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◄ Scratch ►

1. (v. t.) To rub and tear or mark the surface of with something sharp or ragged; to scrape, roughen, or wound slightly by drawing something pointed or rough across, as the claws, the nails, a pin, or the like.

2. (v. t.) To write or draw hastily or awkwardly.

3. (v. t.) To cancel by drawing one or more lines through, as the name of a candidate upon a ballot, or of a horse in a list; hence, to erase; to efface; -- often with out.

4. (v. t.) To dig or excavate with the claws; as, some animals scratch holes, in which they burrow.

5. (v. i.) To use the claws or nails in tearing or in digging; to make scratches.

6. (v. i.) To score, not by skillful play but by some fortunate chance of the game.

7. (n.) A break in the surface of a thing made by scratching, or by rubbing with anything pointed or rough; a slight wound, mark, furrow, or incision.

8. (n.) A line across the prize ring; up to which boxers are brought when they join fight; hence, test, trial, or proof of courage; as, to bring to the scratch; to come up to the scratch.

9. (n.) Minute, but tender and troublesome, excoriations, covered with scabs, upon the heels of horses which have been used where it is very wet or muddy.

10. (n.) A kind of wig covering only a portion of the head.

11. (n.) A shot which scores by chance and not as intended by the player; a fluke.

12. (a.) Made, done, or happening by chance; arranged with little or no preparation; determined by circumstances; haphazard; as, a scratch team; a scratch crew for a boat race; a scratch shot in billiards.

ablation abort abrade abrasion abrasive adequate anamorphosis attrition autolithograph bad likeness barbouillage bark barley be a printmaker belch bezel bird seed birthmark blackhead blare blat blaze blaze a trail bleb blemish blister bloody blot blot out blotch bore botch bran brand bray bread break bruise buffing bulla burlesque burn burnishing burr burrow buzz cackle canal canalize cancel caricature cartoon carve cash caste mark casual cat food caw cease chafe chafing chalk chalk up chamfer channel character charcoal chase check check off checkmark chicken feed chink chip chips chirr chisel chiseling chop cicatrix cicatrize clang clangor clank clash claw close coin color comedo competent competitive conclude concussion copy corn corrugate corrugation crack crackle cranny crater craunch crayon craze crease cribble croak cross out cross-hatching crosshatch crump crunch cursoriness cut dado damage dapple dash dash off daub defacement defect define deformation deformity dele delete delimit delineate delve demarcate demitint depict design determine detrition diagram dig dig out dike discolor discoloration disfiguration disfigurement distortion ditch do double duty dog food doodle dot dough draft draw dredge dressing drill drive earmark eatage efface eliminate elucubrate enchase end engrave engravement engraving ensilage epidermis erase erasure erosion etch etching excavate exclude expunge extempore exteriority fault feed filing finish finish up flash burn flaw fleck flick flute fluting fodder forage fracture fray frazzle freckle fret fretting furrow gall galling gash gem-engraving glass-cutting gloss glyptic goffer good enough gouge gouge out grain grate grave graving graze grazing greenbacks grind grinding groan groove growl grub grumble gully hack half tint haphazard hasty hatch hatching hay hemangioma hen scratches hen tracks hickey hit the ball hurried hurt hustle impress imprint impromptu incise incision informal injure injury inscribe inscript inscription itch jack


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