zhuge Liang, commonly known by his style, Kongming, was born around the year 180, the son of a provincial official in the later days of the Han dynasty. At that time, the dynasty was thoroughly decrepit, nearly four hundred years old and... more
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      PoliticsArt of WarBussiness managementZhuge Liang
Karya William Tanuwidjaja
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    • Art of War
Sun Tzu adalah seorang filsuf praktis yang menulis The Art of War yang terdiri dari 7000 aksara pada kira-kira tahun 500 sebelum Masehi. The Art of War mungkin salah satu buku yang ditulis pada bilah-bilah bambu, karya yang diakui ini... more
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      Strategy (Business)BussinessArt of WarSun Tzu
Fabrizio says in Machiavelli’s Art of War that he has “[…] never used war as an art, because [his] art is to govern [his] subjects and to defend them, and, so as to be able to defend them, to love peace and know how to make war.” What is... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesWar TheoryInternational SecuritySecurity
Cet article s'intéresse aux expéditions guerrières menées à l'époque pré-européenne par l'atoll de Tatakoto contre plusieurs atolls du centre de l'archipel, correspondant à l'aire dialectale Tapuhoe. Ces récits, issus de la tradition... more
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      EthnohistoryArea StudiesOral TraditionsArt of War
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      Tactics (Military Science)Polish HistoryLeadership Influence TacticsHistory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
My admittedly subjective recommendation of the best Sun Tzu translations, but based off my first hand experience from typing out 42 complete translations of the text into a database. I use a simple five step classification system: TOP 5,... more
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      Art of WarSunziSun Tzu
The Conquest of Tunis in 1535, a relatively limited military victory in the power balance of the Mediterranean in the sixteenth century, became through art both a historic and a legendary milestone that marked the backbone of Charles V’s... more
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      Military HistoryArtilleryVisual propagandaOttoman History
Since Sun Tzu is traditionally thought to have supported King Helu of Wu (r. 514 - 496 BCE) during his invasion of Chu in 506 BCE, it is important to understand the trajectory of the dramatic rise and fall of the State of Wu in Chinese... more
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      Ancient Chinese TextsChinese history (History)Chinese Military HistoryEarly Chinese History
Although the Giles translation of Sun Tzu is in some ways outdated, there is one aspect of his scholarship that has yet to be surpassed by contemporary efforts; the unparalleled collection of footnotes that accompany the original... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)StrategyWarring States (Chinese) ThoughtArt of War
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      Military HistoryMilitary SciencePhilosophyChinese Philosophy
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Translation StudiesEarly China
Applies Sun Zi's strategic thought to warfighting doctrine and organisational development of the Singapore Armed Forces.
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      Military IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)PhilosophyIntelligence Studies
是故百 百勝,非善之善者 ; 而屈人之 ,善之善者
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      Art of WarSun Tzu
Sun Tzu's The Art of War deals with the economic aspects of military operations as well as some more general economic principles. This article studies several of its economic ideas in turn: on war and the state, the effect of war on... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Political Economy
The notion that Sun Tzu represents the multifaceted brilliance and timeless appeal of Amadeus to Clausewitz’s dour and overwrought Salieri maintains a powerful grip over our collective imagination. But does this accurately reflect the... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Ancient Chinese TextsMilitaryChinese Military History
In the introduction to his 1963 translation of the text, Samuel Griffith notes that “Sun Tzu’s chapter on secret operations, [is] as pertinent today as when he composed it [and] requires little elaboration.” We should take a fresh look at... more
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      Military IntelligenceIntelligence and EspionageArt of WarSun Tzu
The Art of War repeats verbatim a verse in both Chapters 7 and 11. One way of assessing the quality of English translations of Sun Tzu is to analyze whether or not translators recognize this repetition and see how they choose to... more
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      Chinese Military HistoryWarring States (Chinese) ThoughtArt of WarSunzi
Foreword This book is an oddity enough, but after all I want to push the envelope. This book is ultimately about Tao (yin and yang) and Qi (the combination of which is Te), as applied to the art of war... as applied to playing chess. All... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyHistory of ChessChessArt of War
Most translators simply gloss over this verse, likely due to a perception that the force ratios it recommends are simply an anachronistic feature of the manner of fighting at the time of its writing, and therefore a moot point in its... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Art of WarSun Tzu
This concise but spiritually rich text the Training of Humanity Against the Traits of Satan was composed in 1827 after Shaykh Abdullahi had retired from active rule of the Gwandu Province of the western Sokoto Caliphate. Shaykh Abdullahi... more
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      Islamic StudiesSufismIslamic MysticismAfricana Studies
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      Strategy (Military Science)Chinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureArt of War
Finally found a copy of E.F. Calthrop's 1905 translation, so will now separately track this version along with the later 1908 edit in the database. Also added Machell-Cox (1943) and Kainikara (2010).
