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1. (v. i.) To talk fast, or to talk without meaning; to prate; to jabber.

2. (v. i.) To utter inarticulate sounds with rapidity; as, gabbling fowls.

3. (n.) Loud or rapid talk without meaning.

4. (n.) Inarticulate sounds rapidly uttered; as of fowls.

absurdity amphigory babble babblement balderdash bavardage bibble-babble blab blabber blah-blah blather blether blethers blubber bombast bull bullshit cackle call caquet caqueterie carol caw chat chatter cheep chirk chirp chirr chirrup chitter chitter-chatter chuck clack claptrap clatter cluck cock-a-doodle-doo coo croak cronk crow cuckoo dither double-talk drivel drone droning drool drum fiddle-faddle fiddledeedee flummery folderol fudge fustian gab gaggle galimatias gammon gas gibber gibbering gibberish gibble-gabble go on gobble gobbledygook gossip guff guggle gush haver hocus-pocus honk hoo hoot hot air humbug idle talk jabber jargon jaw jibber maunder maundering mere talk mouth mouthing mumble mumbling mumbo jumbo murmur murmuring mutter muttering narrishkeit natter niaiserie nonsense nonsense talk pack of nonsense palaver patter peep piffle pip pipe pour forth prate prating prattle prittle-prattle quack ramble on rant rattle rattle on reel off rigamarole rigmarole rodomontade roll rubbish run on scold sing skimble-skamble sob speak incoherently splutter spout spout off sputter squawk stuff and nonsense stultiloquence susurrate susurration talk away talk nonsense talk on talkee-talkee tittle-tattle trash trill trumpery twaddle twattle tweet twiddle-twaddle twit twitter vapor vaporing waffle waffling warble whisper whispering whistle yak yakkety-yak


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