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      PhilologyArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyLanguages and Linguistics
The article analyses the most ancient in the history of the humanity legal tradition which was elaborated by the Ancient Sumerian civilization. The author studies the peculiarities of cuneiform law which was codified relatively early and... more
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      HistoryComparative LawAncient Near EastSumerian
Thousands of Ur III cuneiform tablets flooded the antiquities markets in the 1910s and 1920s and filled small and large museums and collections around the world. Thanks to the painstaking research of many scholars, both past and present,... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAssyriologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia History
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      PsychologyMesopotamia HistoryAncient TextsHistory and Administration of III Dynasty of Ur
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      HittitologyAncient Near Eastern StudiesHittitesAncient Administrative System and Cuniform Archives
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      History and Administration of III Dynasty of UrAncient Seals and SealingsBureaucracyAncient Near Eastern Studies
Script for educational video where the different kinds of writing tablets are explain and the way they were used in Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
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      History of the BookManuscript StudiesPaleographyCodicology
Lors des dix-huitieme et dix-neuvieme campagnes, Cl. Schaeffer mettait au jour un lot de tablettes provenant, selon lui, d'un " four a tablettes ". L'existence de ce four a ete contestee par J. Margueron. Cet article... more
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyUgaritic StudiesUgaritAncient Administrative System and Cuniform Archives
The modern agendas that led from what arrived in our museums to our current corpuses of astral and mathematical cuneiform texts are discussed first. Thereafter, the ancient practices that first shaped what might have been bequeathed to... more
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      History of AstronomyLexicography and Corpus StudiesCUNEIFORM STUDIESAssyriology Sumerology Akkadian Sumerian Sumerian & Akkadian literature Sumerian Religion Mesopotamia History Ancient Mesopotamian Religions Cuneiform Ancient Near East Ancient Near Estern Languages Religious Studies
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      AssyriologyMesopotamian ArchaeologySumerian HistoryEarly Dynastic Sumer
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      Mesopotamia HistoryAncient TextsHistory and Administration of III Dynasty of UrBureaucracy
As a primary need for the survival of every living creature, food and its procurement have been the principal fulcrum of the social life of the human being since the beginning of his history. Only when the various technological advances,... more
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      Food HistorySumerianAncient Administrative System and Cuniform ArchivesSumerian letters
Thousands of Ur III cuneiform tablets flooded the antiquities markets in the 1910s and 1920s and filled small and large museums and collections around the world. Thanks to the painstaking research of many scholars, both past and present,... more
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      AssyriologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia HistoryAncient Near East
Relazione tenuta al Rotary Club di Pescara. Le informazioni economico-finanziarie contenute nelle tavolette di argilla cuneiformi evidenziano che è nella Mesopotamia antica che troviamo le origini di molti di quegli strumenti... more
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      Ancient Near EastAncient Near Eastern EconomyAncient Administrative System and Cuniform Archives