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nLab surface




A surface is a space of dimension 2, usually understood to be connected.

In differential topology/differential geometry this means a 2-dimensional (differentiable/smooth) manifold.

In complex analytic geometry this usually means a complex manifold of complex dimension 2 (hence real dimension 4).

Similarly and more generally, in algebraic geometry an algebraic surface is a variety of algebraic dimension 2.



The oriented closed real surfaces are classified, up to isomorphism, by a natural number gg \in \mathbb{N} called the genus (intuitively its “number of holes”, in a sense):

genusoriented surface
002-sphere S 2S^2
112-torus 𝕋 2\mathbb{T}^2
22double torus Σ 2 2\Sigma^2_2

(cf. Kinsey 1991 Thm. 4.14, Gallier & Xu 2013 Thm 6.3, Thm. 4.14)

Here the closed oriented surface Σ g 2\Sigma^2_g of genus gg may be obtained from the regular 4 g 4g -gon by identifying

and, going clockwise for k{0,,g1}k \in \{0, \cdots, g-1\},

  • the 4k+14k+1st boundary edge with the reverse of the 4k+34k +3rd,

  • the 4k+24k+2nd edge with the reverse of the 4k+44k+4th.

Similarly, the non-orientable closed real surfaces are classified by a positive natural number h 1h \in \mathbb{N}_{\geq 1}, also called the (non-orientable) genus or the number of crosscaps

# crosscapsnon-orientable surface
11projective plane P 2\mathbb{R}P^2
22Klein bottle P 2#P 2\mathbb{R}P^2 # \mathbb{R}P^2

Here the non-orientable surface Σ g¯ 2\Sigma^2_{\overline{g}} with hh crosscaps may be obtained from the regular 2 h 2h -gon by identifying

and, going clockwise for k{0,,h1}k \in \{0, \cdots, h-1\},

  • the 2k+12k+1st boundary edge with the 2k+22k + 2nd.

(This is a conveniently concise but not the most intuitively visualized choice of fundamental polygons – other choices are possible and often discussed, cf. also MO:q/172784.)


The above classification may be restated in algebro-topological terms by saying that (the homotopy type of) the oriented closed genus=g=g surface has a 2-dimensional CW-complex-structure exhibited by the following pointed cell attachment:

Here 2gS 1\bigvee_{2g} S^1 is the wedge sum of 2g2g circles, whose fundamental group is the free group on 2g2g generators (a i,b i) i=1 g(a_i, b_i)_{i=1}^g, and the attaching map is a representative in this free group of the composition of group commutators

[a i,b i]a ib ia i 1b i 1, [a_i, b_i] \;\coloneqq\; a_i \cdot b_i \cdot a_i^{-1} \cdot b_i^{-1} \,,

as indicated.

Similarly for (the homotopy type of) the non-orientable surface Σ h¯ 2\Sigma^2_{\overline{h}} of crosscap number hh:

It follows that:


The fundamental group of the oriented closed real surface Σ g 2\Sigma^2_g of genus gg \in \mathbb{N} (see above) is the quotient group of the free group on 2g2g generators (a 1,,a g,b 1,,b g)(a_1, \cdots, a_g, \, b_1, \cdots, b_g) by the normal subgroup generated by the group product of the group commutators [a i,b i][a_i, b_i] of the sequence of pairs of generators:

π 1(Σ g 2)a 1,,a g,b 1,,b g/( i[a i,b i]). \pi_1\big( \Sigma^2_g \big) \;\simeq\; \big\langle a_1, \cdots, a_g ,\, b_1, \cdots, b_g \big\rangle \big/ \Big( \textstyle{\prod_i} [a_i, b_i] \Big) \,.

Similarly, the fundamental group of the non-orientable closed real surface Σ h¯ 2\Sigma^2_{\overline{h}} with h 1h \in \mathbb{N}_{\geq 1} crosscaps is the quotient group of the free group on hh generators (a 1,,a h)(a_1, \cdots, a_h) by the normal subgroup generated by the group product of the squares a 2a ia ia^2_ \,\coloneqq\, a_i \cdot a_i of the sequence of pairs of generators:

π 1(Σ h¯ 2)a 1,,a h/( ia i 2). \pi_1\big( \Sigma^2_{\overline{h}} \big) \;\simeq\; \big\langle a_1, \cdots, a_h \big\rangle \big/ \Big( \textstyle{\prod_i} a_i^2 \Big) \,.

(cf. Gallier & Xu 2013 p 100, Actipes 2013 Thm. 6.3).


manifolds in low dimension:



See also:

Review and exposition of the classification of surfaces by fundamental polygons:

  • E. C. Zeeman: An Introduction to Topology – The Classification theorem for Surfaces [pdf, pdf, pdf]

  • Chen Hui George Teo: Classification of Surfaces, REU notes (2011) [pdf, pdf]

  • Thomas George: The Classification of Surfaces with Boundary, REU notes (2001) [pdf, pdf]

  • Eugene Gorsky: Classification of Surfaces, lecture notes (2021) [pdf]

  • Ana da Silva Rodrigues: Classification of Surfaces, BSc thesis, ETH (2023) [pdf, pdf]

See also:

Review of the computation of the fundamental group of surfaces:

  • Matthew Actipes: On the fundamental group of surfaces, REU notes (2013) [pdf, pdf]

Discussion of de Rham cohomology of surfaces:

Last revised on January 15, 2025 at 12:09:09. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.