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      Art of WarSun Tzu
I recently published an article at ( titled, "Rethinking Sun Tzu: POWs and the Captured Chariot Incentive Program" in which I analyze Sun Tzu's reference to treating captive soldiers humanely. In the article I... more
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      Chinese Military HistoryChinese Military ModernizationArt of WarSun Tzu
This thesis examines Kanokogi Takeshirō’s (1874-1941) painting, Triumphal Entry into Nanjing (1940), as a visual representation and witness of Pan-Asianism at its critical transformation in wartime Japan. A tribute to the Japanese army... more
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      Art HistoryWar StudiesModern Chinese HistoryModern Japanese History
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      Art of WarSun Tzu
[Note I have been updating this report to include comparisons with more strategic texts including Machiavelli, Jomini, Thucydides, Wylie, US. Grant, etc.] Comparison/Contrast of specific verses in both Sun Tzu's "Art of War" and... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)StrategyClausewitzArt of War
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      Strategy (Military Science)War StudiesStrategic StudiesStrategy
Dieser Text stellt eine gemäß dem "SHIn-Ken"-Prinzip erstellte Zusammenfassung über Moritz von Sachsens „Reveries Upon the Art of War“dar. Daher enthält diese Zusammenfassung nicht nur die Lehre des Moritz von Sachsen, sondern wird im... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheBushido 武士道The way of the samurai, the way of the warriorFrederick the Great, Seven Years War
This will link to an upcoming article arguing that we misinterpret Sun Tzu's advice of "Know the Enemy and Know Yourself" The original text purposefully avoids using the term "enemy" (敵) and instead renders it as "other" (彼). Yet we... more
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      Military HistoryChinese PhilosophyEarly ChinaTranslation
I have long been skeptical of translating the famous phrase from the Sunzi,不戰而屈人之兵, as "winning without fighting," and thereby interpreting his recommendation as primarily non-violent actions taken prior to the commencement of... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Ancient Chinese TextsArt of WarChina's military strategy
รายงานนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของวิชา ป.303 (ประวัติศาสตร์นิพนธ์ตะวันตก)
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      HistoriographyWar StudiesHistory of HistoriographyArt of War
Comparison of word counts of various English translations of Sun Tzu's Art of War. With an average word count of approximately 10,000, the length of The Art of War is comparable to one of the longer profile articles found in the The New... more
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      Art of WarSunziSun Tzu
مقایسه دیدگاه های سان تزو و لیدل هارت درباره جنگ غیر مستقیم(حسین اژدر:پارسا) اولین انتشار ۱۳۸۷/باشگاه اندیشه جوان و قابل دست رس در پایگاه اندیشه کده روابط بین الملل /////// قدیمی ترین استراتژی پرداز شناخته شده در طول تاریخ ،شاید «سان تزو»... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)War StudiesArt of WarSun Tzu
Maanpuolustuskorkeakoululla 19.6.2016 tarkastettava akateeminen väitöskirja. - This thesis is academic dissertation wich is defended at Natioal Defence University 19th of May 2016 by the author.
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      InsurgencySalafi-Jihadi IdeologyArt of WarJihadism and Radical Islamism
The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Spring and Autumn period in 5th century BC. The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is... more
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      Military HistoryArt of WarSun TzuStrategy Sun Tzu
This report outlines the evolution of the translation of Sun Tzu's The Art of War into English from the first four major translations completed. These include the very first English translation conducted by Captain E.F. Calthrop in 1905,... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Translation StudiesEarly China