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USD12288S - Design for a heating-stove - Google Patents

Design for a heating-stove Download PDF


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USD12288S US D12288 S USD12288 S US D12288S
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George W. Graves
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P One
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SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 12,288, dated May 31, 1881.
Application filed July 14, 1R80.
To all uhom it may concern: I
Beit known that I, GEORGE W. GRAVES, of' the city ot' Troy, county of Rensselaer, and State ot' New York, have invented a new and useful Improvement in Ornamental Designs for Heating-Stoves, of which the following is a specification.
My invention of a design relates to the ornamental form and surface ornamentation of a heating-stove and the several parts thereof; also, to the application of a colored surface to the magazinesection, and the combination ot a colored thermometer with a nickel-plated standard upon the dome-formed top of tbestovr, as shown in the annexed photograph, forming a part of this specification.
My invention of a design for the top of a heating-stove consists in the combination ot' the dome-formed top A and the surta-ce ornamentation displayed thereon, consisting ot'the u pWardly-diree ted row ofreliel'- poi nts arranged in revolution around the base ofthe dome, as shown at a, the row of contiguous diamonds in relief around the crown of the dome, as shown at b, and the downwardly-projecting radiate points around the top of the dome, as designated at c.
My invention of a design for the ornamentation of the top of a heating-stove consists in the form and ornamentation ofthe apex column B, it having the buttressed sides a" a, and downwardly-projected feet d dd d', and which curve from the base at four points downwardly and oppositely along and in contact with the dome-surface to its base, as shown at c" c, ornamented with the steps d d and the projecting fan radiate ornaments, (designated at e 6,) with knobs upon the steps, as shown at q g.
My invention of a design, as applied to the parts of a heating-stove, also consists in the manner of ornamenting the top of the dome above the magazine-section by means of the apex column B', its buttressed sides a a, all of which are nickel-plated, and the thermometer B",havin g for ornamental eiect a red glass tube placed against the column and between the buttresses.
.M y invention of a design for the ornamentation of the parts of a heating-stove also consists in the combination of the hemispherical 'lerni ol' patent 'l years.
dome A ot' the stovetop, with the base-band molding 'ci 'zi in revolution about the bottom of the dome, and the overhanging ringjj, having at its base the line oi" scallops k lc, with the bamtmolding i and the overhanging ring j, nickel-plated.
My invention of a design lor the several parts of a heating-stove also consists of the application to the top of the magazine-section ot' the reversed ovolo molding O, arranged in revolution around the magazine-section at its top, and the moldingornamentedupon its upper and lower edges with the waving lilies l t, and the molding` nickel-plated.
My invention of an ornamental design for the magazine-section of a heating-stove consists in combining with the gray granite color placed on tbe magazine-section C,and as shown atC,thenickel-plated relief-panels m m, placed thereon.
My invention ol' a design for the ornamentation of the magazine-section of a heatingstove also consists in the combina-tion of the granite color applied to the section by means ot'granite enamel, as shown at C", the upper reversed ovolo molding O, and the base-molding D, scalloped at 7s.
My invention cfa design for ornamenting the doors of the combustioirchamber section ofaheating-stove (the section beingdesignated at E) consists in the manner ofarranging and shaping the sash-bars which divide the doors into mica panes or lights for illumination by means of the horizontally-bent bars r', having a doublereversing ogee curve between, where they join the vertical sides of the frame z z, near their centers, and the upright branching sash-bars r, which divide above their crossintersection of the horizontally-curved bars to form a branching V-shaped union with the top of the door-frame z, with the latter curved to adapt itself to the contour ofthe stove at that point.
My invention of a design for ornamenting the combustion-chamber doors of a heating stove also consists in the manner of curving the horizontal saslrbars r 1", the manner of curving and branching the upright bars r r", and vine-leaf projections upon the edges of the bars, as shown at YV W W IV.
My invention of a design i'or the ornamentation ot' the lower mica section oi' a heatingstovcnlesignated at F) consists in the U-shapcd t'orm ot' the sash-bars, dividing the frame z into mica lights or panes, as shown at r".
My invention of a design for the ornamentation ot the doors ot the lowcr mica section, F, consists also ot' tite combination ot1 the V- shaped sash-bars r4, dividing up the frame a into mica panes (or illumination, with vine-leal' projections r" n" n" arranged upon the sashbars.
My invention of a design i'or a heating-stove consists, also, in the manner of ornamenting the tire-pot section (designated at S) by means ofthe zigzag row ot'relietwork, combined with ian-tracery at the top of the section, as shown at fr .r' .1", the row ot' zigzag ornamentation combined willi t'au-tracery, (shown at the base and designated at af 12",) and the contiguous row of Z-shaped figures arranged intermediately to the rows ot' ornamentation at the top and bottom ot' the section, the intermediate work being designated at .'zi m".
My invention also consists in the design for the form and ornamentation of the sectional foot-rail II ll II, each section being arranged opposite the curtained side ot' base between Where the side of the base joins the feet, and having the straight top c* and drooping curtain line of o5 upon its lower boundary, and pendent point c, with a radiant crown produced with intaglio lines upon the cnrtained front near its bottom point, as shown at n", and with an intaglio border-line and scrollwork upon its face, (shown at tf.)
My invention of a design also consists in the manner of ornanienting the surface of the rearward extension ofthe exit-tine K4 by means of a central rosette and a surrounding ring with four radiate branching fans and four intermediate intaglio darts, the latter being arranged at right angles, as shown at fn.
