At long last, here is my tutorial on how to create something like this graphic here (and also this and this)! I also included the video above for reference (since some of the steps can be confusing) 👍
slide-out sidebar with a 500px sidebar image, space for description, extra navigation links, and a search bar
footer with space for up to three custom links, weather status, local time and date.
optional updates tab. if you don’t turn this on through the customization panel, it won’t show up.
one, two, or three columns
post sizes: 300px, 350px, 400px, 450px, 500px, 540px
optional background image
hide or show captions and tags on index page
ten body font options, font sizes from 12px to 18px, and all colours customizable.
responsive for both desktop and mobile devices
Tumblr’s customize page is very buggy and when you first install the theme, you have to toggle the toggle options on and off to get them to work properly.
the navigation section in the sidebar has space for up to five custom links and as many Tumblr page links as you want. however, to get them to show up, you need to make sure the “Menu Navigation Section” option is enabled in the customization panel.
icons are from phosphoricons; to change the icons, go to the phosphoricons site, find the name of the new icon you want, and input the name of the new icon into the relevant text fields in the customization panel.
LAYER MASK TUTORIAL (FOR FACES) while adjustment layers are great for changing the colour of backgrounds they also end up changing the colour of people’s faces like making eyes and teeth pink or blue. this tutorial will show you a simple and easy way to fix that!
note: this tutorial assumes that you have a fairly good understanding of adjustment layers.
Some anons asked me how to make the transitions in the middle gif of this set, so in this tutorial I’ll show you how I did it. This tutorial assumes that you know the basics of gif making, so let’s begin, tutorial under the cut:
is a single-column Tumblr theme with an option between a sidebar (left
right) or a header, with a Google font of your choosing, as well as a separate choice of font for the custom title. Optional dark
mode and update tab is included. Supports NPF posts.
I’m pretty sure that at least any of these two had happened to some you who uses the “Convert to Video Timeline” to sharpen gifs:
The initial speed that you’ve set up before converting to video timeline is NOT the speed that the gif has once you save it
OR the plug-ins Topaz Denoise and/or Topaz Clean are messing up your Photoshop whenever you try to save your gif (that you’re forced to quit Photoshop and start all over again…😭)
In this post, I’ll be showing you how to save your gifs where you would be able to adjust the speed of your gif after applying the sharpening settings on your gif. (Instead of opening the gif again after you already saved it and then re-saving it with a more appropriate gif speed)
But of course, you must already have the basic knowledge of making your gifs and sharpening it with the “Convert to Video Timelime” to be able to understand this post. If not, you could check out the tutorial that I made in this post~
ZOOM OUT TO MULTI-GIF LAYOUT: Brady Bunch-Inspired Gif Transition Tutorial ↳ some anons asked me here and on @usergif for a tutorial on this gif from my benedict bridgerton set. if you know the basics of gif-making, this is a very easy effect to recreate! (despite what this monster below the cut would make it seem)
Okay I was asked to explain a little of how I do my colorful gifsets since I use a base psd and then color depending on the gif. I have a couple ways that I will do this depending on the shot. Typically a shot with a lot of negative space, especially if it’s one solid color works best, also I’m partial to shots with explosions, steam, or smoke. They’re just fun.
I’m using shots from Buffy just because it’s my favorite show but this translates to pretty much anything. I have another tutorial explaining my typical coloring routine which includes the settings for my base psd. If you’re interested in that it’s here. Otherwise, I’m just going to focus on the color aspect. It would mean a lot if you liked or reblogged if this helped you out.