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Index to OEIS: Section Ro
Index to OEIS: Section Ro
- This is a section of the Index to the OEIS®.
- For further information see the main Index to OEIS page.
- Please read Index: Instructions For Updating Index to OEIS before making changes to this page.
- If you did not find what you were looking for in this Index, you can always search the database for a particular word or phrase.
- Full list of sections:
[ Aa | Ab | Al | Am | Ap | Ar | Ba | Be | Bi | Bl | Bo | Br | Ca | Ce | Ch | Cl | Coa | Coi | Com | Con | Cor | Cu | Cy | Da | De | Di | Do | Ea | Ed | El | Eu | Fa | Fe | Fi | Fo | Fu | Ga | Ge | Go | Gra | Gre | Ha | He | Ho | Ia | In | J | K | La | Lc | Li | Lo | Lu | M | Mag | Map | Mat | Me | Mo | Mu | N | Na | Ne | Ni | No | Nu | O | Pac | Par | Pas | Pea | Per | Ph | Poi | Pol | Pos | Pow | Pra | Pri | Pro | Ps | Qua | Que | Ra | Rea | Rel | Res | Ro | Ru | Sa | Se | Si | Sk | So | Sp | Sq | St | Su | Sw | Ta | Te | Th | To | Tra | Tri | Tu | U | V | Wa | We | Wi | X | Y | Z | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
- Robbins constant: A073012
- Robbins numbers: A005130*
- Robbins numbers: see also A005160
- Robbins numbers: see also matrices, alternating sign
- Robbins triangle: A048601*, A029656/A029638, A102610
Robinson's constant: A001205*
- Rogers-Ramanjuan continued fraction: A050203
- Rogers-Ramanujan identities: A003114*, A003106*, A006141
Roman numerals for n: A006968*
Roman numerals: see also (1) A002904 A002963 A002964 A003587 A003588 A014287 A036741 A036741 A036742 A036743 A036746 A036786
Roman numerals: see also (2) A036787 A036788
Roman numerals: see also Index entries for sequences related to number of letters in n
Ron's sequence: A006255, A066400, A066401
- rook tours: A003763*, A096121, A006071
- rook tours: see also graphs, Hamiltonian
- rook walks: see also graphs, Hamiltonian
- Rooks: A000903, A006071
- rooted trees , see also mobiles
- rooted trees , see also trees
- rooted trees , A000081* (unlabeled), A000169* (labeled)
- rooted trees, (2,3), A001005
- rooted trees, 1-2, A006893
- rooted trees, 2-ary, see: rooted trees, binary
- rooted trees, 2-colored, A000151, A004113, A005753, A029856, A031148, A032306, A038049, A038053, A038055*, A038057*, A038075, A038077, A052316
- rooted trees, 3-ary, see: rooted trees, ternary
- rooted trees, 3-colored, A006964, A029857, A038050, A038059*, A038061*, A038076, A038079, A047891
- rooted trees, 4-ary, A019498, A036606, A036609-A036614, A036627-A036633
- rooted trees, 4-colored, A052763
- rooted trees, 5-ary, A019499, A036607, A036615-A036620, A036634-A035540
- rooted trees, 5-colored, A052788
- rooted trees, 6-ary, A019500, A036608, A036621-A036626, A036641-A036647
- rooted trees, 7-ary, A019501
- rooted trees, achiral, A003240, A003241*, A005627, A003237
- rooted trees, asymmetric (1): A004111*, A005355, A005754, A007560, A022553, A031148, A032101-A032105, A035353, A038075, A038076
- rooted trees, asymmetric (2): A038077, A038079, A038081-A038093, A048829-A048832, A052301, A052325, A055327-A055333
- rooted trees, AVL: A006265, A029758, A036662, A134306, A143897, A228152, A228153, A228155
- rooted trees, B-trees, A014535, A037026
- rooted trees, binary (1): A000108 (Catalan numbers), A000671, A001190* (Wedderburn-Etherington numbers), A001699, A002572, A002844, A004019*
- rooted trees, binary (2): A005588, A006223, A006365, A006679, A014167, A014168, A014169, A014171, A019275, A035010, A035102, A036602
- rooted trees, binary (3): A036587, A036588, A036589, A036590, A036591, A036592, A036593, A036594, A036595, A036596, A036597, A036589
- rooted trees, binary (4): A036599, A036600, A036601, A036656-A036658, A036661, A036774*, A063895
- rooted trees, binary, see also: rooted trees, AVL; rooted trees, red-black
- rooted trees, boron, A000671*
- rooted trees, by generators, A007151, A108521*, A108522-A108525
- rooted trees, by internal nodes, A108530
- rooted trees, carbon, A000678
- rooted trees, chiral planted, A005628
- rooted trees, codes for, A005517, A005518
