Some anons asked me how to make the transitions in the middle gif of this set, so in this tutorial I’ll show you how I did it. This tutorial assumes that you know the basics of gif making, so let’s begin, tutorial under the cut:
Long story short, this effect can’t be done with Photoshop, or at least not as smooth. I used After Effects to do it. Nevertheless, I created an overlay which makes the process much easier and achievable in PS using Video Timeline (Frame Animation won’t work for this effect.)
You’ll need to download the transition overlays I made. Don’t worry if the video software in your computer can’t open the videos because Photoshop can (most video softwares won’t because the background is transparent.)
Download the transition overlays here (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
First of all crop, sharpen and colour your gifs as usual In this case I’m using two gifs of 50 frames each. This is how my ps looks like:
Now, let’s move the gifs to the same file. I selected all the layers of my second gif and copied them, then I went to my first file and pasted them above.
Now, grab one of the two overlays and drag it to your file. It should appear above all your other layers (1). Let’s drag that layer under the clip and coloring (2), select the clip and coloring layers and double click > Create clipping mask. Your layers should look like (3).
Now this is how my gif looks like:
In this gif I wanted the transition to start around the middle of the first gif, so I clicked on my “Clip 2″ folder and dragged it to the middle of my timeline, and my transition is done!
Okay, now that my gif is done I want it to loop. I went to my layers and selected my “Clip 1″ folder, double click > Duplicate group, and I put that duplicated folder above the other two.
Now let’s repeat the process I explained above, but in this case I added the diagonal transition. I also wanted to change the direction the transition played. After I put the overlay in my file, I selected the layer > Ctrl + T > Changed the angle to whatever I wanted, in this case 90º. You can put 0º, 90º, 180º or -90º to change the direction, like I did in my set.
Okay, so now I created my second transition. Like I did before, I’m going to select the duplicated group and drag it towards the end of the timeline, trying to make sure both gifs last around the same time:
To make it loop, I need to make the first frame of the whole gif match the last frame. My second transition finishes in this frame:
Which is the same frame as this one:
So now I’m going to drag these timeline things and “crop” the gif:
And this is the result:
If you have any questions feel free to send me an ask!
Some anons asked me how to make the transitions in the middle gif of this set, so in this tutorial I’ll show you how I did it. This tutorial assumes that you know the basics of gif making, so let’s begin, tutorial under the cut:
Long story short, this effect can’t be done with Photoshop, or at least not as smooth. I used After Effects to do it. Nevertheless, I created an overlay which makes the process much easier and achievable in PS using Video Timeline (Frame Animation won’t work for this effect.)
You’ll need to download the transition overlays I made. Don’t worry if the video software in your computer can’t open the videos because Photoshop can (most video softwares won’t because the background is transparent.)
Download the transition overlays here (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
First of all crop, sharpen and colour your gifs as usual In this case I’m using two gifs of 50 frames each. This is how my ps looks like:
Now, let’s move the gifs to the same file. I selected all the layers of my second gif and copied them, then I went to my first file and pasted them above.
Now, grab one of the two overlays and drag it to your file. It should appear above all your other layers (1). Let’s drag that layer under the clip and coloring (2), select the clip and coloring layers and double click > Create clipping mask. Your layers should look like (3).
Now this is how my gif looks like:
In this gif I wanted the transition to start around the middle of the first gif, so I clicked on my “Clip 2″ folder and dragged it to the middle of my timeline, and my transition is done!
Okay, now that my gif is done I want it to loop. I went to my layers and selected my “Clip 1″ folder, double click > Duplicate group, and I put that duplicated folder above the other two.
Now let’s repeat the process I explained above, but in this case I added the diagonal transition. I also wanted to change the direction the transition played. After I put the overlay in my file, I selected the layer > Ctrl + T > Changed the angle to whatever I wanted, in this case 90º. You can put 0º, 90º, 180º or -90º to change the direction, like I did in my set.
Okay, so now I created my second transition. Like I did before, I’m going to select the duplicated group and drag it towards the end of the timeline, trying to make sure both gifs last around the same time:
To make it loop, I need to make the first frame of the whole gif match the last frame. My second transition finishes in this frame:
Which is the same frame as this one:
So now I’m going to drag these timeline things and “crop” the gif:
And this is the result:
If you have any questions feel free to send me an ask!
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