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1. (n.) A wind instrument of music, consisting of a tube or tubes of straw, reed, wood, or metal; any tube which produces musical sounds; as, a shepherd's pipe; the pipe of an organ.

2. (n.) Any long tube or hollow body of wood, metal, earthenware, or the like: especially, one used as a conductor of water, steam, gas, etc.

3. (n.) A small bowl with a hollow steam, -- used in smoking tobacco, and, sometimes, other substances.

4. (n.) A passageway for the air in speaking and breathing; the windpipe, or one of its divisions.

5. (n.) The key or sound of the voice.

6. (n.) The peeping whistle, call, or note of a bird.

7. (n.) The bagpipe; as, the pipes of Lucknow.

8. (n.) An elongated body or vein of ore.

9. (n.) A roll formerly used in the English exchequer, otherwise called the Great Roll, on which were taken down the accounts of debts to the king; -- so called because put together like a pipe.

10. (n.) A boatswain's whistle, used to call the crew to their duties; also, the sound of it.

11. (n.) A cask usually containing two hogsheads, or 126 wine gallons; also, the quantity which it contains.

12. (v. i.) To play on a pipe, fife, flute, or other tubular wind instrument of music.

13. (v. i.) To call, convey orders, etc., by means of signals on a pipe or whistle carried by a boatswain.

14. (v. i.) To emit or have a shrill sound like that of a pipe; to whistle.

15. (v. i.) To become hollow in the process of solidifying; -- said of an ingot, as of steel.

16. (v. t.) To perform, as a tune, by playing on a pipe, flute, fife, etc.; to utter in the shrill tone of a pipe.

17. (v. t.) To call or direct, as a crew, by the boatswain's whistle.

18. (v. t.) To furnish or equip with pipes; as, to pipe an engine, or a building.

English horn Missouri meerschaum Pandean pipe adjutage aerophone anthem aulos bagpipe ballad bark barrel basset horn basset oboe bassoon bawl bay beep bell bellow blare blast blat blow blow a horn blow the horn blubber bole bombard bong boohoo boom brass bray breathe briar briar pipe bugle butt buzz cackle calabash calean call calumet canalize carillon carol carry cask caterwaul catheter caw channel channelize chant chatter cheep chimera chirk chirp chirr chirrup chitter choir chorus chuck churchwarden clack clarinet clarion clay cluck cock-a-doodle-doo column conduct conduit contrabassoon contrafagotto convey conveyor coo corncob corncob pipe creak croak cromorne cronk croon crow cry cuckoo cylinder cylindroid deliver descant do-re-mi doodle double bassoon double reed double-tongue drainpipe drawl dream drum duct efflux tube embouchure exclaim fantasy fife fipple flute fire hose flageolet flue pipe flume flute funnel gabble gaggle garden hose gas pipe gasp gobble groan growl grunt guggle hautboy heckelphone hiss hogshead honk hoo hookah hoot horn hornpipe hose hosepipe howl hubble-bubble hum hush up hymn intonate intone keen keg key licorice stick lilt line lip look at main make oneself heard meerschaum minstrel moan mouthpiece mumble murmur musette mutter nargileh nipple note notice oaten reed oboe oboe da caccia ocarina offer organ pipe panpipe pant passage peace pipe peal peep penny-whistle piccolo pillar pip pipe cleaner pipe down pipe rack pipe up pipeline pipette piping pommer psalm put through put through channels quack quaver recorder reed reed instrument reed pipe roar roll roller roulade rouleau rumble sax saxophone say scold screak scream screech serenade setup shake shawm shriek shrill shut up siamese siamese connection sibilate sigh sing sing in chorus single reed single-reed instrument siphon skirl skreigh slide snap snarl snorkel snort sob soil pipe sol-fa solmizate sonorophone sough sound sound a tattoo sound taps speak up spot squall squawk squeak squeal standpipe steam pipe


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