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Third-millennium Mesopotamia has provided an impressive quantity of sources for the study of ancient slavery, among them a collection of standards (the so-called Laws of Ur-Namma). Despite the volume of documents, Mesopotamian slavery... more
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      Ancient HistoryAssyriologySlaveryHistory of Slavery
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      Japanese StudiesBasque StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Linguistics
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian ReligionsBook of GenesisAncient Mesopotamian Religions
Sumerian is the world's oldest written language, but the ability to read it is restricted to the lucky few - until now! Learn to Read Ancient Sumerian: An Introduction for Complete Beginners is written specifically for people with no... more
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      Sumerian ReligionSumerian & Akkadian literatureSumerian HistorySumerian Language
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      HistoryAncient HistoryAssyriologyMesopotamia History
O presente trabalho pretende discutir a construção da ideia de prostituição sagrada no Antigo Crescente Fértil a partir da análise de trabalhos historiográficos do século XIX, XX e início do século XXI. Analisaremos como as relações de... more
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      Sumerian ReligionMesopotamia HistoryMesopotamian ReligionsSumerian
The connection between prayer and schools has been a hot-button issue in the United States since their official separation in 1962. Many are in favor of restoring prayer in schools, others, however, find the idea inappropriate. In the... more
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      SumerianSumerian & Akkadian literatureSumerian HistorySumerian Language
This article examines 15 cuneiform tablets from the late 3rd millennium BC from southern Mesopotamia. As administrative tools of the Ur III state bureaucracy, the texts are primarily concerned with the administrative and economic affairs... more
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      Mesopotamia HistoryMesopotamian historySumerian HistoryHistory and Administration of III Dynasty of Ur
Presentation of the Sumerian legacy and heritage
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      Sumerian ReligionSumerianSumerian HistoryIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
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Interpretation of the Sumerian Hymn, based on the insight in the Sumerian religion as a form of Agama and Tantric tradition and on the understanding given by the Tamil version of the Sumerian text. Has included the description of... more
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      Sumerian ReligionHistory of Tamil LanguageSumerian & Akkadian literatureSumerian History
At the end of the 24th century, c.2300±30 bce, Sargon of Akkade (2324–2285±30 bce) defeated Lugalzagesi, king of Uruk, unified the whole of Babylonia proper in a single territorial state, and laid the foundation of the Akkadian Empire.... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryAssyriologyMesopotamian Archaeology
THE NEPHILIM, KINGS OF AN EPIC AGE, is a pioneering work tracking down the story of the enigmatic scions of the gods or Nephilim in ancient Middle Eastern tradition. Commencing with the most ancient strata of traditions of Sumer and... more
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      Sumerian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryHistory of Religion
#1. Neolithic technology, especially technology involving the use of reeds and weaving, was highly advanced long before the beginning of Sumerian civilizations. Many of these technologies were based on 'basket weaving technology' and... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
Представлена детальная реконструкция систем мер длины, применявшихся на территории Древней Месопотамии до завоевания ее персами. (There is detailed reconstruction of the systems of measures of length used on the territory of ancient... more
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      Ancient HistoryAssyriologyAchaemenid PersiaAncient Near East
A short study of the Sumerian temple hymns in relation to the God Siva. Study of selected temple hymns.
The work has a view on the poem "The 12 fellows of the Lord of Tiru - Alangadu" from Karaikkalammaiyar..
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      Sumerian ReligionHistory of Tamil LanguageSumerian & Akkadian literatureSumerian History
Study of the Sumerian Temple Hymns with Tamil version, English translation and view on the philosophy of Agama andTantric tradition of ancient India. All the Sumerian temply hymns are taken from the Electronic text corpus of Sumerian... more
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      Sumerian ReligionTamil LiteratureHistory of Tamil LanguageSumerian & Akkadian literature
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      Mesopotamia HistoryAkkadian LanguageSumerianAkkadian
Examination of the Sumerian text with view on the Agama and Tantric scriptures in Sanskrit and Tamil. Has a chapter on Sumerian Funerary Ritual.
Sumerian text, Akkadian versions for some verses, Tamil version and English translation.
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      Sumerian ReligionHistory of Tamil LanguageSumerian & Akkadian literatureSumerian History
Study of the textual evidence on the Sakha Samhita as found in the ancient Sanskrit scriptures.
