Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Philosophie
The article conceptually investigates a type of gender murder, “romantic femicide.” I understand this as the extreme form of violence that occurs as result of men’ incapacity to cope with their (female) partners' autonomy and power. The... more
Cinema e filosofia 1 'acquoso flirt di sguardi, ambientato in una metropolitana, tra il protagonista Brandon (Michael Fassbender) e una bella signora, capelli rossi e anello di fidanzamento al dito, segna la fine del secondo... more
In this rich and manifold collection, Sally Haslanger has gathered seventeen groundbreaking essays in which the conceptual resources of analytic metaphysics, social ontology and philosophy of language are put into play in order to deal... more
This essay aims at exploring the intersections of two key-concepts of the Hegelian Critical Theory tradition, namely the categories of freedom and alienation. The concept of freedom at stake here relies on the idea of social freedom,... more
Il presente volume è stato pubblicato con il contributo del Dipartimento di Filosofi a e Beni culturali dell'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia. 157 4. 2 Le condizioni della critica 165 4. 3 Problemi di normatività 179
L’articolo è dedicato alla diagnosi di un modo del riconoscimento che sembra allacciarsi strettamente alle dinamiche del «dominio di genere», qui studiato nel contesto dell’amore, sia parentale che romantico. Facendo interagire alcune... more
The article aims at reconstructing the threefold account of power that Habermas presents in Between Facts and Norms (1992) for the purposes of a critical theory of democracy. In this work, Habermas distinguishes three modes of power:... more
The article aims at giving a critical account of gender domination by drawing on the concepts of recognition as presented in the work of Axel Honneth and Jessica Benjamin. I consider this form of domination as a pathology of love, which... more
Fa parte della morale non essere mai a casa propria." (Th. W. Adorno) L'ultimo lavoro di Bernardo Bertolucci, Io e te (2012), è un autentico Bertolucci: meno opulento forse di precedenti fatiche, ma l'impudenza della macchina da presa che... more
Conflicts between work and family life are front-page news. The conference is born out of the belief that the framing of these conflicts in mainstream culture - as a matter of personal choice or flexibility of employers to the needs of... more
In this paper, I address a highly controversial question in feminist philosophy, namely the so-called sex/gender distinction, from a Deweyan perspective. I argue that Dewey’s naturalism provides useful insights for dealing with and... more