so i’ve been on tumblr since forever and took a break and then recently came back! however i’m still very much stuck with 2012 tumblr trends (lol) when graphics and picspams were just *chefs kiss*
i know trends change and all buttttt i really miss the creativity and beauty of picspams and graphics so…here is a picspam tutorial for y’all! stay tuned for more tutorials to come!
blend mode overlays over sidebar image & nav image - will change on dark mode
dark mode toggle
note: this is not overly color-customisable due to the dark mode toggle. you can choose for the default to be dark or light, and the three colours that make up the gradient accent, that’s it.
can be an all-in-one, can be a tags page - up to you. add/delete as many subfolders as you want. but! it may be a bit confusing so some html experience is recommended.
faq/ask section
about me section
as many links sections as you want
two images - you can change them if you don’t want them
updates tab/description same as index page. again, delete if you don’t want.
this is a basic tips & tricks post for how I make my gifs. I am sure there are probably easier and better ways to do things, but this is how I have been doing it and I am lazy so I’ve basically got it down to a few clicks by setting up actions to do most of the work so if that sounds like something you might like - read on!
I use windows and photoshop cc 2022 for making my gifs. I also use caps (captured using potplayer and in jpg format) so once you have your caps ready, just import them into photoshop as normal.
Below include a step by step tutorial (pictures included) for how to create a vintage coloring for your image + how to create your own light leak textures.
This tutorial was requested by anonymous and will explain how split a gif in multiple pieces as in the example above ! However, it will not explain how to create a gif.
Updated gif tutorial ➣ How I make my gifs and use timeline to set the frame rate
This is the quickest possible technique that I’ve come to learn how to make gifs. This tutorial is image heavy and mostly beneficial for those who have a mac, although I’m sure you could take the same steps on a pc.
What you need: -photoshop (I use CC 2019) -quicktime player -probably basic knowledge on how to make gifs