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New smart objects to improve the quality of life in the ambient assisted living (AAL) scenario are capturing the interest of researchers and companies. In particular, novel assistive technologies are being developed to make accessible... more
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      RoboticsIntelligent Transportation SystemsAmbient Assisted LivingRadar Systems
Together with Katrin Gaßner; a EU-funded empirical market study on products and services available for elderly people in EU-27 that enable and support them to live within their domestic environments in terms of AAL ("Ambient Assisted... more
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      European UnionMarket ResearchAmbient Assisted LivingAAL
L’Europe doit faire face au vieillissement de sa population Les conséquences de ce changement démographique représentent un double défi pour l’Union européenne: -défi en matière de santé publique -défi pour les... more
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      AALFormation ProfessionnelleSilver Economies
Zusammenfassung Das AAL-Forschungsprojekt SI-Screen hat das Ziel die soziale Interaktion älterer Menschen mit ihrer Familie, Freunden und Bekannten aus der näheren Umgebung zu erleichtern. Vor diesem Hintergrund entsteht der Social... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSocial NetworkingUbiquitous ComputingAmbient Assisted Living
1. „Ambient Assisted Living“ und emotionale Robotik als Herausforderung für theologische Ethik und diakonische Praxis 2. Von der Dämonisierung zur Vergötzung moderner Technik? 3. Ethische Bewertung des Einsatzes von PARO 4. Fazit Robots... more
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      Martin HeideggerTHEOLOGIEAALMenschenwürde
It is a matter of fact that Europe is facing more and more crucial challenges regarding health and social care due to the demographic change and the current economic context. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has stressed this situation even... more
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      Ambient Assisted LivingAALactive and assisted living
The use of the Internet and new technologies in order to enhance the quality of life of the blind and the visually impaired has resulted in greater accessibility within this particular environment. This greater accessibility has been... more
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      ICT Educational designAssistive TechnologyWeb DevelopmentICT
According to the last “People with Disabilities Report” (cro. Izvješće o osobama s invaliditetom) in Republic of Croatia lives 529 103 persons with disability which is more than 10 % of total population. There is 18 317 persons with... more
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      Assistive TechnologyWeb DevelopmentQuality of Life and Visual impairmentAAL
Day by day new changes are appearing in all around the world, The new revolution (digitalization) is having an effect on each single moments of our lives, as an example, health and care system, the way of living and architecture,... more
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      TechnologyArchitectureAlzheimer's DiseaseAAL
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      Human Computer InteractionSocial NetworkingUbiquitous ComputingAmbient Assisted Living
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A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is an alternative/augmentative communication device that can provide users with a different interaction path, based on the interpretation of his/her brain activity. Such technology, applied to Ambient... more
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      Non-Invasive BCIHome automationBCIAAL
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      Ambient IntelligenceAmbient Assisted LivingAALIntelligent environments
The vision of ubiquitous computing is increasingly picking up pace. An increasing number of everyday objects are equipped with smart technology and start to form the Internet of Things. Yet, interacting with these devices is based on... more
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      User Experience (UX)Ubiquitous ComputingHuman FactorsTechnology Acceptance
Die Mehrzahl aller SeniorInnen wünscht sich – heute wie aller Wahrscheinlichkeit auch zukünftig – möglichst lange selbständig in der ihnen vertrauten Wohnumgebung leben zu können – auch dann, wenn sich gesundheitliche Probleme einstellen,... more
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      DemographyHealth CareHome automationAmbient Assistant Living System
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    • AAL
Abschlussbericht der Hochschule Harz zur zweiten Förderphase des ZIM-NEMO-Netzwerks TECLA (TEChnische PfLegeAssistenzsysteme, 2012 bis 2013) für das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi).
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      DemographyHealth CareDigitizationHealth Care Management
While reviewing some of the 150 projects that received funding under the AAL-Joint Programme, it becomes obvious that most of them exhibit several major drawbacks. Among these, the most important is that they are too much focused on... more
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      Ambient Intelligence (AmI)Smart HomeAAL
Technological promises of a High-Tech Future of Aging are placed in the context of problematizing current modes of caring and treating seniors. Yet, these technological promises are juxtaposed with moral and value judgments about good... more
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      Future StudiesMedia StudiesAgingFuture Media
Abstract. The aim of the EU-funded project SOPRANO is to assist older Europeans to lead a more independent life in their familiar environment by means of a next generation smart home with ambient intelligence. The core of the system in... more
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      Ambient Intelligence AmI (in )MiddlewareAmbient IntelligenceDesign process
—Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) aims to improve the quality of daily life for all humans in different periods of life. Neural-Computer Interface (NCI) can be used within AAL environments to provide alternative communication means for... more
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      Physiological ComputingAmbient Assisted LivingEMGAAL
Das AAL-Forschungsprojekt SI-Screen hat das Ziel die soziale Interaktion älterer Menschen mit ihrer Familie, Freunden und Bekannten aus der näheren Umgebung zu erleichtern. Vor diesem Hintergrund entsteht der Social Software Integration... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSocial NetworkingUbiquitous ComputingAmbient Assisted Living
The aim of the Ambient Assisted Living Project Social Interaction Screen is to support social interaction of elderly people by easing access to existing Social Networking Services. In this paper, we present the solution that was developed... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSocial NetworkingElderly PeopleAAL
