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1. (v. t.) To move quickly; jostle; to gain energetically; as, to hustle a person out of a room\.

2. (v. i.) To push or crows; to force one's way; to move hastily and with confusion; a hurry.

Charleston Highland fling Lambeth Walk Mexican hat dance Portland fancy Virginia reel Watusi accelerate action activity adventuresomeness adventurousness aggression aggressiveness allemande ambitiousness assault barn dance bear bear upon bearing belly dance bob bobble bolero boogaloo boost bounce bourree boutade branle breakdown buck buffeting bull bulldoze bump bump against bundle bunny hop bunt bustle butt butt against cakewalk can-can celerity cha-cha chase chatter chonchina clog coerce conga cotillion country dance courante cram crowd dash dash off dash on didder dig dispatch do double duty double-time drive drive on dust dynamism eject elbow elbowing elucubrate enterprise enterprisingness expedite expedition expeditiousness falter fan dance fandango festinate flamenco fling flurry flutter fly folk dance force forcefulness forge ahead forward fox trot galliard gavotte german get going get moving get-up-and-get get-up-and-go getup go go ahead go all out go-ahead go-getting go-to-itiveness goad gumption haste hasten hasten on have an ague head helter-skelter hie on hit the ball hokey-pokey hootchy-kootchy hopak hornpipe hotfoot hula hula-hula hurry hurry along hurry on hurry through hurry up hurry-scurry hurtle hustle up initiative interpretative dance jab jactitate jam jar jarring jig jog joggle jolt jostle jostling jounce jump kola lancers leap limbo lindy lose no time lucubrate make haste make things hum mambo mazurka minuet monkey move quickly movement nip nudge nudging overwork ox dance pachanga pas de deux pas seul paso doble passamezzo peabody pile drive plunge poke polka polonaise post pour it on precipitate press press on pressure prod punch push push on push through pushfulness pushiness pushing pushingness quadrille quake quaver quicken quiver race railroad through rain dance ram ram down rattle reel rigadoon rumba run run against rush rush along rush through rustle samba scamper scramble scratch scurry scuttle shake shimmy shiver shock shoot ahead shoulder shove shoving shudder slave snake dance speed speed along speed up speediness spirit sprint spunk spur spurt square dance stampede step lively stir strathspey stress sweat swiftness swim sword dance tamp tango tap dance


Hustings Court
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