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◄ Rupture ►

1. (n.) The act of breaking apart, or separating; as, the rupture of the skin; the rupture of a vessel\ or fiber; the rupture of a lute string.

2. (n.) Breach of peace or concord between individuals; open hostility or war between nations; interruption of friendly relations; as, the parties came to a rupture.

3. (n.) Hernia. See Hernia.

4. (n.) A bursting open, as of a steam boiler, in a less sudden manner than by explosion. See Explosion.

5. (v. t.) To part by violence; to break; to burst; as, to rupture a blood vessel.

6. (v. t.) To produce a hernia in.

7. (v. i.) To suffer a breach or disruption.

abrade abrasion abysm abyss alienation arroyo bark blemish bloody box canyon breach breach of friendship break break in break into break open break through break up breakage breaking breaking up burn burst burst in bursting bust bust in canyon cave in cavity chafe chap chasm check chimney chink chip claw cleavage cleave cleft cleuch clough col come apart come unstuck concussion coulee couloir crack crackle cranny craze crevasse crevice cut cut apart cwm defile dell detachment dike disaffection disfavor disintegrate disjoin disrupt disruption dissect dissolution disunion disunite disunity ditch divergence divide dividedness division divorce divorcement donga draw estrangement excavation exfoliate fall to pieces falling-out fault fissure flash burn flaw flume force open fracture fray frazzle fret furrow gall gap gape gash give away give way gorge groove gulch gulf gully hole hurt incise incision injure injury joint kloof lacerate laceration leak lesion maim make mincemeat of maul moat mortal wound mutilate mutilation notch nullah open open rupture opening part parting partition pass passage pierce prize open puncture ravine recall of ambassadors rend rent rift rime rip rive run savage scald scale schism scissure scorch scotch scrape scratch scuff seam second-degree burn separate separation sever severance skin slash slice slit slot snap sore splinter split split open split up split-up splitting sprain spring a leak stab stab wound start stick stove in strain sunder tear tear open third-degree burn trauma traumatize trench valley void wadi wound wounds immedicable wrench


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