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      Sumerian ReligionSumerian & Akkadian literatureSumerian HistorySaiva Siddhanta
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      SumerianSumerian History3rd Millennium Sumerian Religious ConceptsEarly Dynastic Sumer
The story of "the curse of Agade" in view of philosophy the ancient Indian Agama and Tantric texts, especially the Saiva Siddanta. With Sumerian texts, version in Tamil language ann English translation. With lexical notes and an appendix... more
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      Sumerian ReligionHistory of Tamil LanguageSumerian HistoryTamil language
A first study in the historical evolution of the Tamil Verbal System. During my studies of the ancient Sumerian texts in the light of the Classical Tamil grammar I found many grammatical features in the Sumerian texts, which match very... more
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      Sumerian ReligionHistory of Tamil LanguageSumerian & Akkadian literatureSumerian History
Philosophical discusion and interpretation of these ancient Sumerian poems in relation to the ancient Indian Agama texts, specific Saiva Siddhanta
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      Ancient PhilosophySumerian HistoryTamil languageSaiva Siddhanta
An additional volume to the first volumes on ancient Sumerian texts, a study with view on Agama and Tantric texts of ancien  India with view on Tamil language
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      History of Tamil LanguageAncient PhilosophySumerian HistoryAncient Sumerian Texts
Understanding Origin of ancient mythologies and Human Religion
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionMythology And FolkloreAncient History
A research study paper authored by Purushothaman P. Ellapura and Rajan Menon. Purushothaman P. Ellapura : My first motivation came from the late Dr. Loganathan and I decided to take it to the children of Tamil Nadu. , My plan is to... more
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      TeluguHistory of Tamil LanguageTamilSumerian
The first civilization after the Flood appeared "ready made", as gift by the Sumerians' Guardians or Gods, the Anunnaki. Zecharia Sitchin was the scholar who succeed in popularizing the Sumerian civilization among the normal people all... more
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      SumerianSumerian HistorySumerian abd Extraterrestrial lifeSitchin
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    • Sumerian History
Study o fthe Sumerian temple and gods in the light of the Agama and Tantric scriptures. Sumerian Gods Enli, In - Anna, Enki and Asar - lu - hi as found in the temple hymns and other texts.. Has included an interpretation of the golden... more
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      Sumerian ReligionTamil LiteratureHistory of Tamil LanguageSumerian & Akkadian literature
Uno dei massimi problemi della filosofia è certamente rappresentato dalla figura dell’uomo nel suo complesso: la sua origine, la sua natura e la sua destinazione. Nel presente lavoro abbiamo voluto prendere in considerazione le risposte... more
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionSumerian ReligionHomer
When the Akkadian empire lost its pre-eminence during the chaotic rule of the last kings of the Akkade Dynasty, the Gutians became the most important rulers and the dominant element in Mesopotamia. The paper discusses and interprets... more
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      ReligionSumerian ReligionMythology And FolkloreNear Eastern Archaeology
"Thousands of Sumerian and Old Akkadian personal names from 3rd millennium BCE Mesopotamia are known and documented. The present study inspects names containing the royal appellatives, Sumerian lugal and Akkadian śarrum. The study aims at... more
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      OnomasticsKingship and systems of ruleSumerian History3rd Millennium Sumerian Religious Concepts
Sümerlerde bireyin, ibadet ve ritüellerle çevrili konumu, dini inanışlarda yer alan antropogoniler aracılığıyla belirlenmiştir. Buna göre insan sadece panteonda bulunan tanrıların ihtiyaçlarını gidererek hizmet etmek için yaratılmıştır.... more
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      Sumerian ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistory of ReligionsSumerian
Deciphering ancient Indus valley and Linear elamite writings using Brahmi and Kharosthi scripts - Using reverse Engineering technique and understanding evolution of other ancient writings.
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Reading the Epic of Gilgamesh can lead to confusion insofar as the versions of the story and the variations of character names therein. Moreover, since the unearthing of the cuneiform tablets over a century ago at Nineveh, there have been... more
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentSumerianSumerian & Akkadian literatureOld Babylonian period
This is the 6th and last volume of the Sumerian Temple Hymns with a version in Tamil, English translation and view of the philosophy of the Agama and Tantric tradition of ancient India
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      Sumerian ReligionTamil LiteratureHistory of Tamil LanguageSumerian & Akkadian literature
This work looks into the 11 lamentation over the destruction of Ur. This is the second volume of Sumerian texts. Looking on them with the philosophical view on Agama and Tantra texts.
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      History of Tamil LanguageAncient PhilosophySumerian HistoryAncient Sumerian Texts
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      Sumerian ReligionMesopotamia HistoryAncient Near EastAncient Near Eastern Languages
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held 3rd-14th June 1992, launched the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which... more
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      BuddhismHinduismNative American ReligionsSumerian Religion
Publication and critical edition of 521 Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform tablets, archival records of palace and temple households, legal documents, and a number of school tablets. The book contains the photographs, transliterations,... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryAssyriology
SUMMARY This thesis shall identify the date origin of the composite bow within Mesopotamia and Elam. and both identify and quantify the design factors which lead to increased performance possible with composite construction. To accomplish... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyMilitary HistoryArchaeology
Aim This review puts a previous paper on the Neolithic into context with later historical periods, and discusses the luni-solar calendar described in the non-canonical biblical books of Jubilees, Enoch and Jasher in relation to a... more
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      ArchaeoastronomyBiblical InterpretationHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastSumerian History
A comparison on the procedure of temple building in ancient Sumer after what we read in the Gudea cylinder 2100 b. C. with what we read in the Agama literatur of ancient India.
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      Sumerian ReligionTamil LiteratureHistory of Tamil LanguageSumerian & Akkadian literature
Priča o Urukagini, kralju i reformatoru Lagaša
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      Sumerian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryArchaeology
Volume 3 from the ancient Sumerian texts with interpretation in philosophical view in regard to the ancient Agama and Tantric texts of ancient Indai
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      Sumerian ReligionHistory of Tamil LanguageAncient PhilosophySumerian & Akkadian literature
Sídla, ktoré spĺňajú všetky atribúty v mnohých prípadoch aj súčasného mesta vrátane jeho správy a byrokracie, sa jednoznačne a plnohodnotne vyformovali aj počas existencie sumerskej civilizácie v dolnom povodí riek Eufrat a Tigris. V tých... more
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      Ancient HistoryNear Eastern ArchaeologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamia History
Sümerlerin Ön Asyadaki hususî mevkileri: Sümerler İsa'dan üçbin yıl önceki zamandan evvel Irak'ın güne­ yini yurt edinmiş ve bu mıntakanın, yani Irak'ın kuzey kısmına bile tam mânasile yerleşememiş küçük bir kavimdir. Göçlerinin tarihini... more
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      Sumerian ReligionSumerianSumerologySumerian History
This is the second volume. Again with Tamil version and English translation. The Introduction looks in the Temple Hymns with a view on the prosody.. with view on the chapter ceyyuliyal of Tolkappiyam and of Yapparunkalakkarika
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      Sumerian ReligionHistory of Tamil LanguageSumerian & Akkadian literatureSumerian History