- rooted trees, composite binary, A035102
- rooted trees, constant, A051491, A051492, A051496
- rooted trees, directed, A006964*
- rooted trees, evolutionary, A007151
- rooted trees, fixed points in, A005200*, A005202
- rooted trees, game, A048829, A048830, A048831, A048832
- rooted trees, genealogical, A003686
- rooted trees, Greg, A005264*, A048160, A052300*, A052301
- rooted trees, height 02, A000041 (partition numbers), A000110 (Bell numbers), A000551*
- rooted trees, height 03, A000235*, A000258, A000552*, A001383, A001970, A036371, A036443, A036627, A036634, A036641, A038082, A048808, A050351
- rooted trees, height 04 (1): A000299*, A000307, A000553*, A001384, A007713, A036372, A036419, A036587, A036593, A036609, A036615
- rooted trees, height 04 (2): A036621, A036628, A036635, A036642, A038084, A038088, A048809, A050352
- rooted trees, height 05 (1): A000342*, A000357, A001385, A007714, A036588, A036373, A036420, A036594, A036610, A036616, A036622
- rooted trees, height 05 (2): A036629, A036636, A036643, A036662, A038085, A038089, A048810, A050353
- rooted trees, height 06 (1): A000393*, A000405, A034823, A036589, A036374, A036421, A036595, A036611, A036617, A036623, A036630
- rooted trees, height 06 (2): A036637, A036644, A038085, A038090, A048811
- rooted trees, height 07 (1): A000418*, A001669, A034824, A036590, A036375, A036422, A036596, A036612, A036618, A036624, A036631
- rooted trees, height 07 (2): A036638, A036645, A038086, A038091, A048812
- rooted trees, height 08 (1): A000429*, A034825, A036376, A036423, A036591, A036597, A036613, A036619, A036625, A036632, A036639
- rooted trees, height 08 (2): A036646, A038087, A038092, A048813
- rooted trees, height 09, A034826, A036647, A036424, A036592, A036598, A036614, A036620, A036626, A036633, A048814
- rooted trees, height 10, A036425, A036599, A048815
- rooted trees, height 11, A036426, A036600
- rooted trees, height 12, A036427, A036601
- rooted trees, height of (1): A001699, A001853, A001854, A001864, A002658, A003686, A005588, A006223, A006893, A007715, A036370
- rooted trees, height of (2): A036437, A036606, A036607, A036608, A038081, A038093, A048816, A072638
- rooted trees, Husimi, A000237, A035082*, A035086, A035087*, A035351, A035352, A035353, A035357
- rooted trees, hybrid binary, A007863, A011270, A011272, A011274
- rooted trees, identity: see rooted trees, asymmetric
- rooted trees, increasing: A008292
- rooted trees, involution: A032035, A091481*, A091486*, A091488
- rooted trees, lableling (Goebel), A061773, A061775, A005517, A005518
- rooted trees, leaves, (cont): A055897
- rooted trees, leaves, A003227, A008292, A055277*, A055278-A055289, A055302*, A055303-A055313, A055327-A055333
- rooted trees, linear, see rooted trees, planar, planted
- rooted trees, M-type, A006959, A052315
- rooted trees, matched, A005750, A005753, A005754
- rooted trees, nodes, A055544
- rooted trees, noncrossing, A006629, A023053, A030980, A030981, A030982, A030983, A045721, A045722, A045737, A045738
- rooted trees, normalized total height, A000435, A001863
- rooted trees, of subsets, A005804, A005172, A036249*, A048802*
- rooted trees, ordered, see: rooted trees, planar
- rooted trees, oriented, A000151*, A005750, A005753, A005754
- rooted trees, partially labeled, A000107, A000444, A000524, A000525
- rooted trees, permutation, A005355, A050383*
- rooted trees, phylogenetic, A000311, A005804, A006677, A006678, A006679
- rooted trees, planar, A000758, A000957, A000958, A001895, A003239*, A007852-A007860, A014300, A014301, A022553, A032010, A032028, A033297, A047891, A106361, A106362
- rooted trees, planar, dyslexic (1): A032047, A032048, A032065, A032066, A032068, A032101-A032105, A032119, A032128, A032129*
- rooted trees, planar, dyslexic (2): A032132, A032133, A038035*
- rooted trees, planar, planted, A000108* (Catalan numbers), A032009, A032027, A032030, A050351, A050352, A050353, A014486
- rooted trees, plane, encodings of , sequences related to :
- rooted trees, plane, encodings of, (For the subsets of A014486 the sequence in parentheses gives the positions therein.)
