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journal: Monte Carlo Methods and Applications Impact Factor: 0.8
Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published since January 1, 1995

Monte Carlo Methods and Applications

ISSN: 1569-3961
Managing Editor: Karl K. Sabelfeld
Editorial Board: Kurt Binder, Nicolas Bouleau, Alexandre J. Chorin, Ivan Dimov, Alain Dubus, Alexander D. Egorov, Sergei M. Ermakov, John H. Halton, Stefan Heinrich, Chi-Ok Hwang, Malvin H. Kalos, Dmitry R. Kolyukhin, D. Lepingle, Yaohang Li, Roman Makarov, Michael Mascagni, Peter Mathe, Harald Niederreiter, Giray Ökten
, Shigeyoshi Ogawa, Eckhard Platen, Brian R. Sawford, Wolfgang Ch. Schmid, John Schoenmakers, Irina A. Shalimova, Ilya M. Sobol, Jerry Spanier, Denis Talay, Wolfgang Wagner
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