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      Computer ScienceProtocolsQoSQuality of Service
In this paper, we propose a Quality of Service (QoS) architecture, QUANTA, for an end system protocol suite. We use TCP(UDP)/IP over ATM as a testbed to develop the architecture. We measure the application-level QoS in terms of... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworksQuality ControlIP
Supporting multiple traffic classes with different QoS (Quality of Service) constraints in third generation mobile systems is not a straightforward problem. This issue becomes critical at the access network interfaces, where transmission... more
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      Mobile SystemsSimulationUMTSProtocols
Die selbstständige Lebensführung bis in das hohe Alter ist eines der Hauptziele der alternden Gesellschaft. Erwägungen älterer Menschen fallen hier mit zen­ tralen Forderungen der Politik zusammen. Eine Schlüsselrolle spielt dabei die... more
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      SociologyDemographyDigitizationAmbient Assisted Living
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      HealthPublic HealthICT and AgeingAAL
Smart Watches, mobile computers in the format of a wristwatch and worn on the wrist, are generally estimated as the next mega trend of mobile computing. Meanwhile, »wearables« are available in the mass market1, IP67 certified, which... more
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      Data MiningMobile TechnologyAmbient Assisted LivingAAL
The smart home, ambient intelligence and ambient assisted living have been intensively researched for decades. Although rural areas are an important potential market, because they represent about 80% of the territory of the EU countries... more
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      HCISmart HomeAALSmart Homes
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      BiochemistryGeneticsMass SpectrometryCancer
The RTP/UDP/IP protocol suite is in the process of being standardized for multiplexing realtime flows. It aims at reducing header overhead, therefore, it is apt for transporting compressed voice in access links or in the core of mobile... more
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      Mobile CommunicationVoipIPUMTS
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworksQuality ControlIP
Supporting multiple traffic classes with different QoS (Quality of Service) constraints in third generation mobile systems is not a straightforwar d problem. This issue becomes critical at the access network interfaces, where transmission... more
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      Mobile SystemsSimulationUMTSProtocols
Abstract. Being both EU-IST integrated projects in the field of AAL, PER-SONA and SOPRANO organized a conjoint workshop on the occasion of the AmI-07 conference in order for the researchers of the projects to exchange in-sights of the... more
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    • AAL
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      Non-Invasive BCIHome automationSmart Home TechnologyAAL
Im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projekts „fast care“ entwickelt die HarzOptics GmbH – ein An-Institut der Hochschule Harz – ein verteiltes Sensorsystem zur spektroskopischen Luftanalyse. Neben der Beurteilung der Raumluftqualität für... more
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      OpticsHealth CarePhotonicsHealth
Vorstellung des von 2010 bis 2013 an der Hochschule Harz angesiedelten ZIM-NEMO-Netzwerks TECLA (TEChnische PfLegeAssistenzsysteme) vor der Jury des Hugo-Junkers-Innovationswettbewerbs des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt am 17.10.2012 in der... more
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      DemographyHealth CareHealth Care ManagementAmbient Assisted Living
Im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projekts „fast care“ entwickelt die HarzOptics GmbH – ein An-Institut der Hochschule Harz – ein verteiltes Sensorsystem zur spektroskopischen Luftanalyse. Neben der Beurteilung der Raumluftqualität für... more
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      OpticsHealth CareSpectroscopyPhotonics
Ageing of the European population raises issues both socially and economically, creating major challenges for the traditional care and healthcare paradigm. Recent technological developments generate a favorable environment for a paradigm... more
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      HealthPublic HealthICT and AgeingAAL
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      DemographyAmbient Assisted LivingAAL
Eine Voraussetzung für die Entfaltung der Unterstützungspotenziale der Architektur für ein sicheres und unabhängiges Leben aller Menschen ist die Planung demografisch nachhaltiger Gebäude. Diese umfassen eine alternsgerechte, weitgehend... more
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      GerontechnologyAgeing and HealthAAL
The AAL project SI-Screen focuses on providing an innovative user interface for elderly people enhancing their access to awareness streams of Social Networking Services by using tablet computers. As part of our attempt to investigate the... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAmbient Assisted LivingTouchElderly People
Zusammenfassung. Digitale Soziale Netzwerke haben das Potential die soziale Interaktion älterer Menschen mit Familie und Freunden zu unterstützen. Aufgrund altersbedingter Einschränkungen und technischer Barrieren erweisen sich die... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSocial NetworkingAmbient Assisted LivingElderly People
The fast rise of the population aging verified in the last decades brings new challenges to the modern societies. Most elderly persons have the usual problems related to the old age, like health chronic problems and sensory and cognitive... more
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      Health CareGerontechnologyHealth Care ManagementAAL
The AAL project SI-Screen focuses on providing an innovative user interface for elderly people en- hancing their access to awareness streams of Social Networking Services by using tablet computers. As part of our attempt to investigate... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAmbient Assisted LivingMulti-TouchTouch
Social Networking Services could strengthen social ties of elderly people with family and friends. However, existing interfaces for displaying activity streams of people are inconsistent and complex and therefore not appropriate for most... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSocial NetworkingUbiquitous ComputingAmbient Assisted Living
Das Ziel des AAL-Forschungsprojektes Social Interaction Screen war, die soziale Interaktion älterer Menschen mit ihrer Familie und Freunden zu unterstützen, sowie die Teilnahme an sozialen Aktivitäten in der näheren Umgebung zu fördern.... more
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      Social NetworkingHumorSnSAmbient Assisted Living