- rooted trees, plane, encoded as totally balanced binary strings: (01) A014486*, A057517 (A057518), A057119 (A057120), A057122 (A057123), A057547 (A057548), A061855 (A061856)
- rooted trees, plane, encoded as totally balanced binary strings: (02) A075165 (A075161), A080069 (A080068), A080118 (A080119), A080263 (A080265), A080293 (A080295), A080299 (A080298)
- rooted trees, plane, encoded as totally balanced binary strings: (03) A080973 (A080975), A080971 (A080970), A080981 (A080980), A081292 (A081291), A083932 (A083934), A083936 (A083930),
- rooted trees, plane, encoded as totally balanced binary strings: (04) A083937 (A072795), A083939 (A083938), A083941 (A083940), A002542 (A083942), A084107 (A084108), A085224 (A085223)
- rooted trees, planted, A003227, A005202, A006677, A006678, A006679, A006894, A007151
- rooted trees, pointed, A000107*, A000243, A000312*, A008295
- rooted trees, powers of enumerator, A000106, A000242, A000300, A000343, A000395, A000439, A000529
- rooted trees, prime binary, A035010
- rooted trees, projective plane: A006079, A006080*, A066317
- rooted trees, quartic planted, A000598
- rooted trees, red-black: A001131, A001137, A001138, A027383
- rooted trees, search, A007077 , A007078, A019497-A019501
- rooted trees, series-reduced planted (1): A000669, A001678*, A001859, A001860, A031148, A032030, A032068, A032105, A032119
- rooted trees, series-reduced planted (2): A032132, A032133, A050381
- rooted trees, series-reduced, A000311*, A001679*, A005804, A005805, A006677, A058735, A058737, A059123*, A007827*
- rooted trees, spanning, A030438
- rooted trees, steric planted, A000625, A000628
- rooted trees, symmetries in planted, A003609, A003611, A003613, A003615, A007135, A007136
- rooted trees, ternary, A000598*, A002658, A006894, A019497, A036370-A036376, A036419-A036427, A036437, A036443
- rooted trees, triangle, A008295, A033185, A034781, A036370, A036437, A036602, A036606, A036607, A036608
- rooted trees, trimmed, A002955*, A052318*, A052319
- rooted trees, trimmed, see also: trees, with a forbidden limb
- rooted trees, unary-binary, A002658, A029766*, A072638
- rooted trees, with a forbidden limb, A002955, A014267, A014276
- rooted trees, with(out) a primary branch, A027415, A027416
- rooted trees: see also (1): A000226, A001257, A003120, A003238, A005373, A006850, A006871, A006900, A006930, A007439, A007562,
- rooted trees: see also (2): A027852, A029855, A032305, A036765-A036778, A001257, A050395, A050396, A074045
- rooted trees: see also mobiles
- rooted trees: see also trees
Roots, n-th root of x, decimal expansion of :
- Decimal expansion of the n-th root of x = 5, n = 6..20: A011200 ... A011214 ; x = 6, n = 6..20: A011215 ... A011229
- x = 7, n = 6..20: A011230 ... A011244 ; x = 8, n = 6 .. 20: A011245 ... A011259
- x = 9, n = 7..19: A011261 ... A011273 (only odd n; only every other A-number.)
- x = 10, n = 6..20: A011275 ... A011289 ; x = 11, n = 6..20: A011290 ... A011304 ; x = 12, n = 6 .. 20: A011305 ... A011319 ;
- x = 13, n = 6..20: A011320 ... A011334 ; x = 14, n = 6..20: A011335 ... A011349 ; x = 15 ; n = 6 ... 20: A011350 ... A011364.
- x = 16, n = 6..20: A011365 ... A011379 ; x = 17, n = 6..20: A011380 ... A011394 ; x = 18 ; n = 6 ... 20: A011395 ... A011409.
- x = 19, n = 6..20: A011410 ... A011424 ; x = 20, n = 6..20: A011425 ... A011439.
- Decimal expansion of the n-th root of n: A011439 (n = 20), ..., A011449 (n = 30), ..., A011459 (n = 40), ..., A011469 (n = 50),
rotation distance: A005152
Rose Windows: see Index entries for sequences related to stained glass windows
rough numbers: see smooth numbers
row sums of a triangle, Maple code for: A151615
Rowland's prime-generating sequence: A106108*, A132199*, A137613, A191304
Rowland's prime-generating sequence: see also A084662, A084663, A134734, A134736, A134743, A134744, A135506, A139759, A141537, A166944, A166945, A167168, A167170, A167195, A167197, A167493, A167494, A167495, A168143, A168144
royal paths in a lattice: A006318*
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- For further information see the main Index to OEIS page.
- Please read Index: Instructions For Updating Index to OEIS before making changes to this page.
- If you did not find what you were looking for in this Index, you can always search the database for a particular word or phrase.
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[ Aa | Ab | Al | Am | Ap | Ar | Ba | Be | Bi | Bl | Bo | Br | Ca | Ce | Ch | Cl | Coa | Coi | Com | Con | Cor | Cu | Cy | Da | De | Di | Do | Ea | Ed | El | Eu | Fa | Fe | Fi | Fo | Fu | Ga | Ge | Go | Gra | Gre | Ha | He | Ho | Ia | In | J | K | La | Lc | Li | Lo | Lu | M | Mag | Map | Mat | Me | Mo | Mu | N | Na | Ne | Ni | No | Nu | O | Pac | Par | Pas | Pea | Per | Ph | Poi | Pol | Pos | Pow | Pra | Pri | Pro | Ps | Qua | Que | Ra | Rea | Rel | Res | Ro | Ru | Sa | Se | Si | Sk | So | Sp | Sq | St | Su | Sw | Ta | Te | Th | To | Tra | Tri | Tu | U | V | Wa | We | Wi | X | Y | Z | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]