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1. (n.) Involving haste; done, made, etc., in haste; as, a hasty sketch.

2. (n.) Demanding haste or immediate action.

3. (n.) Moving or acting with haste or in a hurry; hurrying; hence, acting without deliberation; precipitate; rash; easily excited; eager.

4. (n.) Made or reached without deliberation or due caution; as, a hasty conjecture, inference, conclusion, etc., a hasty resolution.

5. (n.) Proceeding from, or indicating, a quick temper.

6. (n.) Forward; early; first ripe.

a bit previous abrupt accident-prone ad-lib advanced agile antsy antsy-pantsy anxious bearish brash breakneck breathless brief brisk careless caught napping caught off balance caught short chafing choleric combustible contentious cranky cursory dashing desperate devil-may-care double-quick eager eagle-winged edgy electrifying excited expeditious explosive express extemporaneous extemporized far ahead fast festinate feverish fiery fleet fleeting flying forward fretful fretting furious galloping hair-trigger half-baked half-cocked haphazard harum-scarum headlong heedless hopped-up hot hot-tempered hotheaded hurried hustling ill-advised ill-considered immediate impatient impetuous impromptu improvised impulsive in a lather in a stew in a sweat incautious inconsiderate instant instantaneous irascible irritable last-minute light of heel light-footed lively mad madcap makeshift mercurial momentary nerve-shattering nimble nimble-footed not firm on edge on the spot overeager overenthusiastic overhasty oversoon overzealous passing passionate peppery perfunctory petulant precipitant precipitate precipitous precocious premature previous prompt quick quick as lightning quick as thought quick-tempered rapid rash reckless restive restless rough-and-ready running rushed rushing shocking short-tempered slap-bang slapdash snap snappy spanking speedy splenetic spunky squirming squirmy startling sudden superficial surprised surprising swift taken aback taken by surprise taken unawares testy thoughtless too early too soon tripped up unanticipated unarranged unbegun unconcocted uncontrived uncrystallized undeliberated undevised uneasy unexpected unforeseen unhatched unjelled unlooked-for unmade unmanufactured unmatured unmeditated unorganized unpatient unplanned unpredicted unpremeditated unprepared unprimed unquiet unready unripe unstudied unthinking untimely urgent volatile volcanic wanton waspish wild winged


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