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◄ Whicker ►

ablate abrade abrase advertise animal noise argosy ballyhoo bang barking battle cry bawl bay bell bellow bill birdcall blare blast blat blate bleat blemish bloody blubber boat boom boost bottom bran bray break breathe bucket build up bulletin burn burst buzz cackle call capsule case caterwaul chafe chaff chant check cheer chip chirp circularize clang claw coo cork corn shuck cornhusk cortex crack craft craze crow cry cry up cut decorticate detonate detonation discharge drawl epicarp erase erode establish exclaim excoriate explode explosion file flay flute fracture fray frazzle fret fulminate fulmination fusillade gall gash gasp give a write-up give publicity give tongue give voice gnaw gnaw away go off grate graze grind growl grunt gunshot hail halloo hiss holler hollo hooker hoot howl howling hulk hull hurrah hurt husk incise injure jacket keel keen lacerate leviathan lilt low maim make mincemeat of mating call maul meow mew mewl miaow moo mumble murmur mutilate mutter neigh nicker note packet palea pant pare peel peeling phellum pierce pipe placard plug pod pop post post bills post up press-agent promote publicize puff pule puncture rallying cry rasp raze rend rind rip roar rub away rub off rub out rumble run rupture salvo savage scald scalp scorch scotch scour scrape scratch screak scream screech scrub scuff sell shell ship shot shout shriek shuck sibilate sigh sing skin slash slit snap snarl snort sob spiel sprain squall squawk squeak squeal stab stick strain stridulation strip tear thunder traumatize troat trumpet tub twang ululate ululation vessel volley wail war cry war whoop warble watercraft wear wear away whicker whine whinny whisper whoop woodnote wound wrench write up yammer yap yawl yawp yell yelp yip


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