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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 23, 2024

Simulation of doubly stochastic Poisson point processes and application to nucleation of nanocrystals and evaluation of exciton fluxes

  • Karl K. Sabelfeld ORCID logo EMAIL logo and Stepan Glazkov


In this study we solve the following problem: Simulate random 2D Poisson point processes with a desired correlation function. To solve this problem we suggest the following algorithm: (1) simulate a positive valued random process with the desired correlation function, (2) use this process as an intensity of the doubly stochastic Poisson random point process. We apply this algorithm to simulate random distribution of nanocrystals on a plane. Then we apply the developed methods to calculate excitonic fluxes to the family of generated nanocrystals.

MSC 2020: 65C05; 65C20; 82D37

Award Identifier / Grant number: 24-11-00107

Funding statement: Support of the Russian Science Foundation under Grant 24-11-00107 is gratefully acknowledged


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Received: 2024-05-19
Revised: 2024-08-03
Accepted: 2024-08-05
Published Online: 2024-08-23
Published in Print: 2024-09-01

© 2024 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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