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June 28, 2007
We are interested in the numerical scheme for the estimation of the volatility of a given price process S t , which in the Black-Sholes paradigm is supposed to follow the Itô type stochastic differential equation.
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June 28, 2007
The present article focuses on the use of difference methods in order to approximate the solutions of stochastic partial differential equations of Itô type, in particular hyperbolic equations. We develop the main notions of deterministic difference methods, i.e. convergence, consistency and stability for the stochastic case. We prove a stochastic version of Lax-Richtmyer theorem giving the existence of a weak convergent subsequence of the approximating scheme if the scheme is both consistent and stable.
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June 28, 2007
Taking advantage of the recent literature on exact simulation algorithms (Beskos, Papaspiliopoulos and Roberts [A. Beskos, O. Papaspiliopoulos, and Gareth O. Roberts, Retrospective exact simulation of diffusion sample paths. Bernoulli 12 (December 2006).]) and unbiased estimation of the expectation of certain functional integrals (Wagner [W. Wagner, Unbiased Monte Carlo evaluation of certain functional integrals. J. Comput. Phys . 71 (1987), 21–33.], Beskos et al. [A. Beskos, O. Papaspiliopoulos,Gareth O. Roberts, and P. Fearnhead, Exact and computationally efficient likelihood-based estimation for discretely observed diffusion processes. To appear in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B .] and Fearnhead et al. [P. Fearnhead, O. Papaspiliopoulos, and G. O. Roberts, Particle Filters for Partially observed diffusions. Working paper: Lancaster University . (2006).]), we apply an exact simulation based technique for pricing continuous arithmetic average Asian options in the Black & Scholes framework. Unlike existing Monte Carlo methods, we are no longer prone to the discretization bias resulting from the approximation of continuous time processes through discrete sampling. Numerical results of simulation studies are presented and variance reduction problems are considered.