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  • I'M ALIVE! New blog post about where I've been & my indie web plans
  • Updated links
  • Updated Spotlight contents
  • Removed certain content for privacy reasons
  • I'm having trouble accessing my guestbook so that has also temporarily been taken down. I hope to find a better guest messaging system soon



  • New section: the Hall of Favs, where I make lists of my favourite things and gush about them!
  • Added new art and screenshots to Zaya's section
  • Updated links
  • Updated Spotlight contents
  • Pruned my graphics hoard (flashing GIFs + image-heavy) because it was frankly getting out of hand LMAO I'm gonna try to be more selective and not put too many redundant things




  • New Media Logs section
  • Updated Spotlight contents
  • Updated my Luka shrine as I have a new acrylic stand in my collection! :)
  • Added email and RSS buttons to my footer
  • As ever, small tweaks throughout. In particular I added some columns, scrolling boxes, dividers, and so forth throughout the site to make the content a little more organized-looking (particularly on desktop)


  • New screenshots and memes in Zaya's section
  • Added way more sections and sites to my Links page, plus alphabetized it so I can find things easier. It feels a lot more like a true directory of my favourite sites now!
    • I removed some folks whose sites I really enjoy but are closed for renovation or haven't been updated for a long time. These links will be restored if/when their sites return.
  • More web graphics for the hoard (flashing GIFs)
  • Added some of my favourite things (and a lil more personal info) to my About page, but removed the detailed character & Pokemon lists as they'll be moving to new pages (soon...)
  • Plenty of other small tweaks throughout the site that I've honestly forgotten about by now


  • New blog post
  • Updated Spotlight contents
  • Fixed some webring scripts
  • Got my dropdown menu working with the keyboard again. Thank you to the helpful folks of Neocities for explaining how it's done! 😊



  • New Remakes section where I recreate my awful childhood web pages! Please enjoy the first eye-hurting masterpiece.



  • Revamped my OC index to feature images and short descriptions of my scrunklies. Full profiles will be steadily added!
  • Updated Links
  • Updated Spotlight contents
  • Updated my Splash page with a few more informational buttons (my site really does run on mouse power /srs) and some other stuff
  • Small wording/appearance tweaks throughout the site
  • MORE funny graphics (flashing GIFs)
  • Added my favorite characters and PokΓ©mon to my About page


  • Restored statuslog widget
  • Removed the virtual pets page because I no longer care and I don't think anyone else did πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Sorry, TamaNOTchi.
  • Redid my OC page CSS so I don't literally hate it. Check it out on Charlotte's profile!
  • Updated Spotlight contents
  • Updated Links
  • Beautified the homepage with responsive columns courtesy of Matthew James Taylor



  • Layout refresh! Switched to a single-column theme
  • Updated the Credits to reflect new layout
  • Updated the Sitemap to reflect new organization
  • Created the Memberships page to house my webrings, fanlistings, etc.
  • Splash page matches the main website theme


  • Updated Spotlight contents
  • Homepage statuslog widget temporarily removed due to technical issues










  • Added a splash page with age rating & accessibility info before entering the site
  • Published my WIP Foals shrine
  • Added more Links
  • Moved my Pets page to the Junk Drawer (in the interest of keeping the navbar compact)
  • Added lazy loading and freezeframe to a bunch of images


  • Switched to an on-site changelog
  • Published Charlotte's page
  • Updated homepage layout & contents
  • Divided Site Info into multiple pages

View older updates on Status Cafe.