creditsfrom Tumblrunnested captions by neothmsphotosets.css + custom audio script by annasthmsflexible frames script by nouvaeremove Tumblr’s redirect script by magnusthmesaudio player color script by shudesingstimeAgo plugin + undocumented documentation by bychloethemesshortening notes script + custom like button tutorial + lightbox tutorial by shythemestumblr controls toggle script by themesbytommyNPF mobile photosets by glenthemesadd deactivated to inactive user + css url tooltips tutorial by eggdesign.expanded Tumblr localization by codematurgyscriptsanimate on scroll gallerybootstrap responsive scriptcolors.csshighlight.jsinfinite scrolloverlay scrollbarslick carouselsticky-kitsticky sidebarwow.jstutorialscss resetdraggable tagson scroll eventsresponsive tabswavy hover effect (yt video tutorial)fonts and iconscomputer modern LaTeXgoogle fontsboxiconsfeather icons / icomoon icon fontflaticonfontawesomephosphor iconstooltipsby freecodecampcss tooltipstippy.jstooltipsterby themePage: MOVEAESTHETIC.cssdraggabillynormalize.csswindows 95-era scrollbars
from Tumblr
fonts and icons
by theme
Page: MOVE