I am well aware that the t'orm ot a attened cone is usually applied to ornament the tops of magazine-stoves, and that my improvement ot" a design upon this older torm consists in substituting for the cone form that of a heini- .':pliere or dome, which latter may be employed as a separate feature of ornamentation without the apex colnm n or surface ornamentation with which I illustrate it, and the ornamental effect produced by the form ot' the top would remain the same.
VVhileI employ the red color of the thermometer-tube to produce an ornamental effect, I make no claim to the thermometer, functionally considered, or otherwise than as its red color in combination with the nickel-plated surfaces adjoining produce an ornamental effect.
I am well aware that there is no invention in the application of the granite color to the magazine-section, considered alone, and myinvention of an ornamental design infwhich it is an element is limited to its combination with the nickel-plated reliefpanels, (designated and illustrated at m,) and the combination of the granite color applied to the magazine-section and the nickel-plated moldings 0 and l), as illustrated.
Having thus described my invention, what I claim, and desire to secure b v Letters latent, is-
l. The design for the ornamental form and surface ornamentation oi a heating-stove top, consisting of thc hemispherical dome A, the upwardly-directed rows ot' points in relict', arranged around and upon the exterior surface ot' the dome at its base, as shown at u', the row ot' contiguous diamond-torni inclosures upon thc crown ot' the dome, as shown at l), and the row ot' radiate points in revolution upon and around the top ot' the dome, as designated at c', and as shown and described.
2. The design for the ornamentation of the stove-top, consisting ot' thc dome-surface A, apex column 13, arranged on the top ot' the latter and having the buttrcssed sides a, with the downwardly-proiecttul i'eet d', ornaments c, steps d, and knobs g upon the latter, as shown and described.
3. The design for the ornamentation of the top ot the stove-dome A, consisting ot' the nickel-plated apex column ll and its nickelplated buttressed sides a", with the red thermometer-tube B", placed between two of the buttresses, as shown and described.
4. The design for the ornamentation ot' a heating-stove top, consisting of the dome A, the base-band molding in revolution around the bottoni ofthe dome, the ovcrhanging ring j below the molding, with the ring having at its lower edge the row of scallops lc, and thc molding and ring nickel-plated, as shown and described.
5. The design for the ornamentationof the top of a heating-stove, and consisting ot' the dome A, the radiate-point ornamentation in revolution upon the surface of the latter atits top, (shown at 0,) the row of contiguous diamond-form ornamentation upon the crown of the dome, (designated at 1),) the rows ot' ornamental points in revolution around the base ofthe dome, (designated at a,) the band-molding t', and the overhanging ring j, as shown and described.
(i. The design for the ornamentation of thc top ofthe magazine-section of a heating-stove, and consisting of the reversed ovolo molding O, arranged in revolution around the top of the section, and having upon its upper and lower edges the waving lines, (designated at Z 5,) with the molding nickel-plated, as shown and described.
7. The design for the ornamentation of the magazine-section ofa heating-stove, consisting of the gray granite color applied to the sec tion, as shown at C, and the nickel-plated panels m m m, applied to the section, as shown and described.
8. The design for the ornamentation of the magazine-section of a heating-stove, consisting of the gray granite color applied to the magazine-section, (designated at G,) the upper TOO reversed ovolo molding, O, and the base-molding D, having the line ot' upwardly-projected scallops 7c, as shown and described.
9. The design for the ornamentation ol' the combustion-chamber doors of a heating-stove, consisting of the frame z and the horizontallycurved sash-bar r', the upright sash-bar 1"', which, below where it intersects the horizontal bar, is single, and above the intersection branches in two spreadin g bars to join the top of the frame, as shown and described.
10. The design for the ornamentation ol' the doors of the combnStien-chamber oi' a heatingstove, consisting of the frame z, horizontallycnrved sash-bar fr', upwardly-extended and branching sash-bar r, with vine-lent' projections VV W upon the sides oi' the bars, as shown and described.
1]. The design for the ornamentation ofthe doors of the lower mica section of a heatingstove, and consisting of the frame z and the branching sash-bar r4, the latter having a single pontof attachment at its base,and branching therefrom upwardly in two curved spreading lilies to join the top of tlic frame, and the sash-bar ornarnen ted with vine-leaf projections upon its edge, as designated at r, as shown and described.
12. The design for the ornamentation oi' the lire-pot section of a heating-stove, and consistingof the row of zigzag relief figures combined with l'an ornaments and arranged around the side of the fire-pot section at its top, (designated at .r' afg) the row of zigzag relief iigures combined with fan igures upon the side of the section at its bottom, (designated at w" and the contiguous row oZ-shaped ornaments in revolution around the side of' the section at its center, (designated at m" m",) as s and described.
13. The design for the ornamentation ornamental form ol" the sectional foot-rail H cach section having the straight top o, the notched and d roopingcnrtained bottom boundary, c5 o5, and pendent point o, with a. radiant crown produced by intaglio lines upon its exterior face, near the bottom, (designated at in) and with an intaglio border-line and scrolls upon its outer surface, as shown at t", and described.
14. The design lor the ornamentation shown Aupon the rearward line-extension of the stove, (designated at Ki) and consisting of a central rosette and surrounding ring in relief, with four intaglio darts radiating from the ring, and lour fan figures in reliefI at right angles to each other and between the darts, as shown at n, and as herein described.
15. The design for the ornamentation of a heating-stove, consisting of the dome-formed top A, the ornamentation of the magazine-section U, its gray-granite-color relief-panels, and top and bottom moldings in revolution, the form and ornament-ation of the doors of the combustion-chamber E, the form and ornamentation of the doors ot' the lower mica scction, F, the ornamentation of the tire-pot section G, and the form and ornamentation of the base I, as shown and described.
Signed at Troy, New York, this 30th day of Julie, 1880.



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