a book without discrimination of people's reputation,dictator,sportsmen,artists,politicians,gasters.it reveals the dark secrets of capitalism.a ganster said,you can use the system protect yourself as ...a book without discrimination of people's reputation,dictator,sportsmen,artists,politicians,gasters.it reveals the dark secrets of capitalism.a ganster said,you can use the system protect yourself as long as you have enough money.(展开)
微博上看到东东枪发了《讣告》中孙耀庭一篇的 书影 ,看完又找原文对看了一下,有几个地方值得说一下。 原文:The men who run China were uncertain what to do with Sun Yaoting. Some were minded to condemn him to a gulag or simply to execute him. 译文:新中国该如何...
1、Obituaries of 199 people and a dead parrot from “The Economist’s” popular column. Each stylishly written story and accompanying photograph surprises, entertains, and stimulates. The titled, wealthy, and powerful are here, of course, including Diana, P...
27 有用 落地麦子 2016-09-29 12:56:42
1 有用 大约在冬季 2017-04-11 19:28:38
a book without discrimination of people's reputation,dictator,sportsmen,artists,politicians,gasters.it reveals the dark secrets of capitalism.a ganster said,you can use the system protect yourself as ... a book without discrimination of people's reputation,dictator,sportsmen,artists,politicians,gasters.it reveals the dark secrets of capitalism.a ganster said,you can use the system protect yourself as long as you have enough money. (展开)
0 有用 今天你打卡了吗 2022-12-04 01:18:51 海南
1 有用 atrsAkuma 2022-07-16 16:21:49
0 有用 有姓名的Momo 2024-01-15 11:52:17 北京
1.切入点很棒,这样比较容易吸引读者读下去,比如剧作家米勒其实主业是个“木匠”…… 2.适合碎片化阅读,篇幅很短,精彩有余,内容太少,经常意犹未尽之感。 3.以西方,尤其是英美国名人为主,很多人物十分陌生,需要做扩展阅读。当然也适合扩充知识。 4.推荐原版,文笔精湛,“浓缩的艺术”,欲言又止、言外之意、点睛之笔、幽它一默,篇篇皆有。(当然,有些倾向,也自